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Posts posted by salaami

  1. I would under no circumstances give asslicking, weedsmoking, jeantrashing, babymaking black muslims any money, especially if they are from the same state as the evil tvshooter who I hate again and the coffeedrinking cigarettesmoking beardwearing cagefighting dogbreeding taxidriving photoshopping jew who scares me a little. I have not given Vinneus any money either, I have not made up my mind about him yet but his head is very round.

    yo, this is the first time i actually laughed out loud uncontrollably off of a sufu post. you mofos know me so well! such an evil lot... fuck you all:D.markus, i'll deal with you personally in the land of denime. don't forget bitch i know where you live!(too bad i'm too broke to to back to germany and inject you with indigo dye until death). glad you hate the bronners, i wish i was the one responsible for your aquiring it.:(. once i fix my car i got a shitload of stuff to ship off... im still buggin' off how brown metallic and TV look alike.

    and as for you mr. haga, how fucking dare you, you fake armenian looking, tahini bucket stealing, belgian waffle munching fatherfucker. i wish you would...

    but seriously, i love you all. forreal, i like you fuckers more than most of the people i know personally. this contest kicks ass.

  2. goddamn , you people are insatiable!(the roping was the bonus pic) hold on, let me dig up something else...mirror is filthy(i was visiting my moms, blame my lil sis it's her bathroom.) consider this a WAYWT photo from 2 months ago: gwen stefani harajuku lovers tour tee/66xx type/adidas aditennis sneaks. you happy now? note leg twist. i would take a better pic, but i have to send my camera back to cannon for repairs. the lens wont retract for some reason... so no pix for a while.57448425.jpg

  3. 54977296.jpg

    here is the stitching coming undone i mentioned previously...you all know the denim is not this greencast, it;s just the lighting. i was sitting in the car and the sunlight was shining through the blue sunscreen shit that's along the top of the windshield(you know what i'm talking about). i fixed it, and the saga continues. as far as the softness of the denim, i'm obviously enrolled in the mikiharu tsujita(mr. fullcount) denim institute, meaning i am of the opinion that ultimately comfort is the most important factor in wearing a pair of jeans. if the garment is not comfy, why the fuck would i want to wear them everyday for 2 years of my life? now as far as stiff/rough denim being more 'vintage/authentic' i highly disagree. all denim is stiff when raw, even denim made from zimbabwe cotton. but wear and wash makes cotton softer. and as far as using the word 'vintage' do the homework and you'll find that the wash techniques used in the past were VERY HARSH, abrasive, and abusive to the denim itself, which probably doubled the rate of indigo loss. if you rub any pair of jeans against a metal washboard, or beat the jeans on a big river rock, the indigo will crock( we would say that's 'cheating' today).that's why a lot of real vintage jeans don't have poppin' whiskers and combs and sufu glorified contrast. and of course the denim will be much softer as a result. i've asked gordon and paul T and neither could say how often the jeans of america's past were washed, or whether the average man wore them everyday on end for months/years, or how long a pair of levis waist overalls would last a hard working man back in the good ole' days. so evidently we know a lot about what the old jeans look like, and how they were washed, but not a lot about how they were worn. so for everybody who considers themselves waxing nostalgic by wearing stiff jeans that they consider more 'vintage', think again...your reward for reading my rant is some bonus pics...


    i didn't resize so you can see the fuzz...

    roping, i still don't know how i get roping on my jeans even though i never uncuff them, so the inner-hem never scrapes my shoes. all the bleeding on my shoes/boots is actually from the weft side...this is an old tracks pic i dug out of the catacombs. poor lighting.


  4. after careful review, i think this whole thing is a misunderstanding. you say 'stfu', and i didn't know you were joking, maybe cause i'm not used to people i don't know telling me to shut the fuck up...in my town that could get you slapped the shit-out-of at minumum. so we are even. plus i like the way you stood your ground(you even said bitch, the whole room i was sitting in had a good knee-slap at that), so kudos. a lot of sufu dudes are straight puss, so cheers for having balls. nice pics too,btw. evisu is loved!

  5. you are somebody salaami ? I was kiddin with you bitch.

    now I AM talkin to you .

    in PM .. check it .

    dude you are a real character...you tell me to 'stfu', then when i try to keep it above-the-belt by dismissing you and keeping it moving you find yourself with a lil too much time on your hands and decide to make this an 'e-beef'. for all who are to witness, here is his direct PM response. i usually wouln't even take the time for this to put you on blast, but this is your baby...

    quote from 'numero uno 3xl':

    who the fuck do you think you are , you were a nobody laughed at for the first 6 months that you were here at Sufu bro .

    u betta watch your gottdamn tone callin me mutts and disrespecting me motherfucker . just cause you been here years now youre still that same nobody to me .

    respect your gottdamn elders

    end of quote.

    now firstly i know who i am, i don't think or assume. i was a 'nobody' then, and i'll probably be a 'nobody' until my demise. sufu popularity is nice, but i doesn't add to my self-esteem, or make me 'somebody'. if motherfuckers were laughing then, they ain't seen shit yet.i got some new pics on the evo thread, so you can laugh at those. you obviously think about me more than i do you, so i'll consider you a fan;). thanks for your support. i better watch my tone? i'm from churchill dude, i know scary, and you ain't it. i'll stop here, i got more pics to post...elders? dude how old are you anyway?

  6. it's funny how as soon as we get dope fades, we grow weary and move on to a new pair of raws. very,very nice pbjs

    this pic is for kixlf, i would resize, but then you cant see the little hairs. just after wash #13. i used Chandrika Ayurvedic soap. it's lye soap, and it's really good for body and jeans. it doesn't lather well, but that means nothing. it's cheap, and natural. Bee & Flower is good&cheep too. this denim fades without any vertical falling, but in a very 'grainy' way. i'm sure you are all sick of seeing these jeans, so i'll wait a while to post more. this new camera shit is addictive...color is spot on. this is what the jeans actually look like as of 20 minutes ago.




    these were straight out-of-the-drier(still warm), so after 20 seconds of steam ironing for each leg the funny creases you see now are all gone, and ready to rock. enjoy...

  7. to be completely honest, although some of my favorite brands are not there(i would have loved to see warehouse here), the 30th anniversary SDA's are there, so at least the osaka5 is in the house. we also have momotaro( the most slept on japanese brand on sufu, trust me), ooe, RJB, and burgus(i can't wait to see these). it will be good to see how the hardcore japanese jeans compare to the american and euro brands. there is some commercial influence here, but all of us buy $300 jeans like it ain't shit, so somebody's always making $$$. so be it. funny thing is, this whole thing is more of a project than a debate. we've probably done more debating on this sufu thread than they will. this is just something else i'll use to learn more denim minutia, and feed my tapeworm for denim porn.

  8. i just realized dude was talking to me! instead of replying, i'll just assume his avatar is a self-portrait. i don't speak mutt.

    @ yin, the acrylic paint can be found in any arts & crafts store for like a buck a bottle, if that's what you meant.

    paulo, isn't that pink on your jeans that 'mentaiko pink'?

    crash, that pic is great, people just rocking their jawns, and enjoying their lives. the bucklebacks are great too...

    @ eddie, show us the shirt! i know it's some hot shit.

  9. ^as far as i can tell, you are the front-runner right now. by looking at yours and vamks' jeans we are able to see the full potential of this denim. thank you.

    as far as the fading faster after a wash, it depends on the individual pair. if you hang dry, the denim will be noticeably stiffer, but if you hot machine dry, the denim will be significantly softer. my jeans are in the drier right now. i really prefer to let them hang out in the warm virginia air, but there isn't any warm air here right now. imho i think what you do in the jeans right after a wash is more of a factor. sometimes people might tend to try to keep them clean for as long as possible once they are nice and clean. i've actually heard people who are in contests that say they avoid dirt as much as possible, so to each his own....

  10. perhaps the difference is the cotton source: the tag on that mini-bale of cotton says it's from lubbock, texas. maybe that's our clue. the 1000xx is from memphis, and texas ain't that far away. the denim seems to be a bit heavier too. probably won't fade any differently(a very good thing)

    by the way, the rusted 'negro' statue is me in a few years...but i'll have on jeans, not a monkey suit.

  11. i'm flattered my denime are being discussed in this much detail. to put in my two cents:

    about the sams...i rocked them for a very hard 20 months of grunt-work, but i only washed like every month and a half. samurais fade significantly faster than denime. another factor is that i washed them in regular detergent, household cleaners like fabuloso, amonia, murphy's oil soap, dish detergent, you name it(i was living at the time in the projects up the street from lendo, and i had no job, no car, and a baby on the way. i wanted the sams for like a year, and i had to wait for my tax $$$. as soon as i cashed my tax check i left for NY that night. it was BiG or bust. i got to new york and waited on greene st. for hours smoking chronic until yuji got there. it was a snow storm, so he was impressed by my enthusiasm). plus the effects of them being rained/snowed on all winter, sun bleaching etc. but i must say they didn't really fade that much from the elements. sams don't hold indigo very long.

    about the denimes, they only fade slower. i wear them hella hard, and since i rock them in public outside of work, soi have to keep them at least respectably clean. plus i don't want my daughter laying on my lap and it's full of dirt and sweat. the lap wouldn't get any real whiskers anyway, since the work i was doing wears the whole damn leg. if you'd take a notice, a lot of the vintage/work-worn jeans from the past had very subtle whiskers. the lack of combage is due to fit, not washes. my FC were washed to fucking hell, and i still have combs. i'm admittedly trying to challenge the notion that to be a true denimhead you have to wash like every six months, or that if you wash your jeans it's a tragedy, and your $300 jawns are ruined. miki-san(mr. fullcount) says a weekly wash is good, and ain't none of us sufu-cats as heavy in the denim game as he is. so i take his advice, and the jeans keep proving him right:D

    ps: i would not, and will not EVER wash my jeans in anything less than castille soap(bronners,kirks coco) or real-deal lye soap. all that household shit was out of necessity. if i'm broke i can always afford a $2 bar of kirks. one bar will last at least a dozen washes, so that's 3 months for me)

  12. all-cotton thread is no doubt stronger/longer lasting than poly-core thread, but the fit of the jeans play a big role in how long a crotch lasts. some blowouts are caused by the denim wearing thin over time(as in my FC). i reinforced the fuck out of my crotch seams, but i squatted down one time too many, and RIIIIIIIIIP!. how often you wash the fabric under your nuts is important too. your underwear will absorb most of the sweat, but like miki-san said denim is very prone to absorbing ball-sweat. over time sweat decays thread/denim. gordon said that 2-3(or even more) crotch repairs is normal for a jean sewn with cotton thread broken in from raw.

  13. ok, ok, i'll always owe flash(that evis denim is uber-rare and fantastic)a solid, and beatle is from jersey( i have a soft-spot for jersey girls and their soft-spots), so i'll take/post all new full-count pics tomorrow , and post the warehouse later this week. it felt good to get some +rep after a while. i fucking love this new cam. best thing i ever bought from a fiend! i was right up the street from lendo's, and this thing basically fell right into my hands.

  14. denime crotch reinforcement: threads were getting a bit loose, so i got to is before it really became an issue: when you are in a 2 year contest an ounce of prevention is worth 10 lbs. of cure... BiG thread(big ups to gordon) yellow bartack is denimes factory bartack, which is much neater. thanx hayashi-san! there's also one underneath the bottom fly button in place of a crotch rivet. i like.


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