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Posts posted by jayrock

  1. ​


    ​interesting, might be worth checking out


    ​looks like there's quite a bit of promising things coming down the pipeline. just glancing at this list i'll probably be checking out Billions, Animals, Ride, The Path, Vinyl, 11/22/63, Preacher...



  2. 4977196611_83830a1324.jpg






    in order read. can't believe it's taken me this long to finally read 1984, well worth it. best of this batch easily. The Stranger kinda sucked (imo) and The Broken Gun was a good 'ol modern western, both of them were super quick reads compared to Orwell


    in the queue... Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World... kinda got a theme going here following 1984 heh

  3. heh, pretty much everyone outside of this thread won't shut up about it tho. news articles like crazy too, almost as if they missed the actual story the first time around and are trying to make up for it



    ​dunno if i'll ever get around to watching it. 10 episodes seems like a bit much. never watched The Jinx at all and that was only six...

  4. good visuals / production value with shit acting. i had never read the book before so it was all new to me, fairly interesting alternative history at least. also got renewed for a second season run just recently i believe


  5. well i finally gave into the peer pressure and swooped on a PS4 this weekend. was gonna go xbox cause i like the controller a little more, but easily the vast majority of my friends are on PS4 so the choice kinda made itself in the end


    still spending a massive amount of time in GTA online, living on my yacht cause i'm fucking riiiccchhhh. pretty great how character/stats/money all transferred over seamlessly. on a similar note, many of my PSN purchases were also available on PS4, like hotline miami 1+2, resogun, and ollie ollie. so while not the same backwards compatibility as XO, that's still pretty cool


    Rocket League is amazing,  my psn sn is JAYROCK_STEADY for anyone who wants to rumble. also not very good yet, but it's fun as hell

  6. while rather anti-climatic i did enjoy the finale. but yeah, they could've just kept them somewhat distinct anthologies instead of going for the direct tie-ins. i had actually told someone they could probably watch season 2 before 1 because i was unaware of how close they would be, but i guess it doesn't really ruin anything either way. i feel like s02 would be better appreciated from a full on marathon session as opposed to the real time week by week.


    anyway, safe to say i did like it better than the first season, which was also pretty good. hopefully they keep it going

  7. finally got around to starting The Affair. really enjoying the two different story lines being presented somewhat simultaneously but curious as to how this will keep up throughout the season. maybe it doesn't? dunno, about to find out i guess


    very well done, like it a lot. you have the dual background stories along with an ongoing background investigation and they're slowly blending together.  well worth the view if you haven't watched yet, looking forward to starting s02



    almost through jessica jones, feeling really repetitive tho. hopefully the finale has some pay off

  8. Fargo does ........


    a crystal skull??


    yeah not sure how i feel about that. still a great show but that specific scene seemed a bit unnecessary


    "Oh, it's just a flying saucer hon. Let's go!"


    was just chatting with my coworker about Fargo s02 and then i realized..


    that the UFO was in the sky when the younger Gerhart was hit by the car, after the diner massacre. had completely forgotten about that

  9. Get the AppleCare and backup often but yea not cool at all

    I'm not in the market for a MB at all but as someone who uses OS X daily at work I'm very disappointed with the software side of things lately, with each update seemingly causing a new issue. (Some of that could be on adobe's side too, and I like El Cap but it's pretty much gone downhill since the 10.6.8 glory days)

    Having said all that still way better than all this Windows 10 bullshit

  10. finally got around to starting The Affair. really enjoying the two different story lines being presented somewhat simultaneously but curious as to how this will keep up throughout the season. maybe it doesn't? dunno, about to find out i guess

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