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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. ^^ They have a dessert tasting menu that is pretty good value for sampling a lot of the cool techniques they use.

    I feel like nobody really goes to WD-50 for or any of these places for the food. It's an experience for sure but if you told me that's the only kind of cooking I could eat for the rest of my life I would be upset, even if price was no object.

    Seriously using a sex metaphor molecular gastro food is for the ppl who've been around the block so many times (or at least wish to give that impression) that they need cirque du soleil type shit combined zero-g and a whale foreskin condom just to bust a nut. It seems real frilly to me, but I'm just not bored with old fashioned fucking yet.

  2. I got a weird ass anxiety about eating ground up glass and dying. My fridge gets real cold and the water in my Brita gets real icy/slushy sometimes. A lot of times I'll wake up to drink water in the middle of the night and get the slush and in my semi-conscious state I'll panic and think "oh fuck I just drank glass and it's gonna carve my organs up." This happens like once a week and I panic every time.

    Pretty sure I got this notion from an old issue of Hellblazer. Damn I wish I never read that comic.

  3. wut u know about making 650 bux selling old anime shit at an anime convention swap meet

    What kind of stuff? We talking figures/merchandise shit? I get sad because my collecting heyday was when anime shit was still really expensive in the US. I bought the original Eva VHS tapes for like $30 a tape and each one only had 2 eps on it. I got mad boxes of the stuff in my old room and it's prob worth less than junk now.

  4. Just found out that my chinese aunt who rode my ass for 20+ years about needing to study harder and is snooty as fuck about your grades/college has literally no idea who George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln are. I was taking her to see the memorials and she was questioning whether I was wasting her time because she had no idea who these ppl were.

    I've known her all my life but mostly avoided because she's retardedly conservative but showing her around America has blown my mind on how small her worldview is. Took her to see Lion King and afterwards she was like "now I understand that a Broadway play is this thing with all these puppets and singing in African." I had to explain that this is just ONE show and that it is not representative. I don't think she understood that concept. Also she argued with me on whether Baltimore was a real city or not because she had "never heard of this city before" and therefore wanted to make sure that I was not driving to a place that I made up in my fucking imagination.

    This is a woman who is in her late 60s, has access to TV/ magazines/internet, and has lived in China's biggest city her whole life. Yet talking to her sometimes is like talking to a time traveler from the distant and shit. I'm still in shock.

  5. i hate how extreme home makeover makes me catch feelings

    For Ty Pennington? Is that his name? The dude who builds houses for ppl and acts like if Ryan Seacrest was grew up in a Home Depot?

  6. I was at AC over the weekend and it's confirmed that I cannot stand the place unless I'm drunk off my gourd. The entire place and 99% if the ppl there just make want to take a shower and scrub the place off of me. Ugh.

  7. dude, my mom started dating my dad when she was 16 and he was 25.. i wonder about that sometimes... my dad, a pedophile?!! :eek:

    Shit was diff in the old days.

    One thing that always stuck way out in my mind was from Catch Me if You Can, when Chris Walken talks about being a GI overseas in some small French village and sees Leo's future mom dancing in this little festival they put on for the troops. I can't wrap my head around a soldier just seeing a 15 year old girl in some foreign country who speaks no English and just brings her back to America. I guess that can be seen as romantic but in todays age that shit's completely sexual predator territory.

  8. I noticed they weren't honoring this on the 10th, to not eat into mothers day profits. Who the fuck brings their mom to KFC for Mother's day? Is this a hood thang?

  9. Why is Rufus being such a little bitch about taking some of Lily's money so his son can go to the college of his dreams?

    Goddamn. If you were a rock star of some renown, PLUS you owned an art gallery during the ridiculous art boom of the last decade, and you still don't have enough money to send your kid to an ivy then you just plain fucked up.

  10. Wolverine was so fucking terrible. I want to see the budget on that film because it was the cheapest looking "big" comic book movie to come out in the last 5 years. The first 3 X-Men films grossed 1.5 billion+ and Fox couldn't spend the money to make Wolverine not look like complete ass?

    I can't believe this thing out grossed the Watchmen opening weekend by 30 mil.

  11. My aunt and uncle are here from China staying with my fam and I'm already sick of their old world conservative chinese nagging bullshit. Shit is gonna last for another month and a half.

  12. All I've gotten is sloppy HJ/BJ since November.

    When did college girls stop being down to fuck?

    This is just so they can tell their boyfriends they did not fuck other dudes with a relatively clean conscience. Although seriously Nov is a long ass time for college situations.

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