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Does anybody live and lift in atlanta? I'm new to this hellhole and I need a place to get swole.

Preferably somewhere nasty and loud and chalky and full of people who are serious about their lifting and I don't have to look at people doing quarter squats on bosu balls.

Help a dude out!

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Usually same here. Especially if I'm doing a movement that involves stability.

Remember that guy who asked about what sweatpants to wear with his Patent CPs at the gym? haha

Uh, this was totally accidental, but I was squatting/deadlifting wearing my alden 405s.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I looked pretty ridiculous. Also, would anyone mind me posting video of my dl/squat to critique form?

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what are some good exercises if im looking to gain hops? I haven't squatted in months and I wanna be able to dunk in basketball by the time this school quarter is over

but seriously though, i imagine stuff like lunges, stairs, calf raises, etc would help

Plyometrics, specifically box jumps
Also do power cleans. no joke. be explosive on them


i don't even know if the original question was sincere, but i will take the bait

just my experience, but here it is. the first time that i dunked regulation rim with a fully pumped b-ball was my freshman year, and i wasn't 6ft tall yet. I had played f-ball since grade school but had yet to worked out my legs. I would say it was part natural ability, and I just jumped... all the time.

I jumped everything i could, always off of one foot. sophomore year football season i started working legs, squat, weighted lunge, calf raise and within a month i had lost inches to my vertical. i was getting very strong very quick, but was having a hard time dribbling to dunk. I was incredibly frustrated (because i didn't have a natural shot, i relied on my jumping for offense and more so defense) so i calmed down the leg workout and learned to jump off of two feet. blew my mind and everyone elses how high i could now jump. i never really gained back my former one footed jumping ability which limits what you can do on a break, but two feet was on.

blah blah... sorry

so my advice is, go jump, work on your flexibility and learn some technique. i know that the exercises are all used effectively but they changed my jump


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what are some good exercises if im looking to gain hops? I haven't squatted in months and I wanna be able to dunk in basketball by the time this school quarter is over

What everyone else said, but be extra careful and know your limitations. Plyometrics can ruin your knees, and that shit will stay with you forever.

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has anyone had an experience with HIIT versus Steady state cardio?

I just started HIIT today. Didnt burn as many cals during but after which is when I do my weights I noticed I burned like 200 more cals during weight training then normal.

I just read studies and peoples opinions here and there swaying one way or the other but no one with direct experience comparing both.

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i want to dunk :-( how many squats do i have to do to grow 6 more inches?



hit those plyo drills instead. Box jumps, olympic lifts too.

but really, it's all based on your height and what your max vertical could be, right? So I'm 5'9 and if I'm lucky my vert is between 26-28". That's not a bad number, but for 5'9 (w/ an arm up, let's say 7') I still have like 8" to go.

I know a running jump can be higher than a too footed one, but I don't see my vertical hitting 36" any time soon, though that would be awesome.

fuck i want to be able to dunk

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yeah i was jk about squats, and i meant 6 inches in height lol.

what other plyo drills are there to do? i do box jumps and one leg box jumps and running box jumps, if those are different)

are there any plyo exercises that wont tax my knees? i skateboard as it is and they hurt after a good skate. its actually caused me to throw out squatting out of my whole routine because of the knee pain.

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I had a buddy who played ball on the school team when they went to states. He swore by box squats. Box squats box squats box squats. helped with sprints and DEE HOPZ.

Do Oly lifts (singles) in the am and regular weight training in the pm.

tips wit da hops:

faster you get down the higher youll go up

its a whole body movement

dont hurt your knees (this'll happen if you dont land correctly or do too many depth jumps or pylo in general.imo the best pylo drill..)

on another note just started my sheiko cycle, sucks so far but im going through with it. Just had surgery on my hand and only have one hand to lift with. i think i have to stop this cycle halfway through, FUUUUU

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i suggest checking out the adidas soccer (or soccer inspired line) shoes line. i do all my gym stuff including running in adidas skateboarding busenitz pro model. its basically a soccer shoe (copa mundial), nice and low to the ground, and it looks steezy as hell. tho my model has a very slightly raised heel, i remember trying another adidas soccer shoe (samba) and i dont remember ne cushioning or heel.

edit: u said u wanted something that would keep u stable for ur squats, well along with the very slight raised heel, it actually has a heel cup and heel stabilizers in the shoe, designed to prevent skaters from rolling their ankles, which should even be more effective when doing a much less dynamic movement like squats.


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Critique on my plan?

Some background. I was about 250 (& a fat ass) about 2 years ago, last year I lost weight & got about to 160 using running and weightlifting. I maintained that for a while & decided to bulk. Since then Ive gained significant muscle weight & kept my body fat % relatively low. Im at 185 - 188 these days & plan to keep bulking until the Spring when I'll start my cut. Right now this is my workout split, that I have used for about 2 months in which I have seen significant gains. Basically Ive been going high rep heavy weight. I want to continue to grow so Im trying to see if anyone knows of any tweaks I can do to continue to get bigger. Im not trying to hit a wall here & I feel it getting easier.

My cardio is at least 3 miles on the treadmill every weekday & a longer run on Saturday although I havent made my long run in at least a month cause of the weather, I usually just change it out with another gym day. People have told me to stop running so much if I want to bulk, but I love to run, I compete in several races a year & it helps me to train, plus I have seen significant muscle gain while keeping my running routine.

Monday & Thursday: Legs

Squat: 5 sets 12 reps

Deadlift: 3 sets 12 reps

Leg Curl: 5 sets 15 reps

Calf Push: 5 sets 20 reps

Decline Situp: 3 sets 12 reps

Tuesday & Friday: Chest

Incline Bench: 5 sets 12 reps

Bench Press: 3 sets 15 reps

Decline Press: 3 sets 15 reps

Triceps Pushdown: 3 sets 15 reps

Weighted Bench Dip: 3 sets 15 reps

Wednesday & Saturday: Arms & Shoulders

Seated Shoulder Press: 4 sets 12 reps

Bent Over Row: 4 sets 12 reps

Barbell Shrug: 4 sets 12 reps

One Arm Dumbell Row: 3 sets 15 reps

Barbell Curl x Lying Triceps Extension (superset) 3 sets 15 reps

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