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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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Every Day Carry, or EDC, generally refers to small items or gadgets worn, carried, or made available in pockets, holsters, or bags on a daily basis to manage common tasks or for use in unexpected situations or emergencies. In a broader sense, it is a lifestyle, discipline, or philosophy of preparedness. I like to think that it is better to have and not need than to need and not have. I think many people EDC to some degree but are not aware of it -- things like Swiss Army Knives, carrying a pen with you or a bottle opener or LED on your keychain are all considered EDC. Hopefully this thread can help everyone be that much more prepared just in case!

superfuture® Threads of Interest

What do you pack on a daily basis? in your bag, pockets, etc.

Show us your knife

Flashlight afficionados

writing instruments

Random stuff to put in ur pockets

Post your keys

lets talk watches

What is your wallet?


Other Forums of Interest

General EDC: EDCF

Flashlights: CPF

Knives: BladeForums

Multitools: MultiTool.org

More to come... suggestions needed.

EDC Gear Shops

----------General EDC----------





Unique Titanium


4Sevens (Flashlights) Coupon Code: cpf8 at checkout for 8% off + free intl shipping

*Please do ole' branespload a favor and if you buy something from 4sevens, enter "flæshaholic" under "CPF Referrer", thanks :)




Flashlight Connection


Post: To Step Up Your Knife Game... by 35percent


EDC Knives






Berkeley Point


more to come... suggestions needed.

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Between the wallet and phone is a pair of Gerber nail clippers. Gots pillz in the spy capsule.

Also have been carrying a Strider SNG over the Warren Thomas micro m19 the past few days.

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word.. i had a spycap on my keychain, used to have caffeine pills and immodium LOL then swapped it for emergency cash, ended up scrapping it from the keychain altogether.

while i'm here, might as well post up my Minimal Core EDC


Nitecore EZCR2 Warm + Victorinox Manager

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Clockwise from Top:

- Earbuds

- Keyring with Keytool, house/work/mail/misc-keys, suicidelephant

- car keys

- wallet

- bus pass

- zippo and smokes

- knife

also carry my Iphone (which i used to take this pic)

and not really EDC anymore but my Pentax Spotmatic 35mm camera.

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i wanna join.

when i was younger i always like the feeling of carrying shit with me.

if that makes sense, but i think it's cool.

i just don't wanna be lame like wildstyle.


i always felt like if i had stuff on me i'd be more prepared and more likely to adventure

now i just think its great to have stuff! james bond influence

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^ yeah man like I said on twitter during the fire alarm at school I was still in PJs, had to change into jawns and grab all my gear.

i also got locked out of my apt on the ONE day i didnt carry my keychain, so yeah i kinda feel naked w/o them.

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Damn dude, you carry a fixed blade around? Every catch any shit for that?

i dont wear it on my belt or anything and show it off, if anything i usually goes in my bag or in the backpocket.

its also pretty small, bout the size of a paring knife, and i use it more for work (opening boxes, fine detail cutting) than cutting a sandwich in the caf.

awsome knife tho

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I generally do not prepare a BOB (Bug Out Bag), especially for EDC purposes. I tend to limit my gear to a length of 3.5" max so everything fits in my pockets. I can fit my Leatherman and wallet in my back pocket together.. My Spyderco cricket is insanely thin so I can fit that in my front pocket, etc. Hopefully other guys here can chime in with some ideas.

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do you guys get anxiety if you run out to the store really quick in basketball shorts or something? (0)

i can't go outside in garments that don't have pockets...it freaks me out.

I generally do not prepare a BOB (Bug Out Bag), especially for EDC purposes. I tend to limit my gear to a length of 3.5" max so everything fits in my pockets. I can fit my Leatherman and wallet in my back pocket together.. My Spyderco cricket is insanely thin so I can fit that in my front pocket, etc. Hopefully other guys here can chime in with some ideas.

I've got some serious janitor action going most days, I didn't even put up pictures of my work keys, I have to be able to get to them quickly so that key holder thing that ryan made is a no go:( still really dope though. I was actually thinking about using that rubber dip stuff that they use on the handles of tools to quiet down the jingle effect that I constantly have.

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rome 6 blades and zero flashlights???

wildstyle if I were you, I would get the Countycomm Peanut lighter and take the lighter out to use as a spy capsule. It's $11 but the quality is so much better than the pill caps on ebay. Brushed stainless vs cheap metal w/ a finish that flakes off.. I think it's a good compromise in quality and price without having to resort to titanium.

and as for those urban wallets, what if corter made one?? o__O??

also really diggin this


more sufu approved than say, a maxpedition i guess...

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They don't all travel together at the same time usually I only have two or three on me at any given moment. and I know about the flashligh... never got schooled on them just knives and cigars for some reason, but give it a little time and that will change real soon.

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