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Posts posted by geekbonchic

  1. lynzee-stauss-24.jpg

    Stupid bitch looks absolutely retarded. Mickey's? She obviously lacks both class and brains.


    And you can totally tell this idiocy runs in the family.


    Honestly, who wouldn't date this bitch?


    Straight men, take note: this is usually what you get whenever you ask for girls to do lesbian shit. It's usually the ugly, slightly fat, overconfident, sloppy-as-fuck girls who do it to get at your cock (i.e. your wallet).

  2. where the fuck do you live? guess you didn't swallow...

    pls wipe the cum outta your eyes.

    I love this. I love this so much. I wish my rep would actually mean something here, but I can only repeat how much this has contributed to my day.

  3. If anyone's into Batman (honestly, who isn't?) make sure you hit up all the Tim Sale/Jeph Loeb stuff, particularly The Long Halloween, which is a perennial favorite. By and far some of the most creative work done with the Batman franchise. Arkham Asylum ranks pretty high up there, too, but it isn't for everyone; a little too forced on the imagery/tarot/Freudian stuff sometimes.

    My favorite one-shot still is Kingdom Come. By and far the most compelling possible future ending for the DC universe framed with fantastic writing and painted (I refuse to say "drawn") by Alex Ross.

    If you're looking for stuff more along the lines of graphic novels, I'd recommend Fun Home, the entire Maus series (but I'm sure you've all already read it), and anything remotely connected to Alan Moore.

    P.S. Twilight of the Superheroes: Alan Moore's pitch for a DC cataclysm. Formulated waaaaayyyyy before Kingdom Come and probably would have been a bajillion times better. Warning: super long read.

  4. iwhen niggas only got like 65bucks they don't get a classy call-girl...they get a sloppy bj in the backseat of a car. it can't be that bad, can it?

    I think Stein put it best: Load is a load is a load is a load.

  5. Are we talking about "yeet hay"? My mother totally lives by that shit. I never ate potato chips as a kid because she thought they were super bad.


    Anyways, just some penne rigate (finally figured out how much time it takes for al dente on my new stove) with garlic, basil, tomato sauce.

  6. It's totally wearable, Servo. Apparently it took three months to make. Whether or not you buy that is an entirely different matter.

    I loved his earlier stuff, when it was fresh. I totally understand your take on the expectations considering this stuff's price point, but I think goldengloves and diamonds are totally right to criticize. There's a difference between having an aesthetic you stick with and an aesthetic that you repeat.

  7. I actually really like this accessory, however I do think it looks much better when the cuff is the same color and material as the pants they are on.

    Seconded. I think, overall, the greatest improvement from spring was the color palette. I think the Rag & Bone guys just work better with fall colors and textures.

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