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Double 0 Soul

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Posts posted by Double 0 Soul

  1. Same with hallucinogenic mushrooms.. the psilocybin has no benefit to them.. altering the pespective of other creatures isn't a defence mechanism, they predate mankind by millenia, it's not a simbiotic partnership so why? :)

    I've read where they've given people a controlled dose of psilocybin and scanned their brains using MRI.. even though it feels like you're brain is working overtime processing thoughts and perspectives you've never previously considered.. according to the research, what is actually happening is a massive reduction in brain traffic .. in other words, the brain stops thinking about bullshit.. what am i having for tea, what jeans am i going to buy next?, i've got to get the kids to school, send those emails ect.. allowing your brain to process thoughts through pathways which wouldn't ordinarily be connected.

  2. @chicote there is a mushroom in the Amazon called ophiovordyceps unilateralis (Dave would be easier to spell) which can infect ants and control their behaviour remotely like Big Track, during the incubation period they go back to the nest, if ants sense another ant is ill they’ll eject them but not in this case.. once the fungus has taken control of the ants behaviour.. it leaves the nest like a zombie and searches for a climate with perfect humidity for fungal growth, it climbs to a vantage point of exactly 10” from the ground, secures it’s jaws into a leaf on the north face of a plant and waits for its death.. at which point the mushroom sprouts out of the ant and the cycle continues.. it’s how they colonies different areas.. what’s remarkable is the fungus doesn’t affect the ants brain only their muscles so the ant is an unwilling zombie controlled remotely by a puppeteer.

  3. Not at all.. it’s the core ethos of general nonsense thread!

    Regarding avoiding foods.. when my missus was a kid she used to eat fish finger sarnies regularly.. we ate them occasionally as adults then one day I made one for the both of us.. I was fine, she was really ill and accused me of giving her food poisoning.. months passed and we went out for sushi.. when we got home she was super-ill ..  exorcist style total body rejection, she had to take 3 days off work, I was fine.. we continued to eat tuna and smoked salmon so it couldn’t be fish?

    Months passed and I got fish and chips from the chippy.. again I was fine and she spent the night on the bathroom floor and 2days in bed.. so she came to the conclusion that it was caused by cod.. her body must have developed an intolerance to it at some point for some reason? .. but the effects are so severe so couldn’t narrow it down to just cod.. maybe she’s fine with coley, pollock, halibut and other white fish or maybe not? which I think is how a cat would react if eating a mouse whole made it ill.. it would still kill the mouse for fun just not eat them.. but for a cat to start dissecting them and removing parts of their innards just confirms they’re evil geniuses!

  4. We got our cat as a 6 week old kitten @Hopethisoneisnttaken like most domestic cats, he wasn’t allowed outside for the first 4 months so there was no social learning .. by the time he was 6 months old he was out catching mice and avoiding the toxic blue worm.. not so much a learning curve than a learning right angle :)

    There was a case in the UK in the early 80s back when I was a kid and Duke was still in his 40s .. we had a severe winter and most folks got their milk via doorstep delivery.. blue tits having never exhibited this behaviour previously started pecking through the silver foil milk cap to get to the cream.. the behaviour was instantly learned and it spread through the country.. so we all awoke to holes in our milk tops.

    We started to get plastic milk caps in the years following.. that’ll teach the little bastards!

  5. Yep that's it.. It's mind blowing how they even know
    Their understanding of anatomy must be more advanced than the ancient Egyptians!.. even if they can distinguish this small bluish worm from any other part of the mouse's digestive tract how do they know that's the part they can't digest without many trials and errors.. some people have food allergies for years without getting to the bottom of it, i can only assume it gives off a smell even worse than the rest of the mouse intestines.
    We need to give them the benefit of the doubt, I reckon.. maybe they're not the lovable little killing machines we once thought they were.. maybe they're doing animal autopsies to further their understanding then eating their research for dinner.. I've already come to terms with the fact that the cat is my intellectual superior :D
  6. 2 hours ago, Dr_Heech said:

    @Double 0 Soul come on Neal, l was only kidding. Didn't pick you out to be a sensitive type, especially after the cat comment. Maybe l should remember to put in the appropriate emoji eh? 😜

    Anyway l work in an environment constantly surrounded by dog walkers and find myself in silent agreement what most have said here. I don't have anything else to add other than the fact that l like animals but not necessarily the person who is attached to the other end of the lead.


    I’m very highly strung y’know! :D

    Don’t worry about it Chaz.. you can’t post on a public forum with any kind of frequency without folks getting the wrong end of the stick every once in a while..

    I’ve done it many, many times..  I remember offending iron horse by quoting him a verse from The Rite Stuff by New Kids On The Block.. I though affectionately, I couldn’t believe it when he misinterpreted my intention, but y’know. we live, we learn

  7. Selective breeding of animals for pets doesn't sit too well with me..(Crufts makes me fucking cringe, that woman who makes her Border Collie dance on it's hind legs while all the tweed wearing Barbara Woodhouse types clap.. should be f'kin shot) I appreciate the breeds were separated for reasons of ability but most folks who want a dog nowadays don't need a working animal they just need a companion but they're choosing it for the way it looks (like doggy eugenics) we should let our pets be instead of prostituting them.. let our doggies fall in love with who they choose, let them eat bowls of spaghetti together.. if all of our pets were crossbreeds they would be much healthier.. there would be less animal suffering, less puppy farms, less criminals stealing them, they wouldn't cost £3000 and we wouldn't have to pay vet bills to correct the pain which our meddling caused...

    The pug isn't even recognised as a dog breed anymore by the kennel club because we've fucked it up so much.. i see a chap walking one nr us.. it can't breath and one of it's eyeballs is outside the socket.. obviously bred with it's skull so small it's eyes don't even fit in it's head.. well done humans!

    In the interest of balance.. all cat owners are bastards too! :D

  8. Even when these^ fuck-heads are trying to teach their dogs obedience they still get it wrong.. once i was driving home when we lived in the sticks.. limping along in traffic trying to get out of the city.. a kid with a staffy on a massive chain stopped at the crossing.. looked at the dog and said "sit" the dog ignored him so he shouted "SIT!!!" and stamped on it's back.. it had been bred with so much muscle mass it barely resembled a staffy so sitting can't have been very comfortable for the poor thing.

  9. Jesus^ 

    There is a foundry in Sheff next to the canal.. I still do a little bit of pattern work for them now and again.. one of the owners used to tell me that back in the 70s there was a big travelling community living on the land where Sheffield Arena and The institute for sport was built.. being warm due to the furnaces and being next to the canal.. it was the perfect environment for rats.. all industry used to shut down for ‘Sheffield works weeks’ where everyone took the same holiday weeks every year to head off to Butlins.. during this week travellers from far and wide (along with 100s of chronic gamblers) would descend on the foundry with their ratting dogs, usually terriers of one kind or the other.. folks would inspect the dogs before placing their bets. 

    One bloke would bang the metal lid from a 200kg drum which would make the rats bolt and they’d release the dogs.. 1000s of rats would be piled up in front of the dog owners and counted.. 100s of pounds changed hands and they got the rats cleared free of charge... working class pastime apparently 

  10. Yup, if Jack Russell’s were more capable of inflicting serious injuries.. they would. I was walking to the Post Office recently, I walked around the corner almost into an old woman in her 70s coming in the opposite direction which understandably startled her.. her Jack Russell was off the lead, went nuts and stated trying to bite me.. this being one of the (lets say) earthier parts of the city.. she said ‘you little bastard’ and stared beating the shit out of it with the lead.. I had to step in and stop her!

    There is a narrow cycle path near us, to one side is a wide footpath, to the other side are the woods.. the dog walkers walk on the path but their dogs much prefer walking through the woods on their long retractable leads which I can’t see that go over the cycle path.. you can imagine how much fun this is?


  11. My wife's hairdresser has a pug called spud.. he's very friendly and just sits in the window.. i think his job is to lure in the customers..next door there used to be an art gallery called Helix.. the dog there would bark incessantly at anyone who walked through the door.. it closed down within a year or two, no appreciation for the arts in S11?

    I quite like to see dogs sprawled out in pubs, onder the tables or in front of the fire after a long Sunday morning walk but not in a swanky restaurant.

  12. I think lockdown played its part too.. folks who ordinarily wouldn’t have bought a dog, rich on furlough dollar went out and bought one for their soon to end life of leisure along with a peloton and a camper van.. they were socialised by folks wearing masks and now they’re left at home while their owners have gone back to work, no wonder they’re fucked up!

    I think most dogs and their owners are pretty cool though.. they don’t need a license.. the folks who should have a licence are the same folks who’re least likely to get one.. who’s going to enforce the licence? the cops certainly aren’t .. and if these ‘pit bull’ owners have their dog taken away.. they’ll just get another.. it’s not like the snarling beast is a much loved family pet.

    Maynards puny man-bag dog wouldn’t even be considered an hors- d’ouerve for these wild beasts!

    When I went to the bank a couple of months ago, I saw 2 crackheads stood outside, skinny as fuck, rattling their ass off, no teeth with a 2week old St Bernard pup wrapped up in their coat.. what the fuck business do they have with a 3 grand dog?

  13. That’s ^ the right idea.. pepper spray the fucking owners while you’re at it!

    These things are not actually pit bulls.. pit bulls are banned over here under the  dangerous dogs act.. They’re crossbreeds.. I think they have a bit of mastiff, a bit bull terrier ect.. all the worst characteristics from the most aggressive breeds mixed together in one dog, making it difficult for the authorities to ban them without banning all crossbreeds.

    ..add irresponsible ownership into the mix and you’ve weaponised the mo-fo!

    I think they’re mainly used by crack dealers to intimidate folks or more so.. wannabe crack dealers with low self esteem who’re wanting to look tuff.. hard as fuck status dogs are traded like currency.

    i don’t mind dogs being off the lead* as such.. we live near a park on the edge of the countryside so dogs are all over the joint, some are on leads, some are not.. but non of these dogs have an inbred tendency to tear your fucking arm off.. having rode around the area for years.. I’ve never had this happen before, it’s more likely that I nearly run them over when they dart in front of my bike while chasing a squirrel.. but as you say @AlientoyWorkmachine this is usually my fault that their dog is out of control 😀 

    *but if your dog does have a tendency to chase down and attack passers by.. keep it on a lead! It’s not fucking rocket science!

  14. I was nearly attacked by some f’kin snarling pit bull type dog on my way to work this morning..

    I ride past the university but before I get to Brookhill roundabout I come off at the crossing (Brookhill is a deathtrap at the end of a 60mph dual carriageway) I use 3 crossings to navigate it before I rejoin the road.. it’s 6am so there is usually no one around..
    This morning I used the first crossing and rode past the tower blocks (on the pavement) at the top of Netherthorpe road, some dude came out of the towerblock with a wild-ass attack dog.. no collar, no lead.. it saw me, neck tube pulled up over my face and started chasing me down the footpath while it’s owner shouted ‘Billy’ .. ‘Billy!’ .. BILLLLLLY!!!!’
    I could hear it snarling at my heals but couldn’t see it..i was waiting for it to bite my lower leg and thought if this fucker takes me down.. i'm fucked.

    I’d taken my cordless home to route the cables for the previously mentioned fibre broadband we'd had fitted.. it was in my backpack with some auger bits
    I thought my best option was to get the dog along side of me and use my bike to pin it between the bike and the railings at the side of the road.. get my cordless out and drill the f’kin thing.. I thought, even if it gets hold of me, as long as I can get my drill out, I’ll be alright.. as I got to the railings, approaching the crossing, it magically turned red stopping the traffic so I nailed it onto the dual carriageway (which is a steep hill) and I was away free.. dog couldn’t keep up.. I was going in the opposite direction to my work but at least I wasn’t being mauled by some snarling pit bull...

    It's a sad day when you're considering carrying a hammer on your daily commute!

  15. 15 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    I'd say.. SC sizing is pretty consistant throughout the range.. i'd even go as far as to say.. one of the more consistant regading measured size compared to tagged.. i do find the waist to be a little more nipped compared to Freewheelers

    This is what i'm talking about regarding the waist comparison

    FW-47s tagged 32 measures 33"


    SC-47s tagged 32 measures 32"


    So as JW surmises

    10 hours ago, julian-wolf said:

    I’d say a 34 in standard Cane’s is about the same in the waist as a 33 in Freewheelers, although maybe borderline

    ..this^ is also the case with the tagged size 32 in the 47 cut

  16. I'd say.. SC sizing is pretty consistant throughout the range.. i'd even go as far as to say.. one of the more consistant regading measured size compared to tagged.. i do find the waist to be a little more nipped compared to Freewheelers (and some other brands) but from the top block down.. there is nothing to note re- should one size up or down.

    Bear in mind that my opinion is based entirely on what the brand churned out between 2008 and 2012.. but i don't think the cuts of their core range have changed at all.

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