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Posts posted by MikeS

  1. So my mom works for an organic farmer/nursery and she just called me. Supposedly a regular customer that comes there all the time to buy veggies just stopped by with a huge box of "leather making" stuff wanting to know if anyone was interested in it. Supposedly it belonged to someone she knew that passed away that was into leather working. This could potentially be a gold mine. Cant wait to get such said box and see whats in it...

    Sorry, Had to tell someone :)

  2. Haha, thanks? I think? The beard definitely catches people off guard sometimes. I usually just chop it off once a year in the springtime, then let it grow. Gotta have that protective barrier when bicycling a Minneapolis winter.

    lol, I meant no disrespect. I have already went into hibernation mode for the Midwest winter and its still in the 80s here in Chicago. I went over to see my mother just a few hours ago and she says "boy, you are looking rough" and thats only 3 weeks without shaving...

  3. I have 2 vintage pendleton western shirts for sale today in size L. These are in great used shape with no stains, holes or tears and ALL the perl buttons work great. These are both made in the USA.

    Buy Both for 40 plus actual shipping!!!

    Green, Orange, Cream.

    with regular buttons. $20 plus actual shipping from 60452

    Pit to pit 20''

    shoulder 18''




    Brown and tan.

    with perl buttons. $25 plus actual shipping from 60452

    Pit to pit 22''

    Shoulder 18''




    Buy Both for 40 plus actual shipping!!!

  4. No problem w/ that.

    What #s do you put up? Powerlifting or Oly

    Last time I checked PR I did it at a 5 RM as 1RM really dosnt do anything for me. 5RM too me is so much more functional. Anywho. My 5RM as of about 8 months ago were:

    DL 495lb

    Squat 435lb

    Hack Squat 810lb (plus whatever the sled weighs)

    Military press 315lb

    Bench Yea, I dont talk about my bench. by FAR the weakest body part that im soo very ashamed of....

    Those are the big lifts I personally work on the most. Those are all done raw with no straps or belt.

    I never got into oly lifts much. Although I should because it would probably do wonders for MMA It just never excited me...

    Im sure these numbers are going to go down quiet a bit because Im in the midst of cutting a bunch for my wedding this coming May. Im currently 240lbs @ 18% BF but Im going to get down to that 10% for the big wedding day. Im not happy about it but I guess I owe it to the misses to look my best on the big day. Then its back up the mid 2`s as soon as possible....

  5. what's the point of doing an exercise if you're not able use your muscles to your full extent?

    With all due respect I completely disagree along with a LOT of old school power lifter that do the same...

    If your not able to do an exercise to its full extent without straps its ONLY because you are not strong enough to do the exercise without them. Why would you purposely neglect a muscle from getting stronger? I mean think about that. Its ridiculous.

    Its like if they made some sort of Delt brace when you are benching because your delts are the secondary muscle used while benching. Why would you use something to take away from the benefit of a lift hitting the secondary muscle?

    Not to mention, Have you ever been to a power lifting contest/meet that has allowed straps? Probably not. So if the big boys can lift a lot more then all of us with no straps, why should you train with them?


  6. Word. I've been using mixed grip, if that's what you mean by reverse?

    Any tips on how to strengthen forearms?

    Yes that is what I mean by reverse.

    Besides what I have mentioned, you can do wrist rolls and some plate pinches. My personal favorite are farmers walks at the end of shoulder days. just grab the heaviest dumbells you can find at the end of a workout and walk the perimeter of your gym as long as you can.

    If you are really serious about getting some monster grip take 2 workout days at each end of your split (first and last) and at the end of the workout do a few set of wrist rolls and a few sets of plate pinches. This along with NOT using straps will get your grip up pretty fast. Do the farmers walks a few times a month on shoulder days and you will be looking like popeye fo sho.

  7. Hey Chairy, do you pull 405 with chalk/gloves/straps? When I get to 280, I'm already feeling the bar slip out of my hands...

    What kind of grip are you using? 280 is pretty light to have slipping issues. If you are not already, try a reverse grip. I stopped using straps completely about a year ago to strengthen my forearms as much as possible. I wish I did this sooner...

  8. Just started doing 5x5s now that I've gotten into the rhythm of school and all that.

    I'm taking some glucosamine/choindroitin for my right knee (previous sports injury), but aside from that I'm just stocking up on lean turkey/chicken breasts/canned fish. I'm trying to eat clean, 30/30/40 spread and mostly succeeding, are there any worthwhile supplements I should be taking?

    5x5 seems like the best thing for me to do until about May of next year, at which point i'll re-evaluate how I'm doing. Does this sound good?


    For your joints (and a HUGE list of other things) I would take a good EFA complex. fish oil does amazing stuff for your joints. I would also take a supplement called cissus. Its the extract from a plant and it is awesome for joint and ligaments.

    On the 5x5, It works amazing but you have to do it right. I know this sounds kinda dumb/obvious but in order for it to really work you have to be anal about A, getting your right weights down for what you need to start at and B write down EVERYTHING in regards to weight and reps. You have to really learn to live by the statement "2.5lb'ers are your best friend." I do a 5x5 routine almost exclusively because im torn between 2 loves. MMA and bodybuilding. 5x5 give me the size I want but also give me the strength I want where as doing more of a hypertrophy routine wont get you as strong as fast.

  9. i've seen men's flat head (3001?), pbj (tvshooter's lovely lady has 005s i think), and iron heart all work on girls.

    I was actually looking at the flat head 3001. It is almost identical dimensions to what she needs. Thanks for the reply

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