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Posts posted by robotbox

  1. I recently picked up these vintage deadstock Red Wings on ebay. Great condition other than being slightly smushed from being in the box for years, and the little leather heel insert is peeling up at the edges a bit. I wish I knew when they were from, but I haven't a clue how to date them

    Before applying LP:




    After applying LP:


  2. going from regular 501s to BiG660s is pretty ridiculous in denim quality

    not just regular 501's, either. I love my LVC '66 501's. but the Warehouse denim shits on the LVC denim, IMO

  3. Went down to DC this weekend to visit my sister. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so I had to make do with the iPhone.

    Looking like a dork in front of the White House. Wearing LVC '66 501


    C-3PO costume from ROTJ


    Stephen Colbert's portrait


    Some very early Muppets: Harry the Hipster, Kermit, and something that looks like a George Condo painting...


    In the words of my girlfriend: "Farrah Fawcett's vag touched that..."


    I want a repro of Harry Truman's vacation shirt


    Crappy pic, but this is the hat Abe Lincoln was wearing the night he was shot


    Ted Kaczynski's cabin. Very bizarre thing to see in a museum


    Help messages painted on doors from Hurricane Katrina


  4. ^^^ Yup, hot soaked in around 70 - 80 degrees celsius hot water for 45 minutes. Y'all think most of the shrinkage is out?

    I got a good bit more shrinkage out of my 660's on my second soak. I sized down from ~36 to 34 and they fit perfectly

  5. last compliment I got on my jeans was my Ande Whall Cougar. I like your jeans, where did you get them from. It's always fun to explain they were handmade from New Zealand.
    just got back from the post office. was filling out some paperwork wearing my grifters when someone went up to me and said "I covet your jeans, where did you get them?" I still get kind of weirded out by comments about my jeans....I replied "This guy in New Zealand, Ande Whall hand made these for me..." Hope you're doing well ande!

    You guys are making me yearn even harder for Ande to return! I need some new Cougars! (or I need to drop some lbs so I can fit back in to my slackers)

    I guess I'm off to donate some more monies...

  6. ^^Looks to me like they're rough out that's been dubbed in some places and not others. Maybe going over the lighter bits first with Obenauf's or SnoSeal and then after they've dried giving the whole boot another coat.

    Thanks for the tip. I have some Obenauf's, so I think I will have a go at dubbing the rest of the boot. I'll post the results.

  7. I recently picked up these Billy Reid Olden boots off of Gilt for pretty cheap. I'm not too fond of the faux distressing/burnishing, but figure if I beat the shit out of them anyways it won't really matter. Gilt is good about returns if I decide to ditch them.

    My question is how to condition them? The top is like suede, and near the bottom and toe is more of a solid leather. Is there anything I can do to even out the finish? The construction on them is surprisingly nice, IMO


  8. Riff suggested I post this in here. X-post from Ande Whall thread:

    Not so much a "What are your jeans doing today?" as a "What were your jeans doing a month and a half ago?" but I thought I would share.

    Wearing my Slacker DLX in Gibraltar when an ape decided to hop on my back.


  9. Not so much a "What are your jeans doing today?" as a "What were your jeans doing a month and a half ago?" but I thought I would share.

    Wearing my Slacker DLX in Gibraltar when an ape decided to hop on my back.


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