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Posts posted by geekbonchic

  1. About 10 years ago (I was 17 at the time of this interaction) I met a women who babysat me when I was between 6 months and 2 years old. After a few minutes of awkward small talk she suddenly blurted out that on more than one occassion I had thrown up into her mouth and that she hadn't minded the taste. In fact, she divulged, she thought it was delicious. This made me a little uncomfortable and I hoped that it was just a good joke with deadpan delivery but then she went on to tell me that after her initial experience with me and my Zagat's four-star puke she had allowed (?!-circumstances are suspect to say the least) other babies to vomit into her mouth. I was too stunned to think fast enough to turn what was already a memorable conversation into a truly epic one but I was just a dumb teenager. In hindsight, I should have puked in her mouth again or at least given her my phone number.

    "What do you call your act?"

    "The Aristocrats!"

  2. August is having a massive clearance sale, 50% off tons of shit. As far as I saw (and I didn't check out everything), there were discounts on Acne, Ever, Trovata, Edun, Steven Alan, Engineered Garments, Cheap Monday ($10 if you're a 26-28), Rogues Gallery, and Rogan. There are a selection of Nudies, too. But ladies in the Bay Area, definitely check it out; they've got a shitload of stuff on sale.

  3. Living with girls has made so appreciate the fact that I will never have to have sex with a woman. I don't know how you guys do it, but man. In private, girls are seriously gross. Seriously.

    P.S. And billy dee is one sick motherfucker. +rep

  4. I thoroughly enjoy the proportions on a lot of these looks. Nice clean lines and it's very eccentric without getting outlandish. Only stockist in the U.S. is in Florida (wtf?), and I think they only carry ladies. Hot damn. I would very much like to try on a lot of this stuff.

    +rep especially for look 4

  5. I have this great girl who actually knows how to cut Asian hair. Granted, I have pretty straight hair, so it's a lot easier than folks with a wave. But she gets really creative when I let her and she's gotten to know my hair's texture really well.

    Then again, I'm just pretty lucky. Another thing is that the more often you go to someone, the better they'll know your hair. So whenever I have to find someone new, I usually try to be a little lenient in my judgment. Then again, I'm also pretty honest whenever I get a cut I don't like.

    As far as the pictures thing go, good communication is key. But some hairdressers don't do very well with pictures and can understand a description better. Whenever I take a picture to my girl, we usually spend a minute or two talking about what she can and can't do (usually because my hair is on the thick side). Moreover, if your hairdresser ever moves to a better salon (as mine has, twice) he/she might be willing to keep you at their lower price.

    In short, try, talk, and try again.

    P.S. I pay about $55 total (including tip) for just a cut. It gets up to $100 some when I get color.

  6. Fucking creative director bitch needs to know her place and stop getting in my face whenever I'm designing shit. I work with my own damn methods, you fucking bitch.

    Man, when I got home from this stupid fucking meeting, I rolled — quite possibly — the largest blunt I've had in a quite a while. And now I'm waiting for pizza to heat up.


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