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Posts posted by Broark

  1. The Stevenson large looks like it would work well for me in all likelihood.

    I really love the triple stitched FH collars, they open up just enough and don't seem to ever stretch too far.

    Wish I knew if this black one I just got is truly loopwheeled or not.

    The grey one I picked up from SE is since it was from the 2012 release according to Kiya.

    Not sure where I can find that out from 2nd if at all.  Regardless, great fitting tee!

  2. I really do love the color of the shirt and the fabric really interests me, it kind of sounds similar to the Outlier ultra fine merino tees that I have. Thinking I'll have to save up a little bit after grabbing the SEXDB19 though!

  3. I've been wearing my 2111s despite the heat and they're really opening up and starting to crease well. I threw a zippo in the coin pocket and I'm already seeing some lighter colors coming through. Without a doubt my favorite pair of denim I own.

  4. Tag is really a beater, pretty much the watch that got me started.

    The Pam I lucked out and got last time I was in Singapore. It was the last one the official boutique had and at the time the boutique was the only one carrying it in SG.

    The Lange One is a great piece. My favorite too. I got talked into that one actually.

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