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Posts posted by geekbonchic

  1. Acne has been doing that same one-button blazer in different fabrics every season for the last few years... i think theyve changed the cut a little at least once, but they always call it the Aktie jacket.

    Yeah, and they usually fit like a dream. Or require very little tailoring.

  2. so my new favorite thing is to collect the kief from the bottom of my friend's spacecase grinder and put it into a kief press. the resulting kief disk/coin is then mounted on a pin, ignited, and left to smolder under an inverted glass. technically it's not hash... but it gets you blasteddd

    I demand detailed instructions accompanied by illustrations and/or photographs.

  3. hahahaha, i hear you on that. my friend complains all the time about the girls at berkeley. and my other friend brags about the girls in ucla.

    the girls at davis weren't bad either--a lot better than the ones in berkeley.

    there are pretty girls in berkeley, but their standards are different (and hard to find). their pretty girls are our normal girls and our hot girls don't exist on their campus. did that make sense?

    My gal pals down in LA constantly complain about a lack of guys who are smart and well-dressed. RELOCATE IMMEDIATELY KEN.

  4. Objectively speaking, I think that the individual pieces are very interesting in specific ways, but the various elements just don't mesh together. The necklines on some of those sweaters are pretty nice, but those super-slim silhouettes just don't go together. While I certainly thinks it's very wearable, it just doesn't seem up to scratch.

  5. the great gatsby

    i'm on an iconic american book peel right now... considering the american icon is dead, and i need inspiration to write.

    I just did that a week or so ago. I hit up some Whitman, Harper Lee, and am planning on doing Billy Budd when I get some time to breathe.

  6. But how many times has Barrett done the tux + parka thing? I mean, I understand what sort of aesthetic he's trying to achieve, but I think he's already achieved it. However, I also grant that he does it so well that it's hard to fault him. And thank god for someone who didn't decide to supersize every single one of their silhouettes. I'm looking at you two, Dolce, Gabbana.

  7. Sad thing is that as amazing as all those shoes are, no one past 5' 8" really has any business wearing them. What I'm digging is the interplay between visual texture in the prints and physical texture in the knits. Another home run.

  8. I just dont think fashion will understand EG. Check out this shirt. Split collar with back collar up and front collar down along with acordian cuffs.


    There isnt a designer in the world thinking like EG.

    Sad to say it, but you are wrong, sir.


    I offer to represent you, pro bono, in this clear and blatant case of copyright infringement. As an artist and innovator, your ideas are entitled to the full protections promised you by law.

  9. I went to a fashion job fair which turned out to be an asshole gathering because one of the main companies there was A&F. But cosign to what Etz said. We met some people (kids) who had barely gotten out of college and were making bank doing shit work and basically just telling people to wear shit clothes and be assholes.

    If you're willing to sell your soul and don't care that you look like the world's greatest douchebag, then I say go for it.

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