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Pics of Distressed Oni Jeans


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the guys at BiG don't really want to have a big superfuture presence. gordon says he's against using superfuture as a marketing tool and wants to stay low key. that's why he's purposely stayed off the forums.

luckily, people in nyc can keep the superfuture crew updated with the latest BiG info...

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the guys at BiG don't really want to have a big superfuture presence. gordon says he's against using superfuture as a marketing tool and wants to stay low key. that's why he's purposely stayed off the forums.
Yeah, I totally understand and agree with that. I just meant in an enthusiast sense, since Gordon must be a pretty serious denimhead himself.
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thanks chicken! i do what i can.

gordon is a serious denimhead. though his knowledge about premium japanese denim comes from first hand experience in japan not from the internet. chicken, next time you see gordon, you should speak japanese with him, his japanese is very, very good.

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the guys at BiG don't really want to have a big superfuture presence. gordon says he's against using superfuture as a marketing tool and wants to stay low key. that's why he's purposely stayed off the forums.

luckily, people in nyc can keep the superfuture crew updated with the latest BiG info...

might as well, its business after all, and if they're carrying a product/s we all know is quality, they might as well advertise for free.

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I just want to know if they're getting Type 1 jackets any time soon.

(Those are the ones with just one pocket and the buckle back, right?)

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I'm working hard on mine. Almost daily wear. I just wish I could wear jeans at work, that'll speed it up. But so far, I've been satisfied. There are noticeable whiskering already but not thinking of washing it just yet. It's just entering its 3rd month. I'll be really patient on these...

I'm sure Crisis is making better headway in distressing his pair...

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The guys at BiG will take down your info and e-mail you when new shipments arrive monthly. They just received a new shipment as of 7/27 they got a bunch of new denim in and some of those SD wallets in.

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oni has two cuts, the blue, which is a regular fit and the red, which is slightly baggier.

they don't have anything slim like the PBJ XX-005. the blue is a regular fit straight leg, but not very slim. i would say that it is in between a PBJ XX-005 and PBJ XX-003 in slimness.

if you want something that fits like a XX-005, you should get a XX-005.

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