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Posts posted by Icarus

  1. Oh man, when I lived in Boston I saw Scapegoat plenty of times, great band. There was a crucial PV/hardcore scene (Scapegoat, Mind Eraser, Sgt. Slaughter, the Conversions, Unholy Goatfucker, Positive Reinforcement) in Allston/ South Boston (the first Scapegoat vid was taken at the Ratskeller, which was 100% concrete), Negative Approach ended up playing one dude's wedding.

    Criminally underrepresented here are Will Killingsworth's Failures, who have tearing it.

  2. I'll be doing an experimental violin focus--new uses as counterpoint, texture, and inner-harmonics since Henry Flynt running through NY minimalism and into contemporary usages in Midwestern noise and new improv tonight on WHPK 88.5FM Chicago (streaming at www.whpk.org) 7-9PM CST.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. I will recode for the following links, didn't know you needed that for reblogging.

    All the posts without text underneath are photos I have taken myself, and background for almost all of them can be found in the click through.

  4. I technically ate this food in December, but I just processed the film.


    Cairo: Fetir, pomegranate/yogurt, citrus, hibiscus juice, mint tea


    Luxor: Kushari and Fanta


    Pastries at Twinky

    For good measure I made Egyptian-style Kushari for dinner. Not as photogenic.

  5. Listen, you send me some Ervell gear, I will send you some pictures and keep my mouth shut.

    The beauty of the oxide shirting is really just breaking my heart. I know my lifestyle is too rough and tumble and my wardrobe not deep enough to justify throwing down 280 bones on a fragile shirt.

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