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Posts posted by jayrock

  1. Retards who don't understand how lines work or queues in general

    "order here" signs in sandwich shops, not that confusing...

    Edit: Some places are just poorly designed, I get that. But c'mon people

    edit2: goddamn amazon open box warehouse specials, bunch of bullshit. the description says, "Cosmetic damage (Less than 5% ) on the top of the item" but the monitor I just received has a fucking gash IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN. homie don't play that, refund incoming

    Edit3: I miss being able to delete posts. Bleh

  2. Late to the party but I have Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition arriving today, that should be a good time suck. Have only played it very briefly before but given how much time I've wasted in GTA this seems like a natural fit

    A buddy has let me borrow Assasin's Creed 2 and Uncharted 2/3 but I'm having a hard time getting into either yet for whatever reason. Uncharted usually gets to a point where I can't figure out what to do then just rage quit, haa

  3. Not feeling the Vince Vaughn casting so much but we'll see how it goes

    Both Ballers and The Brink were pretty enjoyable. Ballers feels like a sports Entourage with all the cameos. Either way, some good 30 minute shows to fill the Silicon Valley void

    Hannibal is as good as ever, the visual mind fuckery and mental warfare between the characters is something else

    The Tyrant is pretty bad

    Edit: Oh damn just saw Ian McShane is in S03 of Ray Donovan, will have to hurry up and finish season 02

  4. internet is throwing a fit over paypal's updated user agreement fwiw. mostly the robocall / text part:

    Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

    The update to the User Agreement is effective July 1, 2015. A summary of changes is provided below. You can also click HERE to review the complete terms of the revised User Agreement in its entirety.

    • Section 1.10

      We are updating terms of the PayPal User Agreement regarding the means through and purposes for which we may contact you.

      The revised section 1.10 reads as follows:

      1.10 Calls to You; Mobile Telephone Numbers. You consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages from PayPal at any telephone number that you have provided us or that we have otherwise obtained. We may place such calls or texts to (i) notify you regarding your account; (ii) troubleshoot problems with your account (iii) resolve a dispute; (iv) collect a debt; (v) poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, (vii) contact you with offers and promotions; or (viii) as otherwise necessary to service your account or enforce this User Agreement, our policies, applicable law, or any other agreement we may have with you. The ways in which you provide us a telephone number include, but are not limited to, providing a telephone number at Account opening, adding a telephone number to your Account at a later time, providing it to one of our employees, or by contacting us from that phone number. If a telephone number provided to us is a mobile telephone number, you consent to receive SMS or text messages at that number. We won’t share your phone number with third parties for their purposes without your consent, but may share your phone numbers with our Affiliates or with our service providers, such as billing or collections companies, who we have contracted with to assist us in pursuing our rights or performing our obligations under this User Agreement, our policies, applicable law, or any other agreement we may have with you. You agree these service providers may also contact you using autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages, as authorized by us to carry out the purposes we have identified above, and not for their own purposes. Standard telephone minute and text charges may apply if we contact you.


    Edit: http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/12/fcc-tells-paypal-it-may-be-in-violation-of-federal-law-regarding-robocalls/

  5. iOS 9 looks dope, mostly the iPad stuff like the split view multitasking, screen-in-screen, improved keyboard shortcuts

    OS X El Capitan is pretty meh

  6. I personally thought the S04 Finale was Breaking Bad's apex, but id say the rest is worth finishing too

    The fact that you even stopped SoA combined with those previous two statements will be enough for me to shy away. 7 seasons is a fucking commitment

  7. Should probably rip through Ray Donovan after I wrap up Deadwood...

    Anyone watch/recommend Sons of Anarchy? Fairly involved with some fake biker gangs in GTA Online right now so figured this might be right up my alley (Mongols 4 lyfe heh). I know the show is completely done.. Wondering if it's worth the time I guess

  8. so...where did all those people go that said GoT's current season is weak?

    Another solid episode this week, even if the very end was a bit much. Really interested to see how the finale plays out

    Same with Silicon Valley.. The past couple episodes I've been thinking "why doesn't Pied Piper just sell to Hooli?" Which they kinda teased at for the finale. I think pulling Gavin Belson into the main fold could be pretty entertaining

  9. started deadwood out of the blue, can't believe i never watched this before. for shame

    community all wrapped up -- the show will never be as good as the first couple of seasons, but i think yahoo did a good job with this last one all things considered

    really looking forward to colbert's new show. once jon stewart leaves daily show it's basically only last week tonight left for that genre... don't have a lot of faith in that trevor noah successor after the weak ass colbert replacement comedy central came up with

    mr. robot is... not good. could develop a long list of technology hot words, throw in a stereotypical computer nerd, and voila... you have USA's new show. the ratings aren't that bad, and i could see some folks enjoying it, but i feel shows like silicon valley handle the actual tech side of things much more accurately (even for a completely fictional company/product). maybe i'll give it another go once the next episodes finally drop in july, but the pilot was a bunch of smh moments (oh, you're using gnome! i've always been a kde guy myself... yeah yeah, i know what you're saying, why would a corporate bigwig use linux!, etc...)

  10. I think it has to do with server connections fucking shit up because I was doing large file transfers while simultaneously exporting Digital Cinema Packages (our scratch disk locations are all shared storage too). Pushing that bandwidth to the limit

    Work machine is a 3.5GHz i7 w/32gb ram... Not too shabby. Just had a couple kernel panics / restarts this week under heavy stress and it has me being a little more cautious than I like

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