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Posts posted by jayrock

  1. justified is killing it, what u on about m8

    Series finale was pretty good. Awesome show if anyone hasn't seen it yet, great characters all around

    Also I'm about 4-5 episodes into Bloodline, really liking it so far. Interesting story telling method and episode structure, really looking forward to wrapping it all up.


    edit: almost finished with bloodline, stressing me out


    edit2: finals thoughts / spoilers


    that ending sucked. danny told the drug kingpin that his brother stole the cocaine from him, DEA interviewed him, and then... ??? would have been much more satisfying if the DEA woulda figured it out and busted them (almost hinted at it with the brother-in-law interrogation) or the drug lord just takes that entire shitty family out. i guess they're bringing the kid in to attempt a second season?? anthology with a more conclusive finish here would have been great imo, but man nooooo payoff at all. was very entertaining throughout the season, even knowing the final result (danny getting killed) so soon, but that's a part of the story telling technique which will be hard to replicate again. just wish they woulda wrapped everything up better, some shows really don't need multiple seasons... but we'll see how it goes i guess /rant

  2. http://torrentfreak.com/first-episodes-of-game-of-thrones-season-5-leak-online-150412/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Torrentfreak+%28Torrentfreak%29


    The first four episodes of the new Game of Thrones season have leaked online a day before the official premiere. The leaked episodes, which appear to come from review copies sent to the press, have been downloaded more than 100,000 times in just three hours.





    they're 480p, don't waste your time. will still have to wait weeks for the next episode anyway, might as well just watch the full HD releases live


    silicon valley, last week tonight, and mad men also in the queue for tonight too. shit's about to get real

  3. Half way through Daredevil and it's a pretty fun ride so far. Some good fight scenes like the hallway in e02, our lead guy from boardwalk doing pretty well, and I'm digging the main villain Fisk. Acting is a little over the top at first and you'll need the standard superhero disbelief to an extent, but I can understand the good reviews. Could also see people just as easily bunch this in with Agents of Shield, Flash, Arrow, Gotham, etc. Ymmv

    Dunno why but I'm kinda surprised how violent it is, Netflix trying to separate itself I guess

    edit: the intro is the dopest

  4. A late train is fine, I can deal with that and understand how it happens

    But how IN THE FUCK do you leave the station 3 minutes BEFORE the scheduled departure time?? Kinda defeats the whole point

  5. Haven't watched the finale yet, but have been pretty impressed with Better Call Saul

    Mad Men "premiere" was pretty meh.. Don't think that long mid-season break did them any favors aside from the full Netflix queue being up ala Breaking Bad

    Think I'm over Vikings... shit is pretty dumb now

    Burning through all of Entourage leading up to the summer movie. Still entertaining after all this time, old school cell phones and all

    Lots of shows winding down and the new seasons of shows like Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley getting ready to start up, should get good soon

  6. heists with random people is a fucking nightmare and you won't finish them the majority of the time


    GTAV is an awesomely fun game, but the furthest thing from casual i could think of. it's a huge time suck, especially once you get involved with the online portion. get guns, get cars, get money, etc.

  7. Seems like a ripoff when PIA's encrypted VPN services are only $40/year

    You can change your DNS servers right now for free, but you'll likely still need the alternative IP for regionally locked stuff


    Edit: related - https://thevpn.guru/vpn-vs-smart-dns-proxy-unblock-location/


    edit2: yeah just changing your normal DNS (free, easy) won't help with regionally locked content, as smart DNS providers like Unlocator also mask your IP. cool service, but for the $$$ i'd just go with a reputable VPN provider




    actually, on second thought maybe smart DNS is a good way to go for specifically streaming content. all depends on your needs i guess

  8. If I was gonna swoop on any android tomorrow, it would def be the Z3C

    Check out out the Yahoo Aviate launcher, been rocking it for awhile now and it's alright. Like the app drawer, but it's not the smoothest ever (aka android across the board)

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