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Posts posted by Icarus

  1. That is one warped fit. Gettin a low rise sag with the chunky cardigan hitting that belt line and making it clear that body proportion was not taken into account anywhere in the process and the shoe coming up out of the monitor because of a thrice-skewed image plane and all you can look at are the skis and man, shit, mom is coming around the corner and is gonna find out I take pictures of myself with her camera. All kinds of psychological terror.

  2. Problem also lies in model release permissions. If it does not bear a copyright or creative commons tag, full copyright is assumed.

    This has always confused me. Saw the Zomby/ Ordo picture in the Wire. Almost had a heart attack. That is actually an exact Ordo Waywt. Pictures of Zomby playin shows show him to have thicker arms than the Ordo I know (sorry bud), and also wearing Dior/Gucci.

  3. Really hoping to find a killer black denim vest to throw a self-designed back patch on, worn over a white button down, black cheap mondays or jil trousers, organ masters. +rep for anyone who can source me a killer black denim vest (and I will chop up a number nine vest if you can find it).

  4. This is the most fantastic time to live in the Midwest. Ohio and Michigan are outputting a prodigious volume of cassette work, with really strong releases from Wagon, Pizza Night, Holy Cheever Church, AA, Mistake By the Lake, Arbor, Young, Catholic, Fag Tapes, and the list pours forth.

    Sawyer, if you are on a KFW/ Emeralds bent I do an all new age/outer limits/meditative synths show Thursday nights/ Friday mornings 12-2 CST at www.whpk.org . Heavy rotation includes: Oneohtrix Point Never, Mist, Color Dream, Josh Burke, Dolphins into the Future, James Ferraro, Joe Raglani, Caboladies, etc. I pull a lot of old Kraut (Klaus Schultze, Ash Ra) as well as true new age synths (J.D. Emmanuel) and meditative records, and overblown synth soundtracks (Carpenter, Tangerine Dream, Frizzi). Ritual music, calm tones, etc.

    I've really started to lock onto Keith Fullerton Whitman's Creel Pone label, which might be the absolute best avant/electronic crate dig or out-of-print material. Keith's site (Mimaroglu) is an absolute treasure of current and historical commentary and exploration of avant garde and outsider music of all patternings.

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