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Posts posted by salaami

  1. thanks dude. bonus pic:


    you dudes are greedy, so here's another to top off the ole' mug...

    the crotch stitching is strong and not threatning a blowout at all so far. i reinforced an area (as s20160192.jpghown) with BiG thread when one of the theads wore loose from the inside. vintage zippo is eating the coin pocket like pac-man pellets

  2. another anterior pic under similar conditions. i have on adilette sandals and you can see the fullcount hem. solidd brass belt buckle from thrift(like a dollar i think). the quirk near the bottom of my left traintracks if from the selvage on the inside curling back towards the inside of the jean. it's been like that as soon as i got them from the post office, i noticed it when i flipped them inside-out before i boiled them, and thought it would be cool to see how it fades. here it is.


    back view with flash...


    side view with flash


    crotch repair. it wasn't the stitching:D, it was the denim was wearing a bit thin, so i took the time to patch it using Oni kabuki vedge denim.


    better pics when i get my Cannon back....sorry. i use lunapic to upload, but i don't photochop cause i'll just make shit worse.:o

  3. about the veins, i think it comes from the tension and weave of the denim. i've noticed it alot on evisu #1 denim, as well as the denime xx. a lot of cheaper wal-mart jeans i see rednecks rocking at work have it too, and i get envious.

    here's some pics taken yesterday on my shitty backup cam. some are sunlight, some flash to give you the real run-down...

    i don't have whiskers due to wide,rough shit scraping my thighs, so here are the only ones i have at the moment near the fly...


    right side lateral view, full sunlight. you can see the side-of-calf fading me and greasy peanut share...and some wallet fade. color is pretty spot on i guess. handmade lanyard makes cameo appearance...


    here is the wallet fade. red tab is still pretty strong. you can see the thickness of the tandy belt. the leather is not so 'orangish', but color is still lovely with a little shea butter and a lil sun. was 'red-moon raw' color at first.


    this one is the sharpest of the ones i took, it actually makes me feel the cam aint that bad, i just have to get the conditions right.


    full posterior view. no combs to report. i iron them out ever so often. so what, sue me! somehow the same creases form every time, so it's not the iron, it's the looseness around the knees...


    full frontal view inside with flash and some sunlight through door.

    i made both of the leather pouches myself hand stitching leather is a bitch, but worth the time and extremely sore fingers. the brown was raw leather color, but has evo'd some. the black one is made from same pattern, but dark-brown where the zipper is, and the body of the pouch is full count's black denim. it's so rare i just had to make a hip-pouch out of it. sorry, no fading yet...


  4. dude just has what i call the 'japanese fit'. good. the belt needs work though, to narrow. a 1.5'' wide joint will fill up those loops well, and it need not be $200+, unless you can splurge. a sufu-quality jean needs a sufu quality belt. no offense doc blue but i thought belts were intended originally to hold up a mans trousers. ..

    btw has anyone seen the new 'no-fade' pbjs @ BiG?

  5. the made in china thing shouldn't scare or shock to many of us, we should by now be well aware that most of the MIJ jeans we wear are made on japanese soil by chinese women. kuniyoshi-san said it, and that's enough for me. cheep said that the evisu heritage jeans are quality, and they are MIC. still with all that said, i refuse to wear non MIJ jeans. i'm an asshole.

  6. johnny red, loving the cortez, i can't wait to bust cats over the head with a crispy pair this summer. ''fuck yo dunks nigga!''

    ?i thought washing rarely made for more contrast. i also thought that ''contrasty fade'' ''vintage-fade'' were opposites...i guess everyone sees things through their own lens.

  7. it's common knowledge that machine-drying will make for softer denim. i've machine dried my contest joints like 10 times and they most def are softer after a hot dry usually between 60-90 minutes. i just steam iron them if they crease weird(blasphemy i know sue me. ''oh no he didn't''). eternal's one-wash is just a hang dry in the sun, but it IS different from denimes one wash. i don't really prefer one or the other. whether i machine dry or hang dry depends on how much time i have that day.

    as for the eternal BiG contest i'm really thinking about joining up. the price should be lower than the $255 gordon charges for the eternals he has now(i guess), and i've always wanted a pair of 811s. i know i'm in the denime contest but no arrogance intended i fade denim rather fast, plus i'm in it out of respect for hayashi-san, not really for the win despite some cats considering me a shoo-in. so if i get enough tax $$$ im in. you heard it here first. beatle is part of this, that's enough for me...i love jersey girls

  8. well when jeans get broken it's a good thing(denime are coming along LOVELY imho.) but cars not so much. when you pay basically the same amount for a car as a pair of raws you get what you pay for. my sister is gonna come scoop me up and then we are going to the slave-walk. somehow i'll try to get to the lendo lair if he's not to busy and get some pics today. pics soon, but i can't promise today.

    wait a goddamn minute, the new denime xx denim is thin? i would expect this from Red Monkey Co. , not the Real McCoys. something has gone extremely afoul here. now you boys call gordon before the price jumps. i want a pair of xx type to put in the cut myself...so you hoes stay away from the w29

  9. one-wash is rather harsh, but it won't make the denim fragile or more prone to damage. water and heat are a lot less harmful for denim than months upon months of built-up nut sweat. trust.

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