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it was interesting to see the different attitudes of people interested in ordering, some were instantly down and sent me their size and email straight away, while for a few I had to reply to half a dozen pm's of questions each.

hopefully Richard sees what a great opportunity this is for his label, and is able to source that much quality cow hide of course. fingers crossed :).

7 last seasons DD sweats aren't that skinny, they also aren't ugly as sin haha.

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Im honestly blown away, its very encouraging for NVREND to say the least.

Just praying it goes through otherwise i will feel horrible!

still cant believe i copped dick ovens moon boots. seriously what am i doing

haha they will honestly become your favourites!

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just paid for my DBSS boots. came down to like $930au with shipping etc.

they better fucking fit me or i will kill someone.

Been wanting that boot, but size 1 sells faster before I can even put it in the basket.

^I don't have much money either as a student with miniscule student income, but I have "rain money" (I think that's the term?) for emergencies that's usually clothing related. :o

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034936 I'm totally interested in the leggings! Put up a fit pic and I will make an offer.

I'm on the hunt for the perfect dress shoe that also goes with denim. I like acne but any other suggestions would be rad. What is everyone else wearing atm?


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I have a pair of ted bakers that I wear to work and casually - they are worn in, and have aged wonderfully. Look great with skinny jeans too. They have a slightly more pointed toe than that though, so I am looking for something else as well, maybe a cap-toe?

I have been keeping an eye out around town for some nice shoes but nthing has caught my eye. The grensons at Incu are great but at $425 they'd want to be.

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haha true. but like what 0 said on that thread.. when i saw the pic of the shoes itself i was like fark what a waste of money but then the 2nd pic blew me away.

wew just got 1.5 months left of uni then i'm finished for good.

unless i fail in getting a job and go for PhD.

Title would be Dr. Melvin but working in some Marketing firm HELL YES

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WOW @ CDiem.. a m a z i n g.

Not sure about the wood soles with black Ivan but I could go and suss TB and see what else they have. I may have a look in the usual haunts next weekend and see what I can find... although happy to source from OS like my boots.

I actually still think the ceepee officer boot would have been perfect. :-(

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going for a phd wouldn't be too bad if you aren't sick of uni yet, the constantly rising government grants given to students coupled with some cash from tutoring, etc. are better than unemployment haha.

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by wood i meant actual wood with no coating...

Yeah not sure about the PhD thing... I have a few friends doing them and they're SO fucking excited to eventually get a job that pays over like 30,000 haha. They're fairly content though and fashion isn't something they're into anyway.. I guess you would get used to the lifestyle but my advice would be to aim high then make a cut off point in regards to where you actually WANT to work. If all fails then hit up a PhD.

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no way in hell I'd do a phd at this point, definitely had enough uni for now. still with ~$30K/year grant from uni (tax free) + cash from taking tutorials/labs + maybe a fellowship with a company for extra funding you can get by alright, I have a couple of friends doing one and all they do is play basketball all day haha.

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Here is the grenson Kirk in blck calf:



buy it from pediwear http://www.pediwear.co.uk/grenson/products/1983.php

comes to about $250 which is waaay better than incu's bullshit. these aren't even made in england though since they are from their "rushden collection" which is the youngman's line. I think portugal or indian but still solid.

Also guys, i'm coming to melbourne for a weekend trip wit 3 friends, anyone know wheres a good place to stay for 4 nights? we want to go cheap, but not a shithole nor far from the CBD... currently considering Travelodge at southbakn, which is like 160 for a room with queen bed and double sofa bed, which could accommodate all 4 of us???

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mm well i'm meeting with my designer this week to discuss a couple of things but our collection is definitely growing. Initially we wanted to release just a couple of pieces but now we're thinking of doing a full line. should be good! i don't have anything to show atm coz its all work in progress but here's a taste of our logo

feel free to comment :D

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