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Posts posted by MikeS

  1. stax, are you a girl that wheres animal print dresses? if not, then no.

    Just playin. Its defiantly interesting but I have a feeling thats more fashion over form. when I need something to hold my drawers up, I need something to hold my drawers up. If It doesn't work great then theres no point for me. And that looks like it wouldn't hold all that tight. Especially once that little piece of leather (the verticle cut one) gets stretched a tiny bit.

  2. Kiya,

    I have a quick question for you on some coats you carry. I have been Eying the Buzz pea coat for some time now waiting for the Chicago winter to pull the trigger. It was going to be a function over form purchase but after seeing the new mister freedom denim pea coat im really in love with it but I have a feeling it is going to be the opposite form over function...

    I know this isn't a fair comparison, like comparing apples to vaginas, but how warm is the MrF denim pea compared to the Buzz wool Pea coat in your opinion?

    I would REALLY REALLY love to grab that denim one but when its -10* with the wind chill in Chicago if that denim pea coat isn't worm I wont care how nice it looks...

    Any help on the 2 would be great. thanks in advance.

  3. Does anyone know of any websites that are dedicated to the history of the 3 levis trucker jackets and their history? I searched for a bit but couldn't find much.

    I have an old wool flannel that I wanted to get sewn into a type 3 as a liner. I purchased a used type 3 and couldnt find much on it. No big E, only 2 chest pockets and number on tag is 71205 0217 and its made in the US. I would love to know what year it is from. Im thinking the 70s or 80s.

    anyone have any ideas?

  4. Shameless plug (so I can post something eventually in PYC)

    I have a large amount of leather stamps im looking to trade for leather. Nature/wildlife, cars/trucks, full zodiac set, ect. If you want some leather stamps and want to trade some leather im looking for both heavy and light leather. Pm me if interested.

  5. I was curious if someone could help me. I'm looking for the page (or guy) who made those "destroyed" belts with all the coper pieces riveted to it. There was all the tears in the belt and what not. It was about 3-5 months back. I've been searching thought the belts page but can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance

  6. Hi Mike, I had the 'pm me if interested' ad' you spoke of (due to me being a noobie dufus on the computer)

    Sold two of the four pairs, the last remaining are big - 37 waist and 39 waist measured. Probably too big for you..no?


    Nope, PMed.

  7. I was wondering if someone could help me out. A few months ago I thought I saw someone advertising some LVCs in there sig that they DIDNT have a thread for. Just a "PM me for details" type ad. If I remember correctly it was for some early model LVCs like some 1890s. Anyone know who this was?

    Out of nowhere I REALLY have the itch to get some early model LVCs with suspenders. Which is weird because I have never had any admiration to wear suspenders. Especially since im only 24 yo and thats not quite quite the style for my age bracket.

    Any help would be great, or suggestions on any older model LVC's. Thanks guys! :)

  8. Finally busted out my SR's I have had for a year and a half. They have become my new work pants and they are fading faster then any other jeans I have owned. They have been worked in almost every day and in the past 9 days since I started wearing them they have faded more then my 55' levis that I have worn for 3 months straight. cant wait to get through the fall and winter with these and see how they turn out...

  9. holy fuck..

    I know what that is.

    just didn't think anyone (that's not listed below) was that stupid to use it.

    hope you have a very good reason for fucking up you body.

    because, at the moment, I can only think of three reasons to take DNP..

    1. you're a competitive bodybuilder

    2. for some reason you need to get lean very quickly

    3. you don't care if you're destroying your liver, immune system, etc. in which case, this whole post is moot.

    Find me one reputable study by a reputable person (university, ect) that shows DNP causes liver problems at ALL and I will paypal you $100 dollars.

  10. I'm sorry to have to break it to you, but your strength is nonexistent because you have probably lost a shit-ton of water weight and muscle mass to go along with the fat.

    Actually, No! :D

    2,4-Dinitrophenol google it.

    I have GAINED water weight. And in the case of 2,4-Dinitrophenol, it takes all the ATP that your body converts from food and uses it. Thus leaving you with no ATP to do any type of work.

    I get winded eating right now...

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