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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. It's always good to do both. I wouldn't say either is pointless or inefficient in any way. The only way long distance running can retain fat is if your diet is shit. HIIT and long distance steady state cardio both have their benefits, so I would highly suggest doing both. Do HIIT on your off days, and steady state after a strong lifting session.

  2. HIIT is super easy on a bike (machine). I do HIIT once a week (on a non-lifting day), and do about 20 minutes on the treadmill after each workout.

    Also, I would totally recommend Back/Bi, Chest/Tri. Exercises that work the back usually work the biceps, and exercises that work the chest also work the triceps. Make sure you hit the chest and back first though, because your arms will ALWAYS give out before your back/chest. Use whatever energy you have left to work out the biceps and triceps.

  3. This will be my 4th day in a row of not working out. I've been sick and am going insane/not sleeping trying to get my entry(ies) ready for the One Show college competition.

    This sucks. I want to run.

    Likewise :( I took Sunday off, didn't leave my bed yesterday and today I still feel pretty shitty. I've basically ate nothing in the past 3 days too. I'm trying to force down as much calories as possible.

  4. Calculate roughly how much calories you're eating. Weigh yourself now, continue eating the same amount of calories, then re-weigh yourself after a week. If you find you're the same weight, you need to up the amount of calories your eating.

    Caloric surplus = weight gain

    It's really that simple. Also lift heavy weights around 8 reps and 3 sets and avoid cardio like the plague.

  5. Ahh, Scivation Xtend is good stuff. Gives me lots of energy. I find it has a really weird unexplainable taste, but you get used to it. I've never had Casein either. I always opted for the slow releasing protein (which I guess IS casein) found in Cottage cheese. I have it with a fat source like PB to make it release slower while I sleep.

  6. alright, here's a hypothetical question (since I'm not truly at a point to be worrying about this yet):

    once I get my body to about where I want it to be, what is the best sort of diet/work out combo for maintenance? Just try to eat healthily and work out regularly but less intensely?

    That's pretty much it. After you bulk up and build a good amount of muscle, normally you start a cut (which is still lifting heavy, more cardio and less food). That burns the fat between your muscles and your skin, which gives you a more defined look. That's basically what people want when they say they would like to "tone" their muscles. You can only build muscle and burn fat, you can't really tone anything.

    After that point, you just want to eat your maintenance calories and still get a good work out in. If you aren't taking in an excess amount of calories, it is impossible to gain weight, and if you aren't in a caloric deficit, it's impossible to lose weight.

  7. Phyziks, I'm in Montreal and I looked at the whey depot, their prices are way higher than ATW unfortunately...

    Yeah man, I haven't bought from there in a little while, but when I did their 2x5lb jugs of isolate were under 100 bucks and with free shipping. They also give out a lot of coupon codes once you become a customer. I think I got like 15% off or something around Christmas time, but I still had like 20 pounds of the stuff at the time so I didn't end up using it. I got my ON 10lb bag for under 100, but it really tastes bad. I'm not usually picky about that stuff because I'm obviously not drinking it for the taste, but everyone was hyping it up like it was God of all protein powders taste-wise, and it is easily the worst tasting protein powder I've ever had in my life.

    If I could find a way around customs, I would always buy from All The Whey. the pricing, quality, and taste of the stuff is way better than any other one I have experienced.

  8. ATW is fucking amazing. I would seriously drink the chocolate mint flavour mixed with water for my personal pleasure, it's even better mixed with milk. I have a 10lb bag of ON double rich chocolate and I need to force it down because it tastes like shit.

    The only reason I don't buy from ATW anymore is because I got hit with customs charges :( They have a Canadian seller (The Whey Depot) but they don't have the refill bags and the chocolate mint flavour.

  9. theres always room for onea these


    You have no idea how many of those end up in the garbage can at Cinnabon. We might as well not even sell them any more. Some nights during the week we sell about 4 of them out of over 30 we bake...

  10. ^ That's good stuff.

    I'm on a 4-day split.

    - Chest and Triceps

    - Shoulders and Abs

    - Back and Biceps

    - Legs

    And in between I either rest or have a cardio day. I have also started doing 20+ minutes of cardio after the workout to start up my cut.

  11. Sounds like you're the dreaded "skinny-fat". That is mainly caused by lack of muscle mass. I would suggest trying out a full-body starting strength program. I know you don't want to lift weights, but if your diet isn't on par, and all you do is run, nothing will really happen to benefit you.

    I guarantee that you will be way happier with your body if you do some weight lifting before you focus on cutting the fat. Also it's important to remember there is no such thing as spot reducing. The best way to cut fat is to do cardio and have a solid diet, then let the fat melt off wherever your body makes it. Men tend to carry the most stubborn fat in the stomach and back, so you can count on those places to be the last to go.

    The reason I suggest a starting strength/mass program is because having muscle increases your BMR. What that means in layman's terms is you will burn more calories by doing less which will make it much easier to burn off fat when the time comes. Sometimes losing weight is the worse option. I would try putting on about 5 pounds of muscle and going from there. If your diet sucks and you're doing cardio, your body will try to hang on to the fat for dear life. If you have a good diet and you lift AND do cardio, your body will shed fat and you will be fitter and more healthy.

  12. I'd suggest a slow bulk. Eat about 500 calories over maintenance, don't do extensive cardio, keep the protein and carbs up, and lift heavy. Just monitor it by using the mirror. If you feel you're putting on too much fat, eat a bit less or up your cardio.

    Looking good so far though. Also, lifting heavy doesn't increase body fat. The only thing that can make your body fat higher or lower is your diet.

  13. Oh, and I have an awesome Turkey Chili recipe that's great for a bulk or cut. Easy to make, loaded with protein, cheap as shit, tastes amazing, and will feed you for days. Let me know if any of you guys are interested.

  14. I use the perfect pushups and my power gym pull-up bar about 3 days a week, mostly on days where I'm feeling I didn't push my self hard enough at the gym, or if I was feeling lethargic and needed a boost. I like the perfect pushups because you get a larger range of motion, and you can really feel it in your upper back and deltoids.

    I will post some supergay pics once my cut is over. I'm actually very happy with my bulk phase. I managed to not put on very much fat, but only my top abs are looking nice. I seem to bloat very easily too. When I first wake up my stomach is very flat, and my abs look nice and visible, but after I eat some food my lower stomach puffs out a bit and only my upper abs look good :S I'm guessing this may have something to do with my intolerance to milk and my love for cereal in the morning :)

    As much as I would like my thighs to shrink a bit, I can't see my self not squatting :S It's really such a great exercise that works the entire body. Instead of going for my max though, I will probably lower the weight and do more reps. Move from 8 reps of higher weight to about 12 reps of a lower weight.

    Kunk, your cut is looking solid dude. Are you on a keto diet, or just a low carb? I tried keto for a couple days, managed to get into ketosis, but I honestly felt retarded. My brain doesn't function properly on ketones; I need my carbs.

    Kuncks: You're a fucking beast. Keep it up man.

    Eason: Not fat at all. Although you may have lost some muscle, you're still looking solid and it's probably more functional for Muay thai. If I had to guess, I'd say you're around the 12% BF mark.

  15. Nice man, I love bulking because it's a great excuse to eat like a horse. I broke my finger not long ago and had to take a hiatus from lifting for about 3 weeks. I stopped taking creatine and haven't taken it since. I honestly have not noticed a difference in progression from when I was on it, to when I went off it.

    I did a loading phase and then took 5g a day, and it was regular creatine monohydrate, so I don't know why I didn't really respond to it. I'll probably try out another brand before I completely ditch creatine though.

    It's still January but I'm so tempted to end my bulk short to ensure I have a really solid cut diet plan and workout routine. I need them abs back for the warmer weather.

  16. Did you stop doing high weight, low rep leg exercises? I feel my thighs are too large for my waist as well, and I'm trying to shrink them a bit. I'm guessing cardio, diet, and going a bit easier on my leg routine will do the trick?

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