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Life is so much easier if you're completely open about everything. I have maybe half a dozen secrets that I wont tell anyone, but other than those, I am an open book. It's strangely thereapeautic.

I try to be completely honest and open as much as I can. It may piss people off at times, but you just ask them, "Would you prefer I lie to you?"

agreed. i used to just tell everyone what i thought. n then my friends startin gettin uppity about it because apparently what i think can be quite negative. so now i just tow the line and i feel boring and 2 dimensional.

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Life is so much easier if you're completely open about everything. I have maybe half a dozen secrets that I wont tell anyone, but other than those, I am an open book. It's strangely thereapeautic.

I try to be completely honest and open as much as I can. It may piss people off at times, but you just ask them, "Would you prefer I lie to you?"

agreed. i used to just tell everyone what i thought. n then my friends startin gettin uppity about it because apparently what i think can be quite negative. so now i just tow the line and i feel boring and 1 dimensional.

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...if whitney were a guy, she's be a guy in a dress.

good thing she's not :)

anyway, a girl said she's "officially not cool" with me anymore.

how did i respond? well, i didn't really care. these past weeks (maybe in months) i haven't even hung out with her. it's like she never existed, and i didn't mind at all.

big deal she got me some shoes from her work and expects me to get her something. whatever.

tired of being used and abused she said. yeah right. i'm the one who had the crush on her and stayed up late reading about some shit that's related to her school project and helped her get a B (A?) for her. i helped her with her homework. i drove her to school when her car got jacked.

she's only helped me get shoes from her work. lucky me.

her loss.


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Ken, yeah, there are girls like that that will try and guilt you, so that you'll still hang out with them and so that they still have you wrapped around their finger. The "officially not cool with you" thing sounds like a last-ditch effort to make sure you realize you're apparently not pulling your weight in order to hang out with her. Also, some girls just don't seem to realize all the things that you do for them that don't have a price tag attached to them. Better off without them.

hellogoodbye, I like whitney, cause she reps me from time to time and seems nice enough. So... basically she's bought me with green. I'm ok with this.

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i popped off all the keys from my keyboard and did a thorough cleaning.

i didnt know i was typing in such filth all this time.

i have never been so repulsed of myself.

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i read that on one of the mac forums, but i thought they were mac reps trying to scam people like myself.

maybe next time i will shower or take a bubble bath with it.

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funny you ask that.

on this said forum, they recommended people to take a photo of the keyboard before hand. of course, i didnt, thinking i can google image search it later.

i forgot that i cant search images without my keyboard.

so i called up a friend and had him read out every single key for me.

not only was i repulsed with myself, i was also smittened by my dumbness.

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I wanna clean my powerbook keyboard now

How'd I get the keys off without breaking them?

is it a pre-intel mambo jumbo powerbook? i tried cleaning out my G4 iBook keyboard once, and ended up breaking the keys off, and having have to replace the entire keyboard eventually.

use air can.

this keyboard was for my iMac. they pop off so easily, quite fun, actually.

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i confess: if whitney was a male poster she'd have 3 green squares of rep. TOPZ.

this is a difficult statement to qualify

i imagine most of whitneys rep comes from waywt

i think she has a good aesthetic sense

there are plenty of guys who get repped for fits as well

do you mean to say that if whitney were a guy she would not be as good a dresser?

i find this difficult to believe, imo girls are harder to dress well

anyway, a girl said she's "officially not cool" with me anymore.

this sounds like a girl who would say annoying affected things like "omg he is totally not my favorite person right now" and probably has rhinestones on her sidekick

unless she can get you more shoes i doubt you would be missing out on anything by severing ties

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I was all excited at being obsessively hygenic but now I'm vaguely disturbed by the thought of what's lurking under my fingertips.

syb, have you noticed your keystrokes the slightest bit muted lately?

brushed your thumb over something between the keys only to look down and find nothing?

FACT: nearly half of all keyboards in american homes house insect eggs or larva beneath

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this sounds like a girl who would say annoying affected things like "omg he is totally not my favorite person right now" and probably has rhinestones on her sidekick

unless she can get you more shoes i doubt you would be missing out on anything by severing ties

rhinestones? she's more tomboy, and not valley girl at all. but that sounds kinda like it.

oh, and she does have a sidekick which she's always on, lurking ISS.

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this sounds like a girl who would say annoying affected things like "omg he is totally not my favorite person right now" and probably has rhinestones on her sidekick

unless she can get you more shoes i doubt you would be missing out on anything by severing ties

I had to use a cellphone covered in rhinestones for a couple of months. It ruled. I'm thinking of having it done intentionally.

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rhinestones? she's more tomboy, and not valley girl at all. but that sounds kinda like it.

oh, and she does have a sidekick which she's always on, lurking ISS.

unless you value yourself that low that you'll let someone treat you like that, you need to drop her like a bad habit. you know what to dooooo. and plus, pack light. don't keep around junk you don't need. (in this case, junk people.)

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^ details dude. thats one of the few shows on teh couple of channels that the tv in the breakroom at work gets.

my ex-step father owes my mother almost 3k. She filed a claim 3 months ago, and she got a letter the other day from judge alex. They want me to go on with her.

I'll probably just get to say that my ex-step father is a fuckhead, cockwad, or something.

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I don't believe it.

How do you manage a relationship with 3 girls?

How do you get 3 girls?

What, you've got goodlooking penises, and diamond rings coming out of your ears or something?????

well he does look alot like the toadstool from mario brothers, maybe they think its cute...

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