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Posts posted by geekbonchic

  1. The folks behind Habitual, the denim brand, were installed as creative directors in May of '06. Lang himself has been out of the picture for a few years, after a couple of struggles for creative control with the Prada group. The earlier stuff with the Colovos at the helm were actually pretty okay, but it's definitely been getting farther and farther away from what Lang himself saw as the label's creative vision.

  2. I remember waiting around for letters and was pretty bummed when Columbia wait-listed my ass. But no sour grapes. Doubt I would have such free access to drugs if I weren't in the bay. But being closer to Seven and Atelier would have been niceeeeee....

    Regardless, congrats to everyone.

  3. It's way easier to get laid in North America than it is in JP.

    People perpetratin the "white mans paradise" myth are ass backwards socially awkward suckas. They go over and bone the japenese equivilant of the midwestern american land-monster, their success ensured by the fact that she is unfamiliar with the facial nuances we consider socially unacceptable and the language barrier that prevents him from telling her about his custom built dual core in great detail.

    Man those guys pissed me off, they'd stroll by with some dock-rat greaser girl, grinning at me like "yes brother, is this not the land of plenty?", thinking I was down with it, when all I wanted to do was grab him by the collar of his triple sized up supersuitstore lapels and scream "DO YOU KNOW ANY WHITE WOMEN, PLEASE, I NEED THIS".

    I'm not able to right now, so someone please rep Hali on my behalf.

  4. August in Oakland is having a massive sale on April 77s. Luisa actually decided to stop buying them, she got word that Urban's picking them up and will be increasing the price point (which is a bit high for Urban, no?). But the point is that she won't stock them anymore, so if you want some Joeys for massive discounts (I got Grey Colordrives for $75 and Joey cords in Petrol for $50), head over now.

  5. Hali:

    Costume National




    Small Town:

    Waxed joints

    Japanese t-joint

    Raw joints

    Shit Shoes

    I'm pretty sure I have the same jacket. Don't worry. No snitching.

    And you need to get your bro out of those CRs. Also is you family made of GIANTS? Family photo for proof, please.

  6. i don't find it heavy at all - i guess perhaps because concrete is actually quite porous and i'm used to big silver rings as well

    also my favourites, these ones are much heavier than the concrete:


    Excellent rings, soepom. Who made them? I have a friend who'd probably kill for even one of those.

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