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Posts posted by jayrock

  1. without fail, the roommate with a personal spaceheater in their room is always the roommate to bitch about utility bills. i need to live alone.

    Tell that bitch to buy a sweater

  2. picked up Resogun and OlliOlli for like $5.39 over the PSN sale this weekend


    Resogun is a sweet throwback arcade shooter game, really loving it so far


    OlliOlli i'm not quite used to the controls yet and it was kinda pissing me off at first, but i'll give it some more time eventually. for less than $3 you can't really complain

  3. Banshee cranked it up a few notches this week... Show is insane

    Latest episode of Always Sunny might be one of the best ever, plays off the DENNIS system a bit, pretty great

    Season opener for Justified did not disappoint

  4. this morning i bought airline tickets, went grocery shopping, got a haircut, filed my taxes, made my 2015 IRA contribution, and pulled my annual credit reports... all before noon


    shit, haven't been this productive in well... ever, probably. my weekend is on cruise control from here on out

  5. this may be an unpopular opinion, but i just watched the last hobbit movie and that whole series is just garbage imo. the movie was so goddamn boring with a ton of shit nobody cares about, and basically it's just a bunch of fight scenes back-to-back-to-back. at least it's not just people running around all the damn time like the first two movies i guess.




    a single 3 1/2 hour supermovie would've been sufficient, or two max

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