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Posts posted by Phyziks

  1. Yeah, it's really shitty just drinking straight water all the time. If I cook up a great meal for example, I hate drinking water with it. It feels like I'm washing away all the taste. I will occassionally have a diet pepsi with a meal, or in my favourite case, beer (when at a bar/restaurant).

    I used to drink a shit load of cranberry juice. The anti-oxidants are hella good for you, but like most fruit juices it is loaded with sugar and acid. So basically, I will only drink water, green tea, and like half a cup of coffee on a daily basis. Every now and again I will have a diet pepsi, and even rarer I'll drink alcohol.

  2. my main problem are my lips though. i find the more often i use a product the more frequent my lips are dry. The best thing i ever used on my lips was some $200 product i dont remember the name of. It worked sooo good but nuts to paying that much.

    Honestly dude, I use regular Chap Stick from time to time and I haven't had a problem with dry lips in as long as I can remember.

  3. Water is the key to everything. I go through a 4L jug of water a day on average (.99 at sav-a-center). I also run like 4.5K every night, and exercise helps relieve stress, and gets the bad shit out of your skin.

    I'm with transparent Cranium on this one, Benzoyl-Peroxide is the shit for spot treatment and pimple prevention. I use 5%, only at nighttime before I go to bed, because it dries up and flakes like crazy. I wash my face in the morning with Cetaphil, then use Cetaphil moisturizer almost immediately when I get out of the shower.

    Other than that, I take about 4000mg of Flax seed oil a day. It contains a great amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and is supposed to be good for hair/nails/skin. In direct relation to health, drinking a lot of water will really improve everything. Drink it even when you're not thirsty. You feel so rejuvenated, and a lot of the times when you THINK you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty, so it helps curve your appetite and lose weight :)

  4. Hahaha im not suprised at all. if its not nursing, its somewhere else in the medical field more so than often.. OR if you've been on a cruise... yea... yall know what im talking about haha (My parents love making friends with alot of the Filipino crew on cruises, ,my family has eaten dinner in their quarters tons of time, good old chiken adobo and rice :D)

    Oh man, I love Chicken adobo so much. My girlfriend is Filipino (coincidentally her mom is a nurse :)) and her parents love to cook for me. Some of my favs are lumpia (obviously), crispy pata, palabok, adobo, mechado, and for desert, halo halo :) Her mom also makes amazing beef steak; thinking about it makes me hungry. I'm learning how to make adobo myself to, and her dad already taught me a great way of making shrimp fried rice (lots of garlic).

  5. Kunk is on some next level BBQ shit. I love to buy a fresh New York strip loin, cook it most of the way, and throw some Montreal spices on there Then when it's near done, hit it up with some roasted garlic and honey sauce mixed with Frank's Red Hot. I'm mad lazy and haven't delved to deep in marinades yet, but I do plan on it soon.

  6. Summer is here, and I know a lot of people enjoy the smokey taste of good BBQ, with a cold beer on the side. I got the idea to make this from Kunk's "Where do you get money to buy your clothes" thread. So, if you have any special BBQ sauce or marinade recipes, feel free to post up all of your grilling secrets!

  7. Don't get me started on these Super Sweet 16 bastards. The first time I watched that show, I threw up all over the place. I have lived in government housing my entire life, and I have to work for everything I have. I just recently graduated, and found a pretty decent web design job (which I'm at right now). I plan on firstly paying off student loans, then saving up to take a vacation somewhere (I have never travelled further than Peterborough. If you're from Toronto, you will realize how sad that is). After that, all of my money (other than money spent on rent and bills) will be going towards moving out.

    I obviously cannot hate people who are born into money. It isn't their fault, just like it isn't my fault I wasn't born into money. I also have limited experience with these people aswell. All I know is I hate the children on Super Sweet 16, but I hate the parents more for letting the children get like that (not to say I would turn down a $100k mercedes on my birthday).

    I understand you want to spoil your kids, but sometimes you are killing them with kindness. If I am 16, have a $100k car, and get anything I want, what is my motivation in life? Especially considering how disrespectful these kids are to their parents.

    I am working hard now so my children won't have to ever know what growing up in government housing is like. But at the same time, I'm not going to be handing them shit left, right and center. It is important to stay hungry in life, and earning what you get.

    All of this aside, if I was born into money I wouldn't change it for the world, so I can't really judge people. I would rather earn the money though.

  8. UPDATE - Gambooby

    According to him, he has been busy with school...Still hasn't convinced me he shipped. I paid him well over 2 weeks ago, and he claimed to have "told his girlfriend to ship them out, about 3 days ago"...he thinks...

    Terrible transaction, even if i do receive the jeans, which I still doubt I will. I work 55 hours a week, and can still manage to go to the post office for 10 minutes to ship something out; it really doesn't take long.

    He is still being very vague about things, and seems like he is doing the bare minimum just to make me believe he isn't scamming me. I'm still going to wait till next week. No jeans, then I will be pursuing legal action.

  9. I ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches throughout most of my elementary school life. I was also the kid who conned younger kids into makin me one of their lunchable sandwiches.

    Almost forgot about those crackers/breadstick things that came with peanut butter/cheese. When I got the crackers, I fucking hated dropping that stupid red spredder thing. Ruined my entire day.

  10. Gambooby

    I might be acting too quickly, but I purchased a pair of APC NS's off him a little over 2 weeks ago. He claimed to have shipped them 2 weeks ago from LA, but I have yet to receive them. I have sent him multiple PMs to find out the status of the jeans, but it appears as though he is avoiding me.

    He is currently online viewing threads and everything, but still hasn't replied? I feel like something fishy is going on. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and wait another week before I pursue action through paypal, but this is to prove I do have some suspicion.

  11. Haha, sounds good. I work roughly 55 hours a week, usually 7 days. I booked this Saturday off, and I just need to get out of Pickering for the night and get drunk with some friends. I have to drive, so chances are I'm just bringing some beer and liquor with me, getting trashed in the parking lot across the street (hopefully not drunk enough to not get let in), then I'll stumble around a bit and see what happens.

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