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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. i know this is old but THERE IS A SONIC IN NEW BRUNSWICK WTF?

    No way. I head back all the fucking time and unless it's tucked away in some super obscure place there ain't no Sonic in NB.

  2. I was also surprised at how little you saw Doc Manhattan's penis consider every review I read made a huge deal of it. I seriously thought Snyder jiggled it in front of the camera in slo-mo or something the way every reviewer could not get over its presence in the film.

  3. I thought it was great. Shit definitely went a little indulgent at times but otherwise it's kind of mindblowing to see how much love Snyder and crew had for the universe of the Watchmen comic. The opening montage and many little details were better than I could have imagined.

    However I think the movie was also a testament to why movies should never be adapted from comic books so directly. There were points in the movie where obviously one issue of the comic ended and another began but from a non-fan point of view it was stilted storytelling and terrible editing.

    Did anyone else notice that Veidt had a folder called "Boys" in the disc that Nite Owl and Rorsch hacked into? I loled.

  4. I'm having a weird white chicks period. I was at the market in Philly and there were all these really plain jane Pennsylvania dutch/Amish chicks selling jam and pies and shit and I got really horny. They weren't that hot or showing any skin (full skirt w/the bonnet actually) but the allure of the foreign plus that pure bred whiteness was just doing it for me.

  5. have ya'll seen this azn chick giving head to this other azn dude, while his azn roommate is playing dota. they aren't trying to hide it either. shit is crazy. PM me for link or something...

    I seen this vid except dude is playing Spore. Plus when you're in college and sharing a room you gotta do what you gotta do.

  6. How distant are we talking? Like your dad's brother's wife's niece? The Chinese term cousin applies to pretty much all relatives so you're not blood related I don't think it's a big deal.

    Also ain't FTB ain't your family pretty well off? How desperate is your cousin that she gotta turn tricks? Are we talking street walker or just being a kept woman for several rich guys in return for an apt?

  7. two azn girls.

    both at my school, both in my same building (dorm)

    both pretty, similar faces, same body type, same general steelo, similar haircut.

    ones nice/weve spoken (but very little)

    one doesnt speak to me, may/may not have a chip on her shoulder.

    i can never tell them apart :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

    Don't fucking matter man. U white = they want your cock eventually.

  8. i havent seen slumdog yet but the main character played in skins so i cant see how it could possibly live up to its academy awards

    should i pay money to go see it?

    Don't do it. Shit is so vastly overrated.

  9. Is it me or you almost never see korean girls like that in Flushing or Fort Lee?

    The above CAGs listen to shitty k-pop and want to fuck dudes who sing Disney acapella to them while dressed like a teddy bear. The ones in Flushing and Fort Lee listen to rap and want to fuck korean wiggers.

  10. First I loled at the kid, then I got pissed. Then I got pissed at all the idiot commenters. Although wait, Barney's has no alarms? Wtf?

    And Frank Abignale was 10x classier than this kid. He was picking up bespoke suits and banging older CWGs on all the continents. This kid is going to Rikers for fucking Gucci monogram shoes and ugly shades.

  11. Watching Live Free or Die Hard again on HBO damn this movie is a fucking legit ass action film. Also Maggie Q is so fucking average looking. Good bod but there every damn c-list actress on any asian tv show is better looking than her.

  12. how can girls be into anime and video games enough to dress up as characters

    Why would this surprise you? Girls say and do some of the dumbest shit imaginable for one thing, attention from other people.

  13. What is point of getting T-Pain to sing a hook in your song? Doesn't everyone sound pretty much the same through a vocoder or autotune or whatever? I assume you have to pay him a lot of money whereas a nobody can bring the same effect with the same equipment for virtually no money. Is it because he looks like a cool guy to have in your video?

  14. ^^^

    Damn JJ's description fits so many of my friends except they are mostly asian so not hairy. Otherwise pretty spot on.

    the idea of chocolate covered bacon exploded my brain, wonder how it tastes like hmmmm..

    Mad sweet and savory. You can't use the fresh bacon though because the salty greasiness would be overwhelming with the chocolate. Gotta be like Vosges and cure that shit in maple syrup first.

  15. I was scooping out some rice to cook and got to the bottom of the bag. The rice at the bottom is mixed with what looks exactly like kitty litter. Wtf is going on? Are they cutting my rice with this shit for profits? Tokyo Rose brand rice HOW CAN U MIX!???

  16. Wtf one of my roommates is always late with his share of the internet money. It's only $25 a month so I don't really give a fuck but dude will skip out like 4-5 months in a row til the tab is over $100. Every time I see him he'll be like "hey man I didn't forget about the money I've been busy and I'm working on it." Then he'll pay me $50 and avoid me until he's late on another 2 months worth. The fuck are you working on? This nigga needs a layaway plan for a $25 monthly internet bill?

    I'm not even mad about the money I'm just mad I get the runaround from a college grad in his mid 20s for fucking $25 a month.

  17. Damn. Fuck this market. Fuck my liiiiiife. How the fuck do the guys in charge fuck up this bad? Why are no heads rolling?

    I'm no fan of the Chinese government but if this was China I can think of at least 6 people that would be dead right now.

  18. Ran into this dude on the street today and he looks fucking badass. I was walking along 5th ave and walked past 2 stroller pushing moms, 3 north face jackets, one motherfucker in shorts with the upward white "bro" slant baseball cap, then BAM he turns the corner decked out in full makeup and RO.

    Much shorter than expected though.

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