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Posts posted by laxlife1234

  1. Jacob, nice job on the photos. Did you process them or did you use a preset? I esp. like #2 & #4 in the second set. and the first image you posted. The #1 & #3 in the second set sort of lack diversity in poses. its like she's standing there, hands to the side, I dunno even though the others are busier in the background I like them a lot more.

    Thanks dude, I did process them myself. I finally created a preset I am in love with. I'm really not a fan of most of the photos I took that day, I don't know if it was nerves or just me not knowing what to do, but I don't think it's nearly my best work. It kinda shows that the model wasn't really into the shoot as she just wasn't all that lively during the shoot, actually I don't know if she was nervous or not but I barely got a word out of her the whole shoot and I was doing my best to talk to her the whole time.

  2. good shit, dude. i've been testing a few new faces as well, it's been going great though.

    Thanks a bunch man! Yeah this girl is actually 15... when I first was told that I didn't believe it haha. I have a few more pictures to edit (I also let the booker who was there for the shoot pick out a few she wants edited in case she needs a picture that I might delete).

    Post up some stuff as well I always love seeing other peoples work. What agencies have you used as well?

  3. So... finally got on that agency model flow. Unfortunately my first test was with a new face (not unfortunate, just makes things a bit more challenging is all).

    Here's a teaser. Should have the rest done in the next couple of days.

    Also ignore flickrs horrid sharpening, makes her face, compared to the one in my lightroom, look weird and shit.


    Indira @ Supreme Model by Jacob Skogs | www.jacobskoglund.com, on Flickr

  4. I'm not looking to buy all three, but one of the three. I'm only up for meeting up as I have no money in paypal and I would rather pay in cash.

    I will be in NYC this Sunday, or if you are located on LI I can meet pretty much any day this week.

    I'm looking for a pair in as new condition as possible, as well as a decent price. I'm open to other options, however the only brands I will consider is:

    Samurai, PBJ, Flat Head, or Iron Heart. (Will consider a DH 17.5 or 19cm cut).

    To give an idea I want skinnier cuts, but the three listed in the title take preference. PM me if you have anything.

    Also the shorter the inseam, the better (I am a size 30 inseam).

  5. jake- kiya said on april 1st they'll have the 3109. same fit as the 2109 but different fabric. 17oz / left hand twill / indigo warp / gray weft / gold selvage id / same aging rivets

    if you're looking for another SGs..... i'd hop on that.

    Eventually, maybe if I see a lightly used pair in the used market to save a few bucks. As I quit my job money is a bit tight right and investing in photography gear is expensive so it leaves me with little to no money for other stuff.

  6. Haha, thanks dudes. As far as my belt goes, its never touched any form of leather product, it has just aged naturally and IMO it has aged perfectly. My only regret is that I would have liked 2109s just because they are skinnier.

  7. ^ Haha yeah, I work my best with them though. When I worked with a model over the summer it was a completely different experience.

    Could you elaborate on that?

    Anyways I loved the composition on several of the photos. The one where he the guy was throwing the shirt at the girl, the one where the dude was on the couch and the girl was on her back, The dude on the skateboard with the fire cracker, and the one where they were all walking to the car.

    What i love most about the look book is that it told a story. Thats how lookbooks should be. Pretty inspiring!

    I mean his street style (in another part of his portfolio). My bad, I kinda went off to another thing. I do really like his photos though, it's hard to explain what I really mean. This doesn't apply to the lookbook he shot.

    I was really bored today and did a couple of composites.


    Forgotten by Jacob Skogs | www.jacobskoglund.com, on Flickr


  8. I just came across this lookbook. Holy fuck

    I dont know if you guys remember the user Goslett but he shot this


    You know... his shots are absolutely amazing, but for me the vibe was kinda killed when I realized he was shooting from a distance with a telephoto lens. Almost as if his shots are too good and there aren't any errors. That set you posted was amazing though.

    I see what you're saying Jacob, your intended target audience in the last set was high end, but the poses seem a little dull. I liked the ones in the prior set because it seems more active within the space. I do like number 4 and the 4th from the last in that first set of multiple images you posted on this page. I just feel like your "lifestyle fashion" is my preference I guess. I'm a nobody though, so take what I say as a grain of salt and do what you do :)

    Dude - your opinion means just as much to me as if a famous photographer were to critique my work. I'm sure I'd take each opinion in a different light, but trust me I really do appreciate your input. that being said I personally think that the second set was accomplishing more of what I wanted then in the first set but I see what you mean about poses. I think they were a bit too forced - because the girl wasn't a model I didn't want to be too harsh in telling her what to do so I was trying to work around that (which is why I need models who know what they're doing lol).

  9. lax loving your fashion stuff.

    getting more into that too, like lookbooks and stuff.

    anyways for some inspiration you should look here, this chick is mindblowing.


    in her bio she said shes inspired by femininity, thats something I've been thinking about. Not sure how well i understand feminitiy as a guy.

    Thanks man! Yeah I checked out her stuff - I like it a lot. It's not the typical fashion stuff you would expect, it's nice because it's different and unique.

    But yeah, just met with someone from a modeling agency and he's emailing me a list of models I will be able to test with, so hopefully that goes over well.

  10. Honestly i like the other style better, but they aren't my photos . I just like the tones and the story they look like it could tell. I do like the last one, it seems the most dynamic of the bunch

    I think it's more so the types of edit? Or do you mean the overall feel of the images? I'd say the first set is aimed more at lifestyle vs. the second which could be vintage/higher end? I also didn't nearly edit the second set as much as the first. But thanks!

    Some "lifestyle" images I shot for work a bit ago


    Was browsing through your stuff the other day and I really like the progression you've made from what I remember you posting in here a long time ago (when I used to lurk more often). From a technical standpoint they're pretty spot on.

    I think it's great that you're starting to hone in on your style, but I would also encourage you to keep experimenting and branch out of just one style. These days "fashion photographers" are a dime a dozen, so the thing that will make you marketable to fashion companies/brands/advert agencies/etc is versatility and being able to editorialize and project a certain perspective that will often not necessarily be your own. Especially now that the industry is so incestuous, it's hard to get your foot in the door without knowing someone.

    Thanks a bunch man :)

    I am still in the process of finding what style I enjoy doing, but as I'm experimenting I guess I'm going through many different types of styles. I'd like to be more lifestyle fashion & high end fashion. Also still experimenting with many editing styles so once I have a set editing style I'm hoping it will make things a bit easier as well. But thanks a ton for the advice - I always appreciate it!

    Dont you live in NYC? Just hit up agencies.. Dont be afraid to do so either. Granted the worst they can say is "No" but theyre genrally pretty polite. They always want clean images for their new faces, I think you could easily offer that.

    As minimalist as my work may be perceived, alot of post work goes into it as well. You have to learn when to draw the line though, and that can be hard. I notice you have a lengthy gear list, and I think its also best to learn to not be so focused on gear, but to be focused on being "creative," and becoming more "hands on."

    btw, really dig the last set.

    Thank you (for the advice & compliment)! I have hit up a few agencies before (no reply though), but I feel like I have way more in my portfolio to work with now so I'm going to definitely hit up a few agencies and see if I can set something up.

    Definitely didn't mean to make it seem like I said your work is minimalist in the post production, I just love how it's clean which I know takes a good knowledge in post to obtain.. I'm still trying to find what types of edit I like.

    As much as I've been through a TON of gear, I've never actually owned more then 2 lenses and 1 camera body at a time lol. I would have another lens, but I'm trying to get more invested in lighting.. I just sold off my studio strobes as I rarely used them to get an Elinchrom ranger set so I can actually use it on location wherever I am (I figured it made more sense lol).

    Here's actually the collections from both those shoots:





  11. Man its hard to to really say as to what will pull you in either direction.. its going to be to your own interpretation. Shit, My portfolio has been scattered all over the place, so Ive definitely been there. At this point, Im really happy with my portfolio as it sits, it appears to be consistent or "cohesive." To me fashion work involves more of the attitude the model puts forth, the clothing, ad the interaction between you as the photographer and the 2 previous variables. haha sounds dumb Im sure. My personal mentor is actually on here as well, xcoalesce (fuck I always forget his sn) but if you were to ask him of his struggle and his 3rd person view of my struggle, man.. itd be a lengthy story of ups & downs (mostly downs)

    Either way brotha, youre doing great! Id say right now, look at your overall tone, the White Balance. Most editorial work will have an overall "image" so try not to be to scattered. Most of all, make sure youre having fun, and dont underestimate yourself/dont sell yourself short. Right now, Im in a good place, but I promise you in two weeks, Ill be in the dumps.

    Thanks a bunch for the reply! Yeah, right now I'm still in 'the scattered place" with my portfolio. Individually I like the images I've put into it, but together it just doesn't express what I want it to. The problem for me is that I don't have the models that fashion kinda needs if that makes sense. I do my best directing the models and what poses to do, but I'm not very good in that aspect since I haven't been fortunate enough to work with more fashion models it could also just be my lack of knowledge on fashion though.

    xcoalesce takes some seriously incredible photos though, but you both have different styles. Not that I don't like his style, but I prefer your style more as it's almost more minimalist and doesn't look as photoshopped (not that that's a bad thing). It's also kinda more 'street' the way you take yours since it's using different angles, crops, etc.. I tend to work a lot in photoshop with curves, levels, and the like, but I hope I'll eventually develop the style I love and stick to it.

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