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Posts posted by salaami

  1. hold off on that wash for another week markus, ima sending you some dope soap soon.

    funny, my jeans thread popped on the side of the hip too, but it wasn't the stitching's fault, i snagged the fuck out of it on a piece of wood. 5 minute repair job. repaired front left pocket opening, another 5 minutes. wash #12 yesterday(kirk's coco castille soap), hot machine dry. starting to get fades on the sides of the knees from this weeks abuse...

  2. first off i hate that awful wash/rinse they used, and the denim looks more slubby/streaky than the real XX denim. anyone who has a pair of denime knows that the real XX denim is not slubby @ all. R.I.P denime...like beatle said what a goddamn shame. ya'll better get up with gordon before he jacks up the price on the few real pairs he has left...be sure that he is well aware of the current denime situation...

  3. to be honest, i don't think i as a muslim should perform analingus, but if i did everything i'm supossed to do i would also shun western-style dress to avoid assimilating with unbelievers, i wouldn't smoke bud, and i wouldn't live with a woman i'm not married to, listen to music, or watch TV(no pun) but i'm only a work in progress. he ain't done with me yet...so i'm still a ass-licking freak. edmond refuses to give me the # to his therapist. TV i know you copped something from BiG or SE, you bastard.

  4. yo my extreme bad folks, my chapter officially sucks pic-wise. i WILL make this up somehow. yo jimmy, i'll be sure to post pics of me in the shirt soon. i've been taking it really slow due to the collision...i didn't know i would be so sore a day or so later. so the jeans have been smoking hella chronic(pain-relief:o), dragging my ass to work, and shoveling mushy snow. although my chapter is boring(at least for you all), i did put some really good wear on these.

  5. here's pics of me working in the shirt, but first a shitty fit pic...this garment is cut BIG! i didn't roll up the sleeves to give a truer fit pic. the phat spliff of good ganja did'nt come with the shirt, but it helps...the weed was so good i smoked about a 1/2 of that joint and had to sit my black ass down for a minute. i'm trying to do the Markmont eye...worn with denime 66xx, and US gov't watch cap.


    about to measure & cut a slab of concrete board (i'm remodeling our shower @ the crib). it's kinda rough, so i guess it contributes to fading if it happens to rub against you... 74424358.jpg



    these are all RAW pics, i put the shirt on as soon as i got it( a week ago), and you've already seen markus' detailed(and higher quality) pics. i boiled it( bonus pic in ''you know you're addicted thread) after i was done for the night. then i washed with Kirk's castile soap(google it). so much indigo bled out that it scared me. after drying, the shirt was as dark as it came. almostnice is the man for this one! i can't rock it everyday now cause we can't wear shirts/jackets with pockets at work, and we have to tuck in our shirts. the 'jacket' imho is not really cut to be tucked in, and it will look silly with a slim jean that way. untucked its fine. i'm doing all real hard labor in it of course. i wanna see how this bitch fades!

  6. thanx again for showing us how to register on the t5 forum. i gotta do that shit this week before its too late.

    ??????DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT KIND OF COTTON THESE DENIME ARE MADE FROM?????????? edmond, francis, anyone? all the ''lighter/faded'' parts of my thighs are uber-soft, i mean as soft as the worn FC denim. seriously. it's like bunny fir, yet tough. i have a small hole on the coin pocket, but that's it.

  7. denime 66xx contest, 11 weeks...colors & contrast are spot on. big ups to jackboot a few pages back. sicko skulls, amazing is an understatement. klue's handsewns are some forreal next-level shit. he scares me...ah long, the union stars were most def slept on, and the stars look nice when broken in. yours are the best ive seen. i need to see more pics of florian's 700s. i tried to take the above pics with a red skully ala florian, but lil sis focused on the denime only. poly really came through on the PRPS(as expected). calvinouch has killed those BKs.




  8. hate to doublepost, but i posted the pics before i went back and read what i'd missed...everyones jeans are looking exciting right now. the whole ''oh wow, look at how fast salaams jeans are fading'' and the +rep is cool, but seeing the other's jeans fading slowly is ultimately more exciting to me. when the blue starts peeking through(see atzecs last pic at the bottom) is the shit i really love, as well as the hue variance.

    TV, i know seeing my jeans was 'ok', but i thought it was my constant pestering that made you join. oh well, i always fancied myself more verbally persuasive. maybe it only works on strippers & big bootyhoes :D having you in on this is a big bonus

    the wallet lanyard is handmade (by salaami himself). i got lil sis to teach me the mysteries of the box-braid, and i went to the military surplus store and copped some paracord. it's used in parachutes, and used for a shitload of utilities. it's like 5 bucks for like 50 feet. i made it just long enough to serve its purpose, but not be so long as to get caught on shit. i just found a dope spot in town that sells kangaroo leather lace, ( and a million other leather craft supplies) so i'm about to get my redmoon on! it's called Tandy leather. lendo put me on to them. the lady that runs it says she ships leather to japan on the regular, and she'll teach me how to make whatever i want. stay tuned bitches...

    the indigo-snow is one of my alltime favorite sufu pics. speakin of pics, here's some more old joints(last week) i just dug up...



    yoke roping...


  9. alright boys, you waited patiently, now you get it...these were taken last night and today, just minutes ago. wash #10(or 11, i smoke too much) with my new favorite soap(Kirk's Castile, just as good as dr.bronners, but only $1.50/bar!). i'll be washing with this until they stop selling the shit. it's like 11 weeks, so these will suffice as my 3 month update pics...enjoy(i hope). forgive me for wearing the FH tour belt to the side like this. i wanted to wear it every day, and it's a size 34 belt, so i had to rock it side-saddle to avoid having the leather stick out like a dick in the Cathouse( i hate that shit). the boots are Nike Blazer ACG if anyone wants to know. good snow boots...and no mr. almostnice i will NOT be hemming these, i fucking love this mega-cuff. i simply cannot live without it:D. big ups to t5 for the 2-tone hem stitching! i gotta register before my black ass gets kicked out of this contest.




    these are kinda old, about 2 weeks ago when i first got the camera. it was overcast, so i wanted to show the jeans in a different light(all pun intended). i need a damn tripod, my hand shakes like parkinson's.



    these are all in natural light of some sort. no embellishments, or color editing. to be completely honest, the fit pics @ the top are 100% what they look like. that's why i chose this lil' cheap ass cam instead of the other ones my brother had. thanks to the junkie who gave my brother the camera for crack $$$. your kindness will never be forgotten...

  10. if it's a ''choose your own denim shirt'' contest thats cool, cause i think the PB one might be discontinued. there's plenty of good labels to choose from. TV has a mean FH wabash joint.

  11. crinkles are my favorite denim detail. bunga you fuck you, i love those warrens so much i hate you and them:D. commenting on what cheep said earlier, one of the things(amongst many) about the warehouse company is that basically they use one superb denim for the most part. just come with the good shit, if it ain't broke, don't change up. this thread has been great lately

  12. my first pair of selvage jeans were nudies. i'm still mad i paid $180 for that greycast shit, then went right back and paiddd $225 for the selvage ones. damn that hideous orange poly stitching! for $400 i could've gotten a nice pair of natural indigo jawns...but oh well, to each his own

    btw from time to time i end up sleeping in my jeans, but usually only when i'm sleeping over @ a friends house.

    almostnice, the bronner's is on the way soon, but i forgot to ask, bar or liquid? both are equally wonderfull...

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