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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. why even justify urself to some dinky crackers over a genre of music they have no concept of?

    are you a moron? seriously?

    You're the one touting how MJ was bigger than Lennon/JFK because both whites and blacks loved his music so much that he pushed through racial barriers for all artists on MTV . Now all of a sudden the "crackers" whose fandom helped launched him have no concept of his music and you're calling out Ichigo on some Uncle Tom shit because he disagreed with you?

    Bitchassness right here.

  2. dont be retarded. Mike is an even bigger influence to music than john lennon was

    I'm not arguing with you musically, but Lennon helped shape/represent an entire generation's opinions about life, style, art, politics, the war in Vietnam, etc... Even at the height of his fame MJ was the biggest pop star in the world but he was not more than that. Saying that MJ's cardiac arrest will resonate with people as much as Lennon's assassination in 1980 is crazy.

  3. you do realize that mj dying will be as big of a deal as elvis, john lennon and jfk, right? even if he did lose it later

    you really can't underestimate the enormous scope of his influence, fan or not

    Elvis yes. Lennon and JFK not even close. Why not throw in MLK and Ghandi while you're at it?

    Musically the scope of his influence will likely never die, but people have not cared what he has had to contribute culturally for at least a decade.

  4. Awesome posts in kick flipping out of coffin thread imminent.

    But wow this shit I DID not see coming. Also LOL at the equity fund guys who bought up all his debt and tried to finance future live shows with him.

  5. Looks like I'm going to be the first one rocking that striped jawn classic look. Until Brad gets his I guess. Gonna be weird if we run into each other in nyc.

    That black/black does look really good.

  6. I got a NY Post invite to an advance screening for Transformers but I can only bring one guest. The invite is a printable flyer that does not have a name on it or anything.

    I'm thinking can't I just print like 5 of these and bring all my friends in for free? I'm also slightly sad because everything I hear about this movie indicates that it's total shit.

  7. In the beginning stages of knowing a chick, do you feel that buying balla shit for yourself will get you almost as much pussy as buying balla shit for her? Like if we walk into the store and I pick up a $1200 bag for myself and nothing for her, will this still be impressive enough to accelerate getting fucked vs having to buy her some shit?

  8. I told one girl last Saturday my job is to sharpen wooden pencils.

    Like I have a razor blade and I manually make the ends of wooden pencils sharp all day long.

    I told them I've been a apprentice for 3 years and now will be taking over the family business.

    She believed the entire story.


    All sorts of manual "artisanal" shit be viable nowadays. Tell bitches that pencils is the new denimz. U be passing on lost Okinawan pencil shaving techniques and make bank selling that shit to boutiques.

  9. Those Acne sneakers have kind of a whack shape but they're the lightest mid tops I've tried and very comfy for the summer. My Spring Courts look better but my feet get hot as fuck in them so I've been wearing these instead.

    Would not pay over $70 for them though. The canvas is literally paper thin.

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