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Posts posted by grooveholmes

  1. No doubts about its worth (as the market dictates), it's whether or not I have $310 lying around for a handmade chambray shirt. Wish I did. As much as I love Roy, I'd be fine with a Buzz Ricksons chambray for half the price, and probably at this stage in my semi professional career, should spend that kinda dough on a bespoke shirt at that price point.

    Noodle, I'm not sure if by roy x cone you mean the newer, Self Edge sold jeans? I ordered my OGs directly from Roy after reading Henry Wong's blog. The jeans blew my mind then-- as ran stated, they're a straight up, no nonsense, well made pair. I've also got the rn03s and 04s. It's like comparing any artist's "young" and "old" phase. There's a rawness (only in hindsight) to the OGs that the polished, detail-oriented current models lack. This largely has to do with Roy getting better at making jeans, and acquiring cooler machines to incorporate into the workflow since starting out. As for the denim, the Self Edge blog posts on the newer fabrics are pretty informative. The OG denim afaik was deadstock STF Cone red selvedge denim, but I'm not sure if it had any association with any particular LVC models, if any.

  2. No doubt, Kiya. When you mentioned earlier that there were only going to be around 40 shirts I knew these weren't going to be cheap. In terms of price, I was hoping for the best. It's insane to make a shirt by hand. Roy's a nut. Add in all the details and such, and had I only known earlier in the year before springing for the RN04s...

    ... I still probably would have bought the RN04s.

  3. It's a sizable financial investment-- freaking out is normal. Self Edge will sort you out-- just email them-- they get sizing questions all the time.

    For reference, I'm a 33.5 waist, and bought the RN03s (measured 33.5 on the site, pre-shrinkage). I gave them a cold soak and wore them for a bit to stretch the waist back out. They currently measure at 33.5, with no fit issues. I just realized I haven't posted any post-soak pics, but I haven't really worn em with the AW Contest ongoing. I'll get on that.

  4. ^ This in a cold soak whenever there is doubt about shrinkage, and proceed from there. Or you could wear them after a soak while they're still damp as well. I'm assuming you've measured a pair of jeans you already own and used those measurements against the Self Edge site?

  5. You misread what I wrote as a "kind of elitism". I don't have a problem with elitism per se. Your boy obviously came in with guns blazing without considering alternative explanations, then when it turned out he was in the wrong, double backed and proceeded to insult whatever "ghost" demographic exists here (what, maybe 16 people who are into shitty leather products?). I definitely agree with you about elitism existing everywhere-- but I'm not into the specific "kind of elitism" that exists-- the kind that turns your enthusiasm into a vehicle for spewing your disdain for actual and/or perceived low-quality product. I don't like things that I think are low quality, but I'm not going to verbally shit on others in a public forum for buying/wanting them. It's their hard earned money so they can spend it the fuck they want.

    I'm all for calling people out or disagreeing passionately, but just bitching about sufu, making sweeping, vitriolic statements, and insulting members is dumb. There's a huge learning curve on here, and the Internet connects more people (stupid, smart, curious) everyday. I'm of the opinion you either live with that reality or go away.

  6. Ed, people just need to get over it or get lost. The old sufu isn't coming back but this thread and thousands of others obviously still meet people's needs/fetishes, despite the technical issues thrown in. I miss a lot of the people that contributed quality posts, but whatever-- their choice. I still prefer pre-5.0, but people condescending to, ranting and insulting other people, then threatening to leave doesn't really do it for me. The kind of elitism people get into about this shit is stupid. I get it, but there are members on here who excel at a craft that don't make dramatic and sweeping judgments on other members. If those people leave sufu, they won't be missed, that's for sure.

  7. yes, they accept jeans for repair through the mail. little frustrated with them though. I sent them a pair of jeans back on June 29th (i called on the 28th and was told turn around time was 5 to 7 days), they called me on July 12th to tell me the jeans were done and to get my credit card info to pay for the repairs (and they ran my card that day) and here it is 10 days later and I still haven't gotten my jeans. called them two days ago and left a message but haven't heard back.

    Sorry to hear that, setterman. I never had that issue with them when I was using them but then I haven't sent anything out that way in about a year. I've been fortunate enough to have Raleigh Denim nearby and they've been able to do most of my hemming. Steven at railcar has done some repair work for me as well, and he did a fantastic job on tapering a pair of post o alls jeans I bought on the cheap through eBay.

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