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Posts posted by aho


    6 hours ago, mondo said:

    You can block users if you don't want to see content posted by them – from memory, there's a notice that so-and-so has posted and are you sure you don't want to see it? Just this one time..?, but otherwise it works pretty well. I think that the one user I blocked stopped posting here not long after I blocked them, though. I had forgotten I'd done it until I saw their name in some thread that had been raised from the dead.

    Ah yes, there is indeed an "Ignore user" feature! You have to hover over their name near their avatar and it'll show up. I wasn't seeing it within the user profile page, much appreciated.  

  2. 17 hours ago, Spiraltoy said:

    Is that an JDM @aho? It’s quite affordable, no? How do you like it? Quality ok?

    I’m quite a enamoured with the looks myself...

    Yup it's the SZEV012, they made a few variants all loosely based Sub homages from the 60's-70's, but I'm enjoying it a ton! That said, don't expect much in the way of quality, it definitely feels it's price, with weaknesses of poor lume, non-click bidirectional friction bezel, and I personally wish it was more around the 39mm size like OG subs. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Quoise1203 said:

    How is the durability on the titanium case? I know titanium as material is pretty durable, but how about scratch resistance? I had the impression that it is a bit softer than ss, but maybe the matte finish does a good job of hiding scratches.

    So far so good; Funny enough I do already have scratches on the steel clasp whereas the titanium case and bracelet are doing alright. Though it may be easier to pick up surface scratches with titanium, from my understanding it's really just the oxidized layer on top, which can be "rubbed" out with an eraser. Will check back in a couple months though :biggrin:

  4. 1 hour ago, goodrain said:

    @aho what makes you reach for this one over the sub-date?

    To be honest, I'm just a bit too precious with the Sub, whereas I don't mind beating up on the Pelagos. That said, I do enjoy the modern tool aesthetic of the Pelagos for daily wear. Can't go wrong with either of course!

  5. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9vQlI4UjBPXw/episode/YmQ3N2U3ZTItNmNiOS00MGM4LTlhYWYtZjg2YTVhZmMxOTY2?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwiHq8bjuPvrAhVGHs0KHWUfD3QQieUEegQIDBAF&ep=6

    Interesting tidbits from a viewpoint outside denim, from a guy that lived it. Some characterizations are off (mixing up indigo and starch, etc) but still funny to see how some things have/haven't changed.

  6. 7 minutes ago, goodrain said:

    IMO the BB58 looked better on you but you seem to like bigger watches so it's all good!

    For sure, with a six inch wrist, smaller will always wear better for me. That said, I got tired of the faux vintage styling REAL fast so the Pelagos is a huge refresher for me. In the same way we don't wear pre-distressed jeans around these parts, the BB58 felt contrived unfortunately

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