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Double 0 Soul

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Posts posted by Double 0 Soul

  1. To sum things up we’ve got..

    1) neurodivergent 

    2) tortured genius.. or

    3) rude

    Well this has been fun! ..we should make it a regular feature of the forum.. ‘the Sufu pseudo-psychiatrism thread’ we could dissect the personality of a different denim brand owner every week.. :D

    I’m sure they’d love it! 

  2. I've been chatting about cropped sleeve sweatshirts with indigoeagle this week and thought some of y'all might be interested..

    This is a FC sweat which flash bought in Tokyo then subsequently gave to me..i've beat the crap out of it, last week i snagged it at work which has torn a hole in the arm :mad:


    The material wants to roll/curl, like it's under tension, this will probably be compounded by washing

    It does have side seams, looking at the loops on the back, i assume circular knitting machine and they've cut the tube.. but where the grain/texture of my JMC sweat (which isn't loopwheeled either) runs horizontal, as you can see, the thread structure here^ is linear. I assume it's the cutting of these vertical threads which is causing the roll?.. If i cut through the rest of the sleeve who knows where the rolling will stop :D

    IE compared it to this Jelado amongst others..


    Beyond our musings.. anyone want to offer any knowledge as to why some sweatshirt material rolls while others doesn't?

  3. 3 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    That's fine by me :D

    The prices will go up!

    I wouldn’t say he’s ‘coming in for flak’ @Maynard Friedman he’s just getting a friendly elbow in the ribs for his lack of people skills.. I’m sure he’d just tell me to fuck off which would be fine and understandable.

    Y’know, it’s the Roy thread, most contributors love him unconditionally.. me giving him a bit of hassle isn’t going to change their opinion.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Talan said:

    I don't own any of Roy's pieces, but it seems to me that everyone is entitled to act any way they please. And everyone else is entitled to react in any way possible

    I don’t disagree.. if you’re a cnut to people you’ve got to expect a backlash 

  5. 2 hours ago, chicote said:

    I mean, working alone in an empty warehouse every day, surrounded by dozens of ancient machines that you might as well be the world’s foremost expert on repairing, or at least hardly ever come across someone who understands them the way you do, plus already having a strange and eccentric line of work… if he wasn’t already an antisocial person at the start of this career, I could see how quickly this lifestyle would make him one. 

    If this excuses rudeness.. then you’re all a bunch of fucking cnuts!! :ph34r:

  6. 1 hour ago, Duke Mantee said:

    Fuck sake - one minute you’re complaining there’s no action on the FW thread no you’re saying it’s hyped. You northerners are right fickle.

    Hey.. at least you've finally acknowledged my northerness..

    3 hours ago, shredwin_206 said:

    that I am the terminator and he said he’d never sell me another pair….   
    Then blocked me on IG after that message. 
    Dude can be a bit of a nut. 

    Did he say which Terminator? T-800 or T-1000?

  7. I suppose it depends on how you measure hype.. if it’s insane amounts of wonga for relatively shite product then look no further than LVC.. it’s not just the smaller brands, they don’t even have expensive marketing campaigns.

    i personally measure it using the people who blindly follow hype as a yardstick.. see what brands those folks migrate to

  8. It was actually Junky where I first spotted them.. on the shop page, the images weren’t great so instead of checking the blog I opened a new tab and searched, I’m getting rusty y’know.

    Id really like a pair.. I’m all about super voluminous pants cut short or with a rolled cuff atm..

    Dont check the fit pics on ARKnets tho.. it looks like they’ve sized up typically but unnecessarily, wearing them unhemmed/uncuffed like a pair of Droors, which was no bad thing.. in 1994 


  9. I remember posting about Toyo Enterprises 'Gold' brand many years ago in the Sugar Cane thread over at DB.. they used to be called 'Gold & Co'.. i've not seen anything from them for years until i spotted these recently..  i read they were 'recycled denim' so did a bit more digging to see what supported those claims..


    The material is a sustainable fabric developed by the brand, "Recycled Waste Subin Cotton Yarn Denim".
    The cotton that fell during the combing process of the rare ultra-long cotton Subin cotton is collected and retwisted as yarn, using 100% Subin cotton yarn for the weft yarn, and the warp yarn No. 7 and weft yarn No. 10 are used as an old-fashioned shuttle. Woven on a loom.
    It is a very inefficient fabric, and although it is possible to weave about 25m in a day, it is characterized by the unevenness of recycled cotton (fallen cotton) and the texture unique to Subin cotton, such as NEP.


    Images taken from http://rhythmyokohama.com/?pid=171711903

    More digging found an extensive calalogue from what was once a tiny sub-brand



  10. I bought some bike bits from Mercari a few weeks ago via Zen.. i was going to try 'from japan' because Zen will no longer mark down the value (no matter how much i beg) but they had an offer where they fund your online wallet to the tune of 10% of your purchase price... alas they do this immediately after your item has been shipped.. so my Zen wallet now has ¥3800 in credit. This will only offset my import duties but it's certainly a lot more worthwhile for those in the US.

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