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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. Ugh, Oshii directing probably means it will be as cerebral as shit but not very entertaining. Haven't been into any IG stuff for years.

    They should just make the Vagabond anime if they want to do a Musashi story.

  2. My dad acts as kind of a handyman for his old college prof. They're a couple that has a ton of vintage modern furniture they've been buying since they were young. They've got wooden Eames LCW chairs bought in the 50s and I guess the back on one of them got kinda wobbly.

    So my dad is fucking sanding and chiseling this piece of furniture that is a rare collectors item prob worth some $$$ and reattaching the back piece with some Home Depot glue. Then when it's done he realizes that he put the fucking thing on upside down. I was like omggggggg.

  3. this cannot be real

    nobody lives like that

    yet he has a ton of videos


    Holy shit. This is amazing.

    I'm watching his cooking a tomato vid and he explains that he was beating up the shell because he hadn't cooked an egg before and he was under the impression that after when you cook an egg the shell becomes soft and it becomes the egg white. He did not know you have to discard the shell. He had to discover this by reading about egg whites on wikipedia?

    Dude is 33. How the fuck does he support himself and live? He has the common knowledge of a 4 year old. He seems pretty earnest too. If this is a joke it is fucking epic. These vids are like Andy Kaufman x Truman Show.

    edit: wtf he's got a 2nd house that's spacious and clean. dude also speaks fluent japanese? I feel like this is the fucking matrix.

  4. They had some good basics, but for some reason no graphic Ts and much less selection than the NY store. The stores were also extremely plain (like night and day compared to the soho location) and very empty every time I went, which I guess explains why they all closed.

    Jeans were 2 for $25, thermals were $6, and blank Ts were $3 for a while before they shut down. I copped for cheap.

  5. why does everyone want to be a fashion designer. and lulz at people i went to highschool with going to school for fashion after discovering AA.

    They realize they can be skeevy as fuck, do no real designing, and bang underage girls while getting $$$$ in the process.

  6. Hahaha. I remember thinking those pills were hilarious because they're the exact same pills that got sold in China all throughout the 80s and early 90s to fight colds. Didn't work back then either. Whoever repackaged and sold that shit here must have made some nice bank.

  7. Some asshole unsuccessfully tried to jack my car. I woke up and found the small triangle shaped window in the back was shattered. Thieves always break these because it doesn't set off the car alarm, then they reach through and unlock the door from the inside. Except the one on my car is very small for a 4 door sedan and there's no way you can fit your arm through it past the wrist.

    Now I gotta pay $200 to replace that shit though. :(

  8. pomme frites is run by pinay

    Didn't it used to be run by two white chicks? I used to go all the time in HS and then after college it was run by asians. I stopped going because $6 for fries that I gotta eat in a cramped ass space wasn't worth it to me.

  9. You can sneer at the fan culture of Wes Anderson all you like but Royal Tenenbaums was an impressive movie to pull off. You don't have to like it but most people would have a hard time pointing out how they could have done anything better than Wes did in that movie.

    I only liked RT and Rushmore though. Fell asleep during Life Aquatic at the theater. Also watching RT makes wish I was white and semi old money.

  10. It was 4 of us. Got a pound of turkey, a pound of sliced brisket, a half pound of pork ribs, cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans, bread, pickles, jalapenos, and their amazing sauce...

    for $40.92.

    That's so legit. This is part of the reason I can't take stand bbq in NYC, because a fucking pulled pork sandwich with 2 tiny sides will cost you $20.

  11. 2) i just watched the lisa lampanelli special, which i think poisoned my brain

    Heard this bitch on the radio like 3-4 years ago and that was some of the unfunniest shit I've ever heard. She's a big enough star for her own HBO special? The fuck?

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