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Posts posted by laxlife1234

  1. Well unfortunately, you have to take the basic camera courses before you can go anything advanced. That's just the way it is, call it job security for the professors. I tried to test out or whatnot and I couldn't. Needless to say, it was a boring first semester lol. (I'm not saying I know everything I just know how to work a camera properly lol)

    Heh - well if that's the case I wont take it as an elective. All I really want is access to a studio and if they have, the lights. I don't know if that's possible, but if it is that would be sweet.

    so i really like pic #2 (best) and #4...not want you to misunderstand my point, but the other ones look like sth. is missing! that special ingredient (if you want to call it like that!) to make the pic interesting and special, so that the viewer want to know more about it and the things that are going on in the pic...most of all pic #2 is telling a little story imo, while the other ones are "just pics"...

    hope you get what i´m trying to say?!...still nice work though

    (shit, i really need to take out the cam again!)...

    Thanks R :)

    Honestly, I love getting critique. Of the few I posted 4 was really the only one I truly like. #1 I just threw up to see what people would think, I definitely don't think that's one of the better shots from the day, #3 to me is ok, but I agree, it is missing something same with the last one.

  2. Jacob, I'm far from a fashion photography expert, but I've done two myself and lifestyle fashion shoots are definitely hip right now. I think you're on the right track :)

    Thanks :) I know I shouldn't say this, but my friends aren't models. I've been stalking MM in hopes of finding a few that I like and are willing to have a shoot... only time and practice will tell what I do. Also when I go off to college, I'm hoping that there are some advanced photography electives I could take.

    the post-process on this one is excellent. subtle yet noticeable.

    Agreed. So much win with that photo. I really want to know how to do that as well.

  3. ^ I am so damn pissed I'm not seeing them this Friday. I couldn't find anyone to go with so instead, I'm seeing Periphery + Deftones Mar. 6th and possibly BTBAM & Coheed Mar. 16th.

  4. Thanks man! Sorry, just saw your post now. Advice: keep shooting and experimenting. Don't overwork yourself. I've thought of asking others the same question, thing is... Your style is your style. If you tend to be gravitating towards what you says "lifestyle," mold it into what you like.

    Ah, ok, thanks a bunch! Yeah, I want to branch into fashion... hopefully I can be a lifestyle fashion photographer - going to need a lot more practice, lol.

    Few images from the shoot this Sunday.




  5. ^ That's so awesome!

    I'm just curious (since I love your fashion work), what recommendations do you have for taking fashion photos? I keep trying but it seems like I just take lifestyle over and over again no matter how much I try to branch out to fashion. I have a potential shoot this sunday where I'll hopefully be able to capture a few fashion inspired photos.

  6. Well done Jacob, All fadings are just on the right place. I would love to see more updates from them for another long time

    Thanks Reudi :) I don't plan on washing them for a loooong time either, hopefully ill beat them up my first year of college.

  7. Do you have any friends that are like musicans or actors,.

    Start hanging around with more people that are into the arts/photography?

    I might shoot a friends upcoming concert and I've been wanting to get into concert photography for a while so hopefully because this will be my second time ill get some good shots. I'm not really good at taking head shots and while I know it's good to be well rounded, I would rather focus on becoming better at fashion photography.

    Unfortunately my school doesn't have many artsy people, mostly high school fuckboys hyped up on popularity than being themselves which kinda sucks as it limits who I want to be friends with, I'm hoping when I get to college next year that'll change though.

  8. I don't really know what else to take pictures of to be honest. I would like to try out some landscape photography but I know zero good spots and I don't have a UWA either. To be honest though, I just want to be really good at taking portraits as I enjoy that the most.

  9. ^you upside down?

    Jacob you should also try cotton fill you can do some crazy faux smoke with it haha

    Yeah I've seen that done before on flickr. Gotta figure out how they do it (making it stay), especially since I stunk up the house.

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