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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. So his anger is completely valid. Actually, you should be mad if he's dating your ex cause that's against the "code". It would be fucked up (see funny) if you guys broke up, then you give the guy your blessings to get with your ex, and then you still fuck said ex while she's with dude. Good stuff.

  2. Knowing you have to wake up at 7am on Saturday and trying to go to bed early. I've been lying in bed trying to sleep for roughly 3 hours now. I ended up saying fuck it and turning my laptop back on.

  3. I'm loving Grizzly Bear right now. Despite being one of the ugliest bands in recent history, their music is really refreshing and amazing. The video (below) is super fucking creepy too.

    P.S. Yeah, they also did some editing to the eyes and other shit. If they didn't look weird enough already, right?

    They also sound AMAZING live. Here is a performance from Letterman. Vocals are ridiculous.

  4. I just find it weird someone would dig through a year old thread and neg me for a joke I made about ball-sweat fades if you freeball (go commando) in the summer time.

    I hate people who hate people who hate people that neg them for a bad reason.

  5. Got a gray rep from a post I made in March of '08 in a thread that hasn't been posted in since about the same time. Thanks for digging through the archives to look for a joke you weren't even sure was serious...

  6. Honestly man, just fuck a girl already. Once you have sex you will finally realize it isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. The problem is you're putting the "pussy on a pedestal". Pussy is pussy. If you're not a hunchback or some shit there is bound to be a couple girls in your life who would get down with you. They may not be that perfect girl you're looking for, but who gives a shit.

  7. Going to incorporate some parts of P90X into my current weight lifting routine. For now I'm just going to do the Cardio X, Ab Ripper X, Plyometrics, Kenpo and Yoga (no homo, but I could use work on my flexibility). I don't think doing variants of body weight push ups will help my chest/triceps/delts as much as my current weight lifting routine does. The back routine on p90x is surprisingly good, but I already do pull-ups and from what I've seen they don't do heavy dead lifts but I love them.

  8. My computer turning my fucking room into a sauna. It's not even that hot outside, and I have a fan on and my window wide open. I'm sitting here sweating like a beast. Once I finishing downloading these torrents it's going off for awhile.

  9. Cold showers? More specifically, showers that start off nice, but the hot water finishes within 2 minutes. Now you're all wet, didn't have time to wash your hair or anything and you're cold as shit.

  10. Yesterday I got a call back to be an extra for the new Avatar movie as directed by M.Night Shamalan. I went to the casting call not expecting anything to come out of it. But, my role is not guaranteed. I need to shave my head first in order to have a chance of being it. But it gives me an excuse to shave my head. Also I got paid to be an extra. Seems like an easy summer job.

    Lol, gonna be an Air Nation monk? Sounds cool man, maybe you can get an awesome arrow painted on your head to. I'm jealous, I love Avatar as a show. I really hope they don't fuck the movie up.

  11. Just found out my friend's sister hit and killed a dude on a motorcycle right near my house. I saw the police and shit when I was coming back from the gym, but I had no idea anyone I knew was involved. She was at fault too because she was making a left turn and he was going straight. I would hate to have to deal with taking someone's life like that :(

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