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Posts posted by Bobbo

  1. From the top of my head I recall the original lining being horizontal and that the earlier Storm Rider-patches had both an R and MR on it. I think the change was some time during the '60s.

    Anyway, there have been loads of talking about this in the thread so just do a little search in here and you'll probably get some answers or at least know who to ask further questions with a PM.

    Good luck!


  2. What should I have a friend bring me back from Japan? He's going to Tokyo for a week and is willing to bring me back some denim. Suggestions?

    Try to sort out some pointers first of what you're looking for in your jeans. There's just way too much to choose from. 


    • What fit do you want? Slim, tapered, straight, loose?
    • The weight of the denim. Light, medium or heavy
    • Pricerange
    • Do you want a smooth or more irregular denim? Slubs, vertical falling etc.
    • Do you care about left hand, right hand or broken twill?
    • The colour of the denim. "Just" the regular blue denim or maybe black, overdyed, a differenct cast, coloured weft etc.
    • Repro or a more modern cut?
    • What details are you looking for? Hidden rivets, cinchback, selvedge in the coinpocket etc.

    These are just a few things I thought of from the top of my head. Anyway, just give us some hints of what you're after and I'm sure you'll get a couple of options that fit the bill.

  3. Recieved a pair of SD-101's this morning. First pair from the Osaka 5 and I feel like a kid on christmas eve again.

    I always loved their arcs and the weight of the fabric feels just about right. 


    Can't wait to get started.

  4. I'm in the 25oz MBB's.  I think they look great.  The increased contrast of the extremely dark denim with the faded areas is really interesting.  The Denim has a ton of character.  I will have to just save the photos from my iPhone to my hard drive and upload them that way. 

    Ah shit, my bad. Tricked by your sharing of capital letter with Netleyhunter.

    The MBB's really seem to come along nicely for alot of you guys. 

    What you can do is to save your photos in Dropbox's app. Since it's a cloudservice you can get ahold of it on any computer anytime you want and don't have to think about uploading photos. It's really smooth. Of course any cloudservice would suffice.

  5. NOOOOOOOooooooooo. damn it, alright I'll probably have to try stretch it out alot more after I wash it then, thanks for the info! Appreciate it 

    Or you can simply never wash them like Ruedi does. Just downgrade them gradually for dirtier work.

  6. I've been looking to cop a pair from the Osaka 5. Lately I've been wearing Steel Feathers and LVC 47's, and I'm thinking of trying out little fuller cut. Fullcount 0105XX or Studio D'Artisan SD-101 is what I'm debating myself over at the moment. Some pros and cons of the two(or suggestions of a different pair) is most welcome.

    Edit: A 47-cut wouldn't hurt either.

  7. x-post from the main HWDC2-thread

    Great fit right there Edd! Lately I've been looking into a pair of SDA or Fullcount for my next pair. I wonder how long I manage to hold off the trigger. This shit sure is addictive.

    Anyway, just thought I'd just post some fitpics since my camera is fixed and the weather was nice. They're at ~3 months now and the denim is really soft. The colour is pretty acurate.




    The backpocket traintracks sure is a nice detail.





  8. Great fit right there Edd! Lately I've been looking into a pair of SDA or Fullcount for my next pair. I wonder how long I manage to hold off the trigger. This shit sure is addictive.

    Anyway, just thought I'd just post some fitpics since my camera is fixed and the weather was nice. They're at ~3 months now and the denim is really soft. The colour is pretty acurate.




    The backpocket traintracks sure is a nice detail.



    I've been thinking about what to do with these kinda crappy-looking stacks. Never had it before so I figured it'd be fun to try out but lately I've been thinking of getting a hemjob. Thoughts?

  9. x-post



    My Steel Feathers have passed 10 weeks of wear. Excluding the initial soak they got their first soak a few days ago. Here are some quick snaps although there arn't that much evo to speak of as of yet.




    The denim is still quite hairy from the knee down.




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