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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. It's cool they have an ambition in life, but give me a fucking break. If you're that passionate about how much fat and grease you can fit between McGriddle bread, you need to do something better with your time. That's a next level heart attack.

  2. Toronto is awesome dude. I paid a guy $1.50 and he rode a 5-foot unicycle while juggling 3 machettes; true story.

    Mind you, many others paid him aswell. It was Sunday evening outside of the Eaton Centre. Not sure how often he does that shit, but I was pretty fucking impressed.

  3. Mine is supposed to be animated, but the file size is too large and it stays on the first frame. It's supposed to be all of The Strokes, but it's just frozen on Fab Moretti, the drummer :(. Still looks pretty cool though.

  4. I think Jmatsu had the perfect usage of the word while he was using it. He was clearly NOT using it in a racial context whatsoever. He was calling anyone, of any colour, creed, race, gender, and nationality the same word. How can that possibly be racist? I think it's completely ANTI-RACIST.

    The word in itself is a different story. I will never understand how someone can be so offended by this word, and then turn around and use it in everyday vocabulary. It seems like completely backwards logic to me.

    The reason why most people who aren't black use the word, is because they see black people using it. A large majority of people of any race in this time do not use this word as a racial slur, but use it in the exact same context as a black person would. I don't think you can expect people from other races to stop using the word if you use it constantly. If it's that offensive to you; stop using the fucking word. Be a positive example, and then you can expect changes to be made.

    It's like someone with dwarfism who is offended by the word midget. They don't like to be called a midget, and to show this, they don't go around calling each other midgets. What kind of example would that be showing?

  5. poutine.JPG

    You fucking bastard. I'm watching what I eat, but that is THE best poutine i've ever seen :( I now have cravings :(

    Edit: Who plans on getting drunk on a patio?

  6. GBC, you owe me new underpants. Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3...this is going to take up WAY to much of my time :( Oh well, I still have to play.

    Whose up for starting a SuFu clan when the games come out? Lol.

  7. Hello all. I did a quick search and didn't find a thread on this. There are probably several, but I'm far to lazy to do any in-depth searching.

    So the question is, is there an ideal waist to inseam size differential? Meaning, is there a "magic number" that make someone's fit more aesthetically pleasing?

    I know for sure jeans with a larger inseam than waist look better, but that's obvious. When the jeans waist size is equal to, or larger than the inseam, it's probably about time to start investing more in sweat pants or gym memberships.

    That being said, sometimes I find jeans with too large of a difference between waist and inseam (small waist, very long jeans) not as appealing as something more closer in size.

    I'm not talking about one person wearing a bunch of different sized pants. I'm referring to fits of different people, and the size of pants they wear for their body type.

    I'm probably doing a horrible job at explaining this, but hopefully you get the idea.

  8. the rogers picnic is doomed. dudes forgot to book an act anyone cares about and then in comes guerilla union and books a momumental lineup for rock the bells on the same night. anyone who decides on rogers either a) has bad taste or B) works for rogers.

    ive worked for those dudes nuff times and even my shitty loyalty says fuck them because pharcyde is reuniting. fuck an $5 bottle of water and emo scenesters. im breaking out the jansport.

    Well I'm personally going for Tokyo Police Club specifically. I missed an opprotunity to see them at the Opera House, and this is my second chance to see them. The Rock the Bells festival seems like it would be amazing though. Tribe, mos def, dela, rakim, nas....wow. It's like all the best REAL hip-hop artists are going to be performing. If I even knew about this, I might've been going to that instead :(

    Ohwell, hopefully TPC doesn't dissapoint. And I have Albert Hammond Jr. to look forward to later.

  9. Hey, there's a concert happening soon "The Roger's Picnic" with some pretty good bands. It's on July 20th at the Historic Fort York. Tokyo Police Club, Vampire Weekend, The Carps (siiiick band from scarbs), City and Colour, and some other people are performing.

    I'm personally looking forward to TPC the most. Also, Albert Hammond Jr. is touring right now, hopefully he makes a stop in Toronto again. That would be fucking sweet.

  10. Yeah, that's another really good point. I believe when you first start dieting and exercising, weighing yourself often does help a lot though. You starting losing weight, and seeing the number shrink provides a lot of motivation.

    At the same time, once you lose fat and start gaining muscle, your weight won't lower as quickly. That's mainly because muscle weighs more than fat, and it might get you discouraged. It's hard to physically recognize weight loss on yourself, because it is a gradual process. You, and people who see you every day, may not notice a huge change. Today however, I saw someone I haven't seen in 2 years and he was suprised when he saw me. He said it looked like I lost 20 pounds, lol. That obviously made me feel really good, and motivates me to keep eating healthy and exercising every day. It really is about being happy with yourself, and changing your life to make yourself more happy and healthy.

  11. do they...?

    show me the money.

    obviously even if they do, the damage is so miniscule so as to not require any sort of health warnings on packaging.....so they'd be better for you than the ridiculous number of spoons of sugar in a can of coke etc.

    As long as you're not downing a 2L a day, you should be okay. The aspartame in diet soda has been linked to headaches, brain tumors, brain legions and lymphomia, but mainly in severe cases. There really isn't much to worry about.

    Here's a link to some aspartame info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_controversy

    For the record, I used to drink tons of diet pepsi, and I rarely get headaches, if ever.

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