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Posts posted by devilish

  1. I liked Valencia St. the way it used to be. You could actually walk down it quite peacefully on a weekend without a thousand douche bags in skinny jeans or breeders in family gaggles with their brats in strollers getting in the way. Fuck the fancy coffee shops and such, bring back the crack heads and smell of warm piss.

  2. This has nothing to do with any plot line in this thread recently but I'm watching 'The Misfits' right now and well, Marilyn sure fills out a pair of Levis' the way they should be. Hot damn!

    Some nice Stormrider action goin' on too but nothing better than Miss Monroe in those blue jeans.

  3. 44's are truly a great pair of jeans. I put a pair into rotation recently and I think I found my perfect cut from LVC. The line up is now, most days, 44's then Warehouse 700 and then Sugarcane 66's. On weekends I sometimes throw on the 47's for the slimmer fit.

  4. ^ This. I've been tempted by Russells a few times but everytime I see a pair close up it seems the stitching is always off and the edges of the cut leather is very rough. I know they are 'handmade' but the quality of the finishing details always seems a little slap dash.

  5. ^I know, the irony isn't lost on me. My last truck was a F150, but my company now uses Toyota vehicles only, and so...

    Anyway, Made in Japan is a close runner up for me to Made in America.

    Roy, if it's any consolation your Toyota was probably at least assembled here in the US. Depending on the year it might even have been made right here in NorCal at the sadly now closed NUMMI plant. It was probably done in Texas though.

    Oh and I love Floorcraft too, when I had a garden I went there all the time. Sad that Lowes finally got to get that spot across the street. That hardware/lumber store there was my favorite too.

  6. FWIW (which is not much) I just did a demo build of my ideal pair of Wesco Jobmasters. Two tone with roughout/smooth leathers and lace to toe. Total $653, worth it but damn, spensive. Oh well maybe with next years tax refund, this years is earmarked for a pair of Trickers. Oh and paying an outstanding debt.

  7. I say 'do it'. The last time a G-1 I wanted was for sale here at a store near me I waited, then I went down to buy it and missed it by an hour!

    I did however get a slightly better and older one this weekend from the same place. The nits are a little moth eaten on mine but not too bad and I think at the moment they add character. I like them when they show a little age.

    My new one is a Star Sportswear from, I believe, 1968. Which is the oldest I've seen around these parts for awhile.

  8. Yeah, I have a Type 1 jacket that was probably a prototype (it's completely devoid of inside labeling) that was made at the Valencia St. factory, which was just down the street from my house. I got it from roy6 and it is one of may most favorite things. It took years to find a piece from there and I'm always on the hunt for more, it definitely holds some extra mojo for me at least.

  9. ^700J The J Crew collab. I just got mine from the UPS guy. Look good so far, serious leg twist and I'd say they've definitely had a really good wash and tumble dry but still nice and dark.

  10. I dont know whats up with the riders in cone, but I've had zero problems with any of my LVC made of cone denim.

    also, I think everyone is touchy about you calling it hype because its coming from the hypemonster himself.

    you know, the whole "pot calling the kettle black" sorta deal.

    I've had no such problem with any of my LVC either and I ride a bicycle every day that has a saddle that has eaten Japanese denim for lunch on a few occasions. The SC 66's I have are doing fine as well. I think it's because they are a proper fit and not sized down and well, honestly, the Cone denim seems tougher than the Japanese stuff of similar weight to me.

  11. While I confess that I don't actually own any MF right now, this new collection looks very intriguing to me. I think this will give a good choice of non-denim pieces to add a little variety to anyone's wardrobe. The waistcoat and pants might have to be my first MF purchases.

  12. ^You don't want to know how much I got them for with my employee discount (although I'm no longer an employee officially now)! ;)

    Speaking as an ex-employee though, you should all def. get your price adjustments to save that extra 10%...they should mark it down for you no problem.

    Fit pics tomorrow in daylight if I get a chance!

    Just called and they wouldn't give me the extra 10% off. Oh well, still a pretty damn good deal.

  13. I'd like to throw my support in for the overall LVC aesthetic as well. I like to tuck my shirts in and the lower rise of most Japanese denim, combined with an increasingly shorter shirt length, make this difficult. I found myself always trying to pull up my jeans to my actual waist.

    I am about to get my first pair of Warehouse (thanks to the super deals thread) so I'll find out how they match up. The other Japanese brand I still like a lot is Sugar Cane, they have some cuts that fit the style I'm after very well.

    Being an ex-pat though means that from a very early age, to me, blue jeans were always Levi's (even if sometimes they were actually Lee's), also as I've stated before in another thread, I really miss when jeans don't have a red tab and arcs.

  14. AFAIK, all the raw LVC is made in the US. The distressed stuff is done in Turkey and the regular Levis self edge is made in Mexico. Not sure about where gets what denim though. Other more expert posters will no doubt fill in the rest.

  15. When I was in the English equivalent of High School back in the early 80's, I was a psychobilly, giant flat top that was died various colors, Levis STF, combat boots and MA-1, the whole nine.

    I hung with a huge crew and we were all into bands like The Cramps, The Meteors, The Guanabatz, Restless, Demented are Go and for comic relief King Kurt.

    Anyway last few years I've been buying there records back up again, still gets my blood flowing and feet tapping. If anyone wants a sampler of some of the cool British psychobilly from those days, iTunes has the 'Stomping at The Klub Foot' live recordings, sometimes a little rough sounding but highly recommended.

  16. HH. TMC is, by far, my favorite channel because of all the clothes in the old movies they show. I watch it for long stretches just picking out the details and such. I watched those 'Our Gang' as well and wow, how refreshing to see how un-pc they were.

    On the old style in movies tip, I watched 'The Red Baron' over Christmas and even though as a movie it was pretty boring, the overall look was really well done and the clothes were awesome.

  17. That measurement is usual info - but do say what season (there will be comething like 0709 on the tag, meaning July 09) then others can extrapolate.

    My Fall 2009 44 were 34 tag, measured 35.

    Ok, just went and looked and they are 2010 production.

    Oh and Dr. I totally agree. I like Sugar Canes a lot too but I really like a red tab and some arcuate. In fact I stitched on a small red leather tab to my SC 66's because I missed it so much. I am on the hunt for a pair their 47's with the tab/arcs on.

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