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Double 0 Soul

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Posts posted by Double 0 Soul

  1. You could delete and post ‘moved’ then repost in SDA but I wouldn’t worry about it.. we could probably move the entire forum into just one thread, it’s nice to see it in any thread.

  2. I've been a bit absent of late.. during that snow we had a couple of months ago my outside toilet at the top of the garden sprung a leak, the lead pipe carrying mains pressure water split.. alas we didn't notice until 6 weeks later because we only use it for storage.. ow! it's total carnage in there so i've been ripping it out, laying bricks. repointing, making a new door and door frame, replacing the ceiling and such.. the problem has been compounded because the damn stop tap on the path is fucked so i still can't shut the fkin water off.. i've stopped the leak by cranking a series of jubliee clips around the lead pipe with mole grips.. hopefully Yorkshire Water will be out soon and fit a working stop tap!.. i've removed the old toilet so i'll use the mains feed to an outside tap instead.. that way i can clean my bikes with a hose instead of filling the watering can from the kitchen sink B)

    ..anyway, check this crazy biz which happened t'other week.. I went to work to fetch some stuff/tools.. one of which is a sheet of Scandi ply which I’m using as a tressle table then when I’ve done, I’ll cut it to size and line the ceiling with it.. I shoved it in the back of the Volvo but I couldn’t fully close the boot.. no biggie, I’ve got 2x carabiner bungees which I use to hold the boot down, the boot was still slightly open about a foot so I put most of my tools in the footwell of the passenger side, the only thing in the boot was this 25kg bucket with all my pointing gear, it's not small (notice the crack in the lid)..


    .. in there was my lump hammer.. some castings which i was going to use to hold the lead flashing down after i'd sealed under it.. my cold chisels, trowels, pallette knives, some sand (probs 12kg) some cement and 17.5kg of pea gravel to fill the hole left by the toilet.. i'd estimate the bucket weighed around 40kg so i didn't think it was going anywhere..

    ..anywho.. less than 5 mins from home, the bucket slid out of the boot.. i was probably doing less than 10mph, i stopped in the middle of the road and put the hazard warning lights on and i started walking down the road to pick the bucket up, it wasn't even 9am on a Saturday morning so it was quiet.. a Peugeot RCZ was coming up the street probably 200meters away.. they couldn't go anywhere because my car was blocking the street,, but they didn't stop and just crashed straight into the bucket sending trowels and pallette knives and 17.5kg of pea gravel scattering all over the road.. i shrugged, shook my head and started picking up my tools... a woman got out of the car and said.. "i'm so sorry, i thought i could just drive over it and it would pass between the wheels" .. what the actual fcuk? seriously?. that's your grasp of spatial awareness? .. even a fkin Landrover wouldn't clear it!

    Her radiator was leaking, her bumper was hanging off but she still drove away.. it's not like she could even get past.. my car was parked in the middle of the road with the hazzards flashing and the drivers door open so she still had to wait till i collected my shiz and moved..  facepalm!

  3. I never venture far from the OG AJ colourways.. but i do have a soft spot for these pine SBs which dropped last month.. Phwoar!


    ..For our young'uns.. the first drops were 20+ years before they were born.. so they don't care less :D

  4. Looks like you’re right with the date 1993.. I don’t tend to remember dates but I remember how old I was when I bought something.. alas it’s my birthday in Jan so a few weeks either way can throw me off.

    There was a silver ‘stussy’ key on a chain too, remember that? .. I had a tee with the same key on the chest and a massive back print saying “Knowledge is... (with a picture of a) Key” B)

  5. I wonder what happened to old Gerald?

    I've never heard of The Great Frog before but looking at their rings.. yep! you could be on the money there B)

  6. I found this lovely old Stussy ring recently.. i bought it from Sumo back in 1994

    Sorry the photos are a bit dark.. it's getting late


    Working with cranky old woodworking machinery, i've never really worn it, it's been in a shoe box for years so it's still in mint condition



    They're solid silver (925)


    ..If i remember rightly they were made by a London jeweler but my memory is pretty hazy and i know nothing about hallmarks, can anyone confirm?


  7. 6 hours ago, Bobbo said:

    The Warehouse jacket I got from @Double 0 Soul ages ago is coming along nicely. The banner denim is probably my favorite fabric from them, love the character. How’s the other one you kept Double O? Still going strong or worn to bits since my Sufu hiatus started.

    Been a while.. how's life treating you?

    The average life expectancy across Europe must have risen significantly since we left :D

    Coincidentally.. i made a little flip-book of it's demise only a couple of months ago.. you can also see your jacket in all it's crispy glory

    Good to have you back!

    Edit- It's partway down pg355 of the WH thread.. the share link is taking you to pg354 for some reason?

  8. Is the Karen genre still untapped by television?

    The producers of MILF Manor could set up a shopping mall which has to be negotiated by a series of unwitting Karen's the contestants are desperate young folks who have to do a series of tasks like walking dogs, skateboarding and serving them food.. whoever get's away unscathed has their student load paid off.

    Inevitably there would be scope for a future series of Karen's Vs MILFS in a battle royale..

  9. It's not very often i put the tv on and for good reason!

    Sunday night the film we were watching had finished streaming so i pulled the HDMI out of the laptop and left the tv on some random channel just for some light.. those two went to clean their teeth, put the light on.. i went to put the bin out, brought my bike in, fed the cat and so on.. when i came back to switch everything off there was an advert on the tv for a show on Discovery+ .. i'm not sure if i get this channel or not, we only have Freeview..

    The show was called 'MILF Manor'.. no, honestly.. it's true!! they get a group of MILFS and stick them in a (you guessed it) Manor then they get a group of horny highschool jock types who have to hook'up with these woman who're old enough to be their grandmother but they're wearing bikinis.. the jocks just wear regular clothes.

    I'm not sure who's actually getting exploited.. maybe it's just the viewers :D

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