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Posts posted by rbeck

  1. @julian-wolf Florence is wonderful, took a day trip there when work sent me to Milan a year and a half ago. My favorite spot was Piazzale Michelangelo, truly breathtaking view of the city that has stuck with me ever since. On your way up and back down you gotta check out the gardens that border the piazzale on the east and west ends (Giardino delle Rose and Giardino dell'Iris). Also check out as many cathedrals as you can. Those catholics knew how to build a church lol.

    Venice is a day trip by train as well. I spent a day there on my trip too, and it was great just wandering around aimlessly. The ocean views are wonderful. You said you want to see local crafts, so you could check out the glassblowing on the island of Murano too. I didn't check it out, but our CTO recommended it to me when I told him I was gonna go check out Venice, so I imagine it's worth checking out if native Italians recommend it. 

  2. @tg76 my machine doe not have the seam allowance guide lines, but I know I can get one if I want. Ended up getting a magnetic edge guide, but for the felled seams I am probably gonna mark them with chalk. 

  3. My nana gave me this serger a few years ago when she had to downsize her sewing setup. Finally trying it out for the first time, turns out they're less daunting than they seem. Feel like I'm in a good spot now to knock out this prototype pair.

    Cut the pieces last night, hopefully next week I can start whipping things together. 



  4. 12 hours ago, Ciabatta said:

    Does anyone have a pair of the 50's in 36 mind sharing some measurements? TCB has always been a mystery to me. Are they really that undersized in the waist? How does the fabric stretch out?

    I am a 34" waist and am very happy I went with 36 50s. Out of the wash they fit spot spot on and then stretch out a little bit. Tons of give in that fabric. If you go with your TTS waist then they will be tight post wash but then stretch to your actual waist, which may not be desirable if you'd like the space. There's a reason everyone says to size up in 50s.

    You'll lose a bit of inseam over time, but since they're one wash the shrinkage in the inseam wasn't too bad. 

    I went off Redcast's measurement chart and it was accurate enough for me.

  5. Took @reallypeacedoff's advice and got some canvas instead of muslin. Was only a couple bucks more per yard than muslin at Joann's so it was a no brainer, and I have enough canvas left to make a real pair of jeans before I use my fancy denim. 

    Modified the pattern I copied off a pair of levis. Gave them about 10" in the hem vs the levis' 8.5" or whatever it was. Really enjoyed patterning though, and it was a lot simpler than I had anticipated to make the changes. 

    Stitched up a muslin (feels silly calling it that since I didn't use muslin) and used it as a chance to practice felled seams too. Made a few mistakes with orientation for the felled seams, but I think that's in part due to this canvas not having a clear right or wrong side lol.

    Real happy with the fit though. It's pretty much precisely what I want, so I don't have to go and modify the patterns.

    I realized that I need to get an edge guide though. Since this was a muslin I just marked the seam allowance with sharpie, but that's not gonna fly on the real thing.

    Till next time!







  6. Old thread but wanted to document my process somewhere. I've got a habit of convincing myself I can make my own version of just about everything I'm into, so my project this year is to learn how to make jeans. 

    It's been a while since I've rocked some black raws, so I decided to opt for some black denim. Found this Nihon Menpu black denim with a charcoal weft that spoke to me, so I ordered some. Need to get some muslin still to practice on for obvious reasons. 

    Disassembled some Levis that fit me well in the top block, so that's gonna be my starting point. Going to add extra knee and hem width, thinking ~10" in the hem width for some real wide legs. 

    Excited to get going on this and share my progress with you all!



  7. Washing machine did a number on the neck seam and collar of my jacket. Not gonna worry about the collar since that's not structural, but the tear at the seam had to be fixed. 

    Had some bobbin tension issues so I'm not crazy proud of this repair, but it'll hold. 





  8. 39 minutes ago, AlientoyWorkmachine said:


    @rbeck - glad to see the fisheye is alive and well at the hardcore dive shows. All it needs is a dragged shutter and a twist for some light trails. 

    Please no I've seen enough pictures like that for a lifetime lol

  9. Picked up this LVC triple pleat blanket lined jacket for my brother for Christmas. He can't stop telling me how excited he is about it. Grabbed it for $150 which felt like a good deal.

    555 on the buttons means Valencia st factory right? Can't find a whole lot of info on this jacket which might make sense if it's old enough to be from that factory. Maybe you guys who are more knowledgeable than me could help me find more info?


  10. On 12/3/2023 at 6:44 PM, Mr Black said:

    I have the same machine. It plows through leather, denim and all sorts of heavy fabrics. 



    Any tips on where to find edge stitch feet? Hoping to find 1/8" and 3/8" so I can do flat felled seams with ease. Maybe an adjustable one if that exists? There's plenty of fixed 1/4" options, but that won't do me much good...

    I see a lot of sites suggesting stitch in the ditch feet for edge stitching, but that only works if your machine has an adjustable needs position lol.

  11. 1 hour ago, reallypeacedoff said:

    If you don't mind, what's a ballpark figure on one of those @rbeck?

    I paid $175 which seems to be a fair price. The guy I bought it off of refurbishes old singers in his free time, so this one came ready to run. Also came with the buttonholer. You could realistically find one for closer to $100 if you look hard enough. The 15-91 and 201 are the two I set my sights on, and if I found a better deal on a 15-91 I'd have probably gone with it instead. 

    I started actively looking for 201s and 15-91s on a Tuesday morning and by lunch I had scheduled to meet this guy the next day, so I'd be shocked if you had issues tracking one down. They're readily available, affordable, and bombproof. 

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