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Posts posted by jayrock

  1. The z3 c is nice I've had 2 the dust proof is REALLY helpful. My only complaint about it is the way group texts work. It sends each one individually when using regular SMS. I then switched it to google hangouts which sorta fixed the problem but I was receiving texts late or not at all. Not only that but I wasn't receiving a lot of picture texts it said I had to do it but you can't. The reg SMS has problems too aside from the group texts


    textra is the best sms app for android ainec, totally worth the $0.99 they just started charging




    i've been using it forever and all my group texts work just fine, with iphones, mms pics, all that jazz


    hangouts is terrible

  2. ripping through seasons 2 and 3 of spartacus just for some background noise. the dialogue/writing is so fucking corny is almost hurts, but the show is essentially just a gory softcore porn anyway, so whatev. ain't got shit on rome, that much is for sure






    a couple episodes into other space, has its moments

  3. Whoever is responsible for store layouts in Safeway grocery is retarded and should be fired

    Looking for deodorant? Yeah, that'll be in the aisle by the charcoal and insecticides. Looking for bread, check the toothpaste and personal care section

  4. wow i dont get it does actually not own a glue stick or is he too dumb to buy one


    they're running a business, make it as quick and simple as possible to collect money. as a customer i'm not impressed, and shouldn't have to worry about the required paper payment being lost in transit because they're too cheap to buy a half way decent product

  5. Yeah because I have one of those :rolleyes:

    The envelope they send the statements in is a sticker sealed privacy envelope, share the wealth and stop being a cheap ass for the actual payment collection is all. They probably have like a multi-year backlog of self addressed crap in the queue

  6. Landlord's self addressed envelopes sent with the monthly statement are the cheapest piece of shit envelopes ever. They never seal fully at all, infuriating. It's 2015 - if you can't provide an online payment method, and you insist on snail mail checks, at least give me the reassurance the damn thing will actually make it through the mail. It's not like people haven't been mailing shit for hundreds of years or anything. Spend the $5 or whatever and use an envelope that actually works.

  7. ^^ season 3 of Bron/Broen / The Bridge starts soon I think, that kinda counts. Still haven't seen the first two yet

    online vimeo series high maintenance has been picked up by hbo, may be worth checking out

    Pretty good stuff here, early episodes/seasons are super short too which make for a quick viewing

  8. was gonna give that hollywood cc show a chance. tried the late show with larry wilmore but just wasn't feeling it. the round table format and a bunch of jokers trying their best half serious / half joking colbert impressions... meh. when daily show finally goes off the air in august looks like last week tonight will be the true torch bearer for that format.


    started up rome recently out of the blue, as i've heard nothing but rave reviews about it. so far so good


    online vimeo series high maintenance has been picked up by hbo, may be worth checking out

  9. Modular concept looks cool, although the only thing I ever changed on my TMA-1's was going from a coiled 3.5mm cable to a straight one, and that fucker is like 4 feet long or something ridiculous

    New components are apparently compatible with the TMA-1 too, that's pretty dope

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