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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. you make it sound like taking EC or T3 will magically give you the results you want.

    And QFT. Ephedrine is not a miracle drug. It HELPS while you're cutting. The main reason I used it is because I heard of the energy it gives you, and since I was on a low-carb the energy was needed. I plan on going back on a EC stack when I do my next cut too.

  2. I was on an EC and a low-carb (not keto) diet. Did it for 3 weeks and I felt the results were good. I was basically testing it to see how my body reacted to it when I needed to lose more body fat after a solid bulk.

    I've been eating right and lifting for about a year now, and I am more dedicated and committed now than I ever have been. Going to the gym and lifting is something I truly enjoy, and it's great to get rid of any stress and shit I might have. I have no gripes with my diet or training routine, but going on a cut is obviously not going to be pleasant for anyone. As of now, I'm back on the regular diet. Oatmeal for breakfast, whole grain carbs, lean protein, tons of veggies etc.

  3. The stack I'm taking is basically for energy/creatine. I'm trying it out to see if it helps my performance in the gym, but I don't plan on relying on it completely. I go to the gym 5 days a week and eat healthy so I would consider myself very consistent. Adding in a couple things to improve the quality of my workout doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.

  4. Just got my Green Magnitude in the mail. Apparently Purple Wraath is on back-order and I have to wait to get it :( I also got a sample pack on isoFlex peanut butter chocolate whey. Sounds good.

  5. Starting a Purple Wraath and Green Magnitude stack as soon as it comes in the mail. Anyone have any experience with these products? From what I gathered you're supposed to take the Green Mag pre-workout, and the Purple Wraath pre/intra. Any other information would be highly appreciated.

  6. @Phyziks

    I woud do legs on Tues and shoulders on Fri.

    You're doing upper body 2 days in a row and your shoulders and triceps are being used when you do chest so your shoulder workout has got to suffer by doing it immediaterly after chest.

    and I know you'e not gonna want to hear this but I don't think you should be on a cut diet. You're just not big enough yet. You look good but I'm guessing you really didn't look much different before you started dieting.

    I understand you don't wanna be b i g but I think you're too small to worry about cutting at this point

    just my opinion NO HATE

    *EDIT* IMO, you are doing too many exercises per bodypart/workout..too much redundancy. Don't do all movements every session but rather substitute exercises on different days.

    Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. Switching my shoulder day to go after my back day sounds like a great idea and I'll try that out for sure. Like I said, I don't plan on cutting and staying that way for a long time. I basically have a small amount of stubborn fat on my lower stomach and I'm using this cut just to see how it works, so when I get larger and have to cut more it will be easier (hopefully).

    When in the gym I never really have that set of a plan. I go in knowing which body parts I'm doing and depending on time, energy levels, whether I have a spot or not I will do things like supersets, drop sets, negatives etc.

  7. Any advice on just dropping fat fast for summer with the least amount of exercise? Mainly just looking for diet help and some things to do without access to a gym.

    Typical diet/exercise at the moment:

    Wake up and run for 15-30mins

    Breakfast (30 mins after run): Half a grapefruit

    Lunch: rice, veggies, and some meat

    Snack: Half a grapefruit

    Snack: Bannana

    Dinner: rice, veggies, and some meat

    I dont cook for myself, so i dont really have control over what I eat for dinner, but lunch is free to change. Preferably something i can buy somewhere and if necessary a little time in the kitchen. The only thing i drink is water (around four bottles or more a day).

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

    Your diet seems clean, but it could use more protein in my opinion. Try eating some eggs/egg whites for breakfast, and incorporating cottage cheese in your diet pending the taste doesn't make you throw up. I highly suggest the use of Whey Protein because most people don't get enough protein in their diet without supplementation. You should also get some healthy fats in the form of olive oil and nuts.

    Without lifting weights, I really don't know a fast way to drop fat. Running and being on a caloric deficit only works for so long. Your body will start storing more fat and burning off whatever muscle you have. If you have absolutely no choice I would generally recommend going on a small caloric deficit, eat good and don't overdo the cardio. I'm just warning you that it will take longer this way, but it will work and you won't fuck your metabolism up completely.

  8. I'll probably have questions when I get started. I can't now, as it would be impossible to keep my diet with the food in the school cafeteria, so when I get back for the summer I'll be able to cook.

    As for the diet:

    I was just planning on eating a shit ton of fish (Salmon, mackerel, tuna packed in olive oil), chicken, eggs, cheeses, and nuts. The shit I read about CKD said it shouldn't matter what type of fats you're eating, as long as you keep carbs low -- but I don't think I'll probably just stick to the healthier fatss and maybe throw in some saturated fats (beef, bacon, etc.) every once in awhile and on refeed days.

    How do veggies stack up though as far as carb content? I'd love to have em but I feel like the fiber will be too many carbs.

    Diet sounds great man. Also, never be afraid to load up on veggies. As Kunk reminded me, you subtract the amount of fiber in the vegetables from the overall carb content and you're left with a very small amount of net carbs. I highly suggest eating TONS of vegetables, specifically the green ones, because the fiber is very needed.

    In terms of fats, the olive oil and fish will provide you with tons of EFAs so you're covered there. It wont kill you to have some of the bad fats too every once and a while.

    Added a pic of my arms: http://scottmogg.com/progress/Progress4.jpg

    Work in progress of course, lol.

  9. fuck, you look great IMO, if I can expect better results from that in my upcoming cut period, I'll be more than happy.

    Thanks a lot man! Just getting the carbs out of my system really helped the way my body looked. Within 3 days I was much leaner looking, and I was over the first stages of feeling like shit because I was so happy with the progress. If you have any questions or anything regarding your cut, I and many others here would be more than happy to help you.

  10. Also, I would love to hear what people think of my current routine. I know my diet seems tedious, but my stir-frys are fucking awesome; learning to cook healthy and delicious food is one unforeseen benefit of bodybuilding/working out. As of now, I don't really have a long term goal. I'm just lifting weights, eating healthy, and changing stuff up as I go. I figured since summer is coming up, now would be a good time to get cut. Weight lifting is something I'm passionate about, and it has really helped my lifestyle in more ways than I can mention.

    If someone has some recipe ideas for low-carbs meal, I'd be happy to hear those as well.

  11. Cutting is actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I attempted a low-carb diet last summer and I failed horribly. Right now it's working great and I'm seeing results so I'm sticking with it. The abs are coming in (you can barely see them because of the shitty pics + my bloat from carbing up), and I'm getting more vascular, which you also cannot see due to picture quality, haha.

    I'm not counting calories or anything, but my diet is generally as follows:


    2 whole eggs

    5 egg whites (I'm estimating here, I just pour a bunch in)

    Chicken bacon

    Snack 1:

    Protein + water

    Cottage cheese/almonds


    Vegetables and tilapia or chicken breast (cooked with EVOO)


    Vegetables and tilapia or chicken breast (cooked with EVOO)

    Snack 2/Post workout:

    Protein + water

    Cottage cheese/almonds

    I drink roughly 4L of water a day, and a couple green teas.


    Whey Protein

    Ephedrine/Caffeine stack to help energy because of low carbs

    Fish oil pills


    Workout Routine:

    Monday - Chest and Triceps

    - 5x5 Flat bench

    - 3x8 Incline bench

    - 3x8 Decline bench

    - 3x10 flys

    - Bodyweight dips, 3 sets to failure

    - 3x8 tricep pull downs

    - 3xfailure bench dips

    Tuesday - Shoulders and abs (all at 3x8)

    - Clean and press

    - Military press

    - Lateral Raises

    - Alternating Shoulder Press

    - Weighted cable crunches

    - Captains chair

    - Spiderman Planks

    Wednesday - off or cardio

    Thursday - Back and Biceps

    - Wide grip pullups 3xfailure

    - Deadlifts

    - Lat pulldowns

    - Dumbbell row

    - Bent over rows

    - Preacher curls

    - Forced negative curls/Concentration curls

    - 21's/hammer curls

    Friday - Legs and abs

    - Squats

    - Leg extension

    - Leg curls

    - Front squats

    - Lunges

    - Weighted cable crunches

    - Captains chair

    - Spiderman Planks

    Just to clarify, this is basically a test run cut. I want to see what my body reacts best to, so when I have more fat to burn off I will have a set plan that I know works. I have been working out for around 7-8 months, and stopped for a month due to an injury.

  12. Well, after 1 week of cutting, I spent most of the day eating tons of sugary junk and other various carbs. Decided it would be a good idea to take some progress pictures. It's still early in my cut, so please don't be harsh, haha. I guarantee when my 3-4 weeks is up, I should look a lot better. Also, the quality of the pictures are fucking horrid...my bad.




  13. If you're in a caloric deficit it doesn't matter how much you lift, you will lose weight. It's impossible to eat under maintenance and put any weight on, fat or muscle. Lifting while dieting is your best bet to maintain muscle while in a deficit, but you're going to lose muscle + fat on any type of cut.

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