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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. Kinda want the APC bomber but even at the sale price I could prob just custom a TOJ equivalent for roughly same price and prob way better materials.

    Damn I dunno....

  2. whats the appeal of this show?

    Mary Louise Parker. Also Justin Kirk. That's pretty much it. I've never liked the two sons and I hate them more (esp Shane) now.

    Will still watch the eps to see if Nancy shows tits like the end of last season.

  3. Man fuck bums. I don't want to be racist but I see all these able bodied big black dudes just sitting on the corner with the change cup out. Some of em even got nice chairs and a boombox, just relaxing and shit. Meanwhile I see mad homeless asian grandmas, all 60 years+, carrying/pushing huge carts of cans peasant style trying to hustle a living. How the fuck am I going to give a 30-40 year old man free money when there's seniors weighing like 90 pounds collecting scraps to get by on the same fucking street?

    On the same tip I always see college aged white kids bumming for change at the union square Starbucks. Wtf is with that? Some of them got phones and ipods and shit. These kids failed artists/students? Junkies? What's the story?

    Although if they have a cat/dog with them I'm always giving at least a couple of bucks. Fuck ppl but when I see homeless animals I'm always :(.

  4. Bronson for reals. Gran Turino was a preachy self indulgent piece of shit that made Crash seem like slick feel good entertainment.

    Eastwood has been worth millions for decades and probably has not had to wipe his own ass in just as long. In my mind Bronson is still kicking down doors in the Bronx and shotgunning fools in the face, cars blowing up in the background.

  5. Damn was having a good time at the seafood fest. $12 whole lobster and 66 cent oysters while looking at mad high school chicks in beach gear. Then shit got all rained out.

    Fuck this rain.

  6. [quote=Solix;1835300

    Made some "Alabama-style" grilled chicken with white bbq sauce and beans. Rice cuz I be asian


    I'll finish off the southern night later by making red velvet cupcakes.

    What's white bbq sauce made from? Is it like a pepper gravy? Never seen that.

  7. Went 2 years ago and found it terrible. Shit is crowded as hell and wait times were awful. Admittedly the food is good but I don't want to line up a half hour for a pulled pork sandwich, then another half hour for some ribs, then another half hour for a beer. Also some popular items get sold out by early afternoon. If you've got 5+ ppl and send everyone out for diff items to divvy up the waiting it might not be so bad.

    Half the ppl at this thing are not there to eat. They're there because "lol nyc bbq is such an ironically cultured event I gotta go take pics and then blog about it." I also sound angry because it was pushing 100 degrees the day I went and shit was unbearable.

  8. virtualboy.jpg

    Always wanted to try one of these... Never got released in Australia. RIP Gunpei Yokoi.

    So not worth it. Shit made your eyes and neck hurt. Games weren't even any good. Not hard, just not entertaining. I remember playing it for free at Toys R Us and even then getting bored after like 10 min.

  9. I was at the local Barnes and Noble and I see the top of magazine called Winq on the rack and my first thought is "lol wut the sufu cape dude?" and I walk right over and pick it out of the back. Then I realize it's a global gay culture mag and I can immediately see all the dudes around me start judging and I'm all like "ffffffffffffff".

  10. I just found out that Pachinko has annual turnover of like $500 billion a year? Wtf? Who is getting this money? Entire Vegas strip only does like 8 billion a year. Shit just blew my mind.

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