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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. nigga i watch that shit manatee only 6 bucks

    take yo 6 bucks cheap ass to the manatee showing at your local theaters and tripple feature a bitch

    Just did this shit. Saw it in Union Square last night. Visiting parents in NJ and woke up early so went to 10 am showing for $6. Ppl who hate this movie are people who hate entertaining movies.

    On another note Avatar trailer looks even more retarded on a big screen.

  2. hamilton817.jpg

    What is the lining material on this thing? I tried the jacket on at a sample sale and it was scratchy/itchy as fuck. I have very sensitive skin but I could not imagine wearing this wearing just a thin T shirt. Although now I feel I shoulda bought and resold because prices were cheap. Retail on this jacket is what? Like $2000-2500?

  3. That Ronin Warriors song was fucking catchy though. Remember back in the day when every cartoon had a pretty cool song with a nice opening animation sequence? Networks are cheaping out nowadays.

  4. Is that the one where he gets animal powers like super speed and enhanced strength/vision? Holy shit I used to watch that in China way back in the day. I don't remember anything about a horse cyborg though.

  5. Wtf I thought there was an ant crawling on my lcd screen but then it turns out that it on the inside of the screen and not the outside? Like its crawling on the back light or something and gets blocked by the text even though I can see it crystal clear on the white portions of the sufu site. It's giving the 2d screen a weird subtle 3d effect.

    Edit: Lol I'm not too sober rite now and I was like "shit I gotta take a screenshot of this and show ppl" and then I realized real things don't show up on screenshots whether they are inside the monitor or the outside.

  6. Damn GI joe really was a fun summer movie. I wonder if it will do well though because I think a lot of ppl are feeling guilty/pissed about seeing Transformers 2 and may avoid it for this reason.

    Fuck Channing Tatum though. How the fuck does this dude get cast in any movie? I know the acting pedigree for kids coming out movies like Step Up is not high but Marlon Wayans looked like a combination of Sydney Poiteir and heyday Eddie Murphy next to him. Seriously Marlon Wayans was the best actor in this thing.

  7. Imitation meat is some of the weirdest shit I've ever had. As someone who eats meat but also loves veggies I don't understand why any vege/vegan place would choose to serve an item that doesn't actually resemble meat, or any kind of food found in nature, instead of celebrating the natural delicious of vegetables. I've been to places like Zen Palate and Red Bamboo and I would prefer a good salad or a vegetable stir fry to any of the imitation stuff they serve. I can understand the role of veggie burgers in a social setting, like if a vegan is hanging with friends at a bbq, but to go to a eatery to specifically eat this type of non-food makes no sense to me, especially when there are so many other choices that are more natural, taste better, and adhere to your lifestyle rules.

    Vegetarians made a lifestyle choice, but imitation meat says they despise that choice and are constantly looking to skirt it. To me it is like someone who denounces gays yet will constantly jerk off to a pic of David Beckham because it's not "really" being physically gay. Or a celibate priest who goes to strip clubs every night. Yeah you're not actually breaking the rules but come the fuck on.

  8. turtle made a reference to gossip girl.

    When he said it I was like "wtf Turtle is giving himself way too much credit. fatty you ain't close to looking like Chuck Bass."

  9. As a Chinese person I feel the need to say that pandas are some bitch ass creatures. These guys are not smart, unhygenic, not particularly friendly, and contribute nothing to their ecosystem. Pandas live better than 90% of the people in China and they still can't get the population up? These things just take and take with very little to show for it.

    Pandas are the equivalent of those spoiled bitches on My Sweet 16 in the animal kingdom.

  10. I'm not so much worried about a superhuman intelligence as much as machine with a viral instinct and the technological capabilities to replicate itself endlessly from raw materials, in which we will lose resources at an exponential rate.

    I'm pretty sure that an actual super intelligent machine will run shit way better than humans, except the sheer greed of people at the current top of the heirarchy will never such an entity to exist or gain any kind of foothold.

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