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Posts posted by salaami

  1. with all that said the best thing to do is just send gordon the best pics you have of your jeans now, since regardless as to what anyone thinks eventually gordon will run out of patience, and just judge from what is submitted. it's tricky since the start of the contest was delayed, which lead to non-synchronized start times for everyone. so the bottom line is the contestants need to get the pics in ASAP. but there should be about a weeks grace period since the jeans were pre-paid for well in advance and the delays a year ago were do to FC's mistake. but for all those wanting to wait a week or more to get in that last second fade, a week won't make that much of a difference unless you just got hired to a construction gig or some shit...those contestants with a 'real chance to win' are clearly defined imho, and i need not spit names

  2. take it easy greasy! sir you might've just won this contest. gotta rep for side-of-calf fading, i've got a shitload of it myself. i'll post some 6 mo. denime pics in about 2 weeks just for you.

    i hate tye-dye jeans, but the STF are faded damn nice. ..

    oh yeah, eddie the wife is doing much better. thanx

  3. ^ seconded, but might i add that even after my initial boiling soak they still shrank a bit more with the next 2-3 washes.

    i spent a good bit of time at the riva this weekend, and spent the rest of the time smoking beef, chicken, and shrimp. i just put some coals in a large pot, and when the coals get hot i cover them in hickory wood chips, then lay whatever meat i choose on top until fully cooked. takes more time than regular grilling but the smoky flavor it gives is superb. the meat doesn't even need sauce...

    after doing a little check for oil& coolant leaks underneath my sister's van the denimes are quite dirty. more importantly all the sliding on asphalt under the vehicle has faded the lateral sides of the jeans even more. loving it...wifey and i had a lil spat this weekend, so i couldn't wash this week( i stayed at my sister's all weekend, and my trust bucket was at home. so i'll get em' in some water soon.

    it's past 6 months for some of us, so this thread should never be on the 5th page of superdenim

    i checked my mail again and i still haven't heard any response from t5 as to accepting my t5 forum application. it's been over a month.

  4. jeans went to the 'riva' (what we richmond mofos can the james river) to have a lil R&R. we sat on some rocks and blew a spliff. good times...so i'm on the way back today. weather is great. not to hot, with a lil breeze.

    as for wear, i'm starting to get the tiger23 fades on the sides of the knees. it's from bumping stacks of pallets straight when i stack them. if you don't keep them straight from the beginning they will lean more and more the higher you go. so that adds up to severe fading along the sides of the knees, thighs, calves. i guess eventually fading will somewhat begin to wrap around the calves as soon as these start to develop any kind of combs.wallet fade really coming in. i'm @ 5 months now, so i'll wait a month to post the 1st quarter updates.

  5. whew, i'm glad they got there! best 10 bucks i ever spent. i took back out the temporary stitches i used to fix the front left pocket since i figured since they aren't mine i didn't want to impose myself on them. it's good that they are in a nicer neighborhood cause if they get around any $5 hoes they might get away from you! yo medine can you post a pic of the soap so it can get some pub. good shit, and only like 2 bucks a bar. my cam is still @ cannon.

  6. i've seen plenty of dudes in lowes and HD wearing prefaded jeans that i can tell they have put more fading on. but they never look as good as even STFs that were raw. and i've seen well faded rustlers and other wal-mart jeans that faded pretty damn well from raw. even warehouse aren't really 'vintage jeans'. vintage jeans are the real jeans from yesteryear in my opinion. the jeans we wear are reproductions of vintage jeans. let's say 'vintage inspired'.

  7. shit, comparing obbis wallet to mine is an insult(to his) i wouldn't dream of selling any of my hood-made shit. in a while i'll be whipping up some TEAM RVA belts for lendo and tv shooter, but those will be gifts. i'll be lucky if i can get them to rock em.

  8. the art of thrifting involves looking at everything on all of the racks. that's how you find the gems, cause niggas like me stash hot shit when i can't get it right then, and when i get a lil more $$$ i come back to the stash. so if you catch me, it's fair game.

  9. goddamn i love you dude. i went t to check on the h&Ms, and biscuit is straight wrecking shop in those shits. they are getting small, but my sister said give her one more week for good measure. then i'll wash em myself(trust, they need it) and then they will almost be the right size for jannah. i got another rugrat in the oven now, so i don't know when my leg will be up. kids in selvage brings joy to the hearts of old men

  10. yo, the jeans are officially on the way! i need to be kick-slapped for holding these jawns so long, but they are out of my hands now. journal is full-up, so i'm sending it to SENY to kiya. it's so dope that it would be a damn shame if medine doesn't get to start up another one. you all can kick my ass now, or just pay lendo to do it. i can't fuck with BJJ. boxing is too limited for his arsenal of submissions

  11. i made myself a belt using the 7mm thick tandy leather. to ramp up the details i replaced the cheap snaps with brass chicago-screws, and i used a vintage brass buckle i found for a pure steal(50 cents) at on of my many thrift spots. it was raw pinkish at first, so i massaged some raw shea into it, and left it in the VA sun for about an hour or so, and then gave it a shea treatment again for good measure. after i wiped off the haze she's a bit tan, and ready to go.

    kix is right. tanner's belts are just as good as the japanese belts(who proudly use US hides), and a lot less $$$. they age just a well as anybody elses...

  12. the sam boast site is a denim-porn lover's dream. lots of great ones, but those two pairs of lot 0 joints take the cake. i need to post my sams there.... bunga's denimes are what had me sold on the XX denim. i have a pic of these jeans(along with tiger23's) in the bathroom in front of my toilet, so i can look at them while i smoke a joint and take a shit. that's actually a compliment.

    the vintage levis are great, they are the reason for the limitless copies. but the good repros show how some one else can take your great idea and continue to carry on tradition if you start slipping.

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