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Holiday traffic is nuts. Took me 3 hours for an hour and a half trip. People drive like maniacs on the highway. I thought every time we came to a stop on the highway because of backups, the guy behind me was going to slam into me. Fucking nervewracking

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i hardly get gifts anymore, but also i don't really give them, especially for my family. they're way picky so gift cards really are the best option. i also like getting gifts for people.. but i really like wrapping gifts.

I just got myself this sweet gift. I'm good at getting gifts for myself. Thus begins a new tradition.

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i was hanging out at my friend's house, and our other friend calls to see if he could come and test something out on his xbox like this


i was like :o :O WTF! apparently its for killing time waiting in line on black friday. i also now want an xbox. left 4 dead is stupid fun :(

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKK that there is just pure unadulterated awesomeness

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evan why don't you play left4dead on PC the fuck man I thought we were cool

you're not mad at me are you? because i dropped that shit i thought we were through with that man, i thought the only thing left was clear skies

um.. did you write this in english? i can't read it if u did. :confused::confused::confused:

sid lo i think you meant to +rep me, feel free to apologize any time

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