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Posts posted by robotbox

  1. Looks like those USA-made 501's are already on sale.

    Still don't know if I trust them, though. Levi's needs to get their shit together and provide some coherent info.

    I may check out the Levis store in SoHo this weekend and see if they have them.

  2. Nothing wrong with collecting - it's a primal instinct :P

    I know I would do it if I had the money. But as it is right now, I buy one pair, wear them until they aren't worth repairing anymore (1.5-2 years), and then retire them. Rinse, repeat. No other pairs in rotation.

    But if I had some more disposable income, I'd probably have far too many pairs

  3. You have to consider that a 32" inseam is plenty for the vast majority of people, as most people aren't looking for "stacks".

    Also, it's possible that's just what's on the site. I seem to recall seeing such things before, and the actual stores having a wider selection of inseams.

    32" is a good estimate as to the average male's inseam. But these are raw, and they are going to shrink at least 2 inches in the inseam. 30" is definitely not enough. That would barely reach the tops of my shoes, if that.

    Levi's shouldn't be this dumb. The average consumer is going to scoff at paying that prince, and doesn't give a damn about selvage. Surely they created these for people who know a little about denim, care about quality, and respect the Levi's brand. They should know that we may want to cuff, or stack, or at the very least have our ankles covered after shrinking is accounted for.

  4. I'm going to do the dip right now, I forgot to add, they were $10 a pair. Personally it does feel like STF denim, but who knows. I'm just worried primarily about the inseam, The waist will stretch back out, but the inseam won't. My last pair were 32's and that was fine with boots, but personally, Dunks look better with some stacking.
    What a friggin' joke they've become. They even only offer 32 inseams on them. So disappointing.

    Seriously! How dense can they be?

    There's obviously a huge market for American-made selvage 501's. Why would they only make a 32" inseam? It seriously blows my mind. There must be a huge disconnect between the product people, who understand the heritage of the brand, and the people who make the decisions and write the checks.

    They seriously sabotaged what could've been the perfect jean, IMO

  5. Damn. I really don't know what to say. We are all glad you are ok, Ande. I can't begin to imagine how rough it is to see the city you love, and the business you've put so much effort into, reduced to rubble.

    Fincarelli really nailed what I'm sure a lot of us are have been thinking. Despite only conversing with you briefly via email, your jeans have so much life and love in them, that I feel as if I know you much better. I know that sounds horribly cheesy, but its true. I greatly enjoyed seeing all the pics from when you first moved in to the workshop. You seem to live an ideal life in NZ, and we are happy to be a teeny-tiny piece of that. I sincerely hope that you, and your friends, family, and fellow residents can return to that life soon.

    Here's some pics of my wonderful Ande Whall's to hopefully lighten the mood a bit:

    Selvage Kitty


    Fly fades


    My first home repair, patch on the knee


  6. No need to apologize sir! I think we are all just relieved to know you are ok

    I've had a few people message me about throwing in a little extra money for the jeans to support the relief effort. While this a great idea, I would highly recommend that people just go ahead and donate on their own. They need assistance sooner rather than later!

  7. I think the winner could choose between a Jackknife Jacket or a pair of DLX version jeans?

    Thanks extremely generous Ande! Thanks!

    Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but what about the possibility of the Roughneck jacket? Actually, I'd really just like to know about the Roughneck in general.

    PS - When I get home tonight I'm going to update the list again and see what info we still need. People can start sending me their cut and sizing info as well.

  8. Woah, I used to be #30, but now I"m #16. Did that many people drop out?

    March 1st can't get here fast enough!

    I think you were #30 on the "potential" list, but you committed before other people, therefore moved up on the "confirmed" list.

    Or I don't know what the fuck I am doing. Who knows

  9. Okay y'all. Here's the list of 30. If you see something that looks off, let me know. I think I took off everyone that said they were dropping out, but I may have missed something. I'll do a more thorough check of this again later tonight

    If I still need your contact info, your name is in bold

    1. Poly800rock

    2. Robotbox

    3. Crovax

    4. Aleopold

    5. Dawei94

    6. Grooveholmes

    7. Gold Soaked Afternoon

    8. smittybat

    9. Exit 40 MPH

    10. Cents or Non Cents

    11. theotherchrislewis

    12. Dawei69

    13. stresMaldo

    14. nietenhosen


    16. pgfpo

    17. Noodle36

    18. fobe46

    19. d4nvu

    20. Craig

    21. Festival

    22. blackmaged

    23. thesmokestack

    24. sbreslin

    25. heyzoh

    26. caid

    27. Kino

    28. Mdkt07

    29. Harry Hood

    30. Jackboot

  10. If everybody wants to pm me, or you can leave the specifics in this thread, and I can compile the list for Ande. Or I know robotbox and Poly were helping with the original list, let me know if this works?

    I don't think there's any need to PM stresMaldo, as that's just one more person to have to coordinate with. Thanks for the offer though stres!

    I got my computer back today, so I can start working on cleaning up the list to reflect recent drop-outs and additions. I've already collected names and emails for almost everyone on the list.

    What I'll probably do is post the list of 30 later tonight, and mark who is still missing email and name. Once that's up, people can begin PM'ing me their cut and size.

    Does this sound good? If I end up needing help, I'll let you know stres. there may be a better way of doing this I haven't considered

  11. I'm not sure that would be the best comparison, as the grifters sat much lower, on wider part of my body.

    I think really a 35 or 36 would be fine. The 36 would give me some room to tuck a shirt in, but I don't do that too often as it is. Maybe getting a 35 would give me extra motivation to lose some weight.

  12. Well started with the first scotch then the rest was a blur. After that, and now at home lamenting the fact that the enthusiasm had sort of waned from this thread. Mr. Lewis... that design for the tshirt you created was boss, I hope some of the other contest participants are as pumped as I am with it. I am waiting with almost unhealthy anticipation for the day AW post pics of his creation. I think we all will be flabbergasted...but even the most creative people require a muse occasionally. So in my scotch induced stupor I plead that we all continue the discourse. Maybe a few will be discouraged that their ideas didn't make it to the final design. Perhaps, the sharing of ideas will help fuel AW's creative juices. Maybe I should just stfu and go to bed??

    Nothing wrong with a little scotch-fueled discussion (though I prefer bourbon myself).

    I don't think enthusiasm has died, we're just in waiting mode now. At least I hope that's the case. The denim is ordered, Ande's fine-tuning the details, and hopefully soon we will have some definitive info. I don't think we need to throw out any more suggestions, as I think Ande has a pretty good idea as to where things are headed.

    I agree that the t-shirt is badass. I wish I had my screen printing stuff with me so I could help print the shirts.

    Sorry I haven't been as active lately, its taken much longer than expected to get my computer repaired. Hopefully I'll get it back tomorrow and all my files will be intact. If that's the case, I'll post an updated list.

    Currently I'm trying to decide on my sizing. My grifters were 36x34 and my slackers are 35x36. The slackers are super tight after a soak, but stretch out pretty much perfectly after a few wears. I'm planning on getting cougars for the contest, but I'm not sure if 36 waist in the cougars would seem too big compared to the slackers. I want more room, but I don't want them to seem over-sized either. I'm also trying to drop a few pounds, but I'm not sure it would really affect my waistline that much. I think I am leaning towards 36x34 and aiming for a single cuff. Thoughts?

  13. lame


    Pen leak? That doesn't look too bad. Did it leak through the denim too?

    I have a hole in my pocket bag. The chambray looks real nice, but it's not as durable as the canvas.

    I'm currently patching a small hole on the knee of my Slackers. It's taken me forever though because I can't sew for shit. I'll post a pic once I finish it (hopefully this weekend. Yeah, I'm that slow)

  14. Hey guys. Patchgate pt.2. I may have some old leather patches in storage somewhere, not sure how many...will dig around. I could send out a separate patch with the jeans depending on how many there are. May be best to just go with hidden rivets or x-bar tacks, all the other details are hidden...so with dark blue wings it will be a fairly regular low key looking jean.

    What a baller. Thanks Ande!!!

    I'm sure this will please those on the fence. Personally I can't wait for the hair-on-hide. And x-bar tacks would be killer!

  15. Maybe it would've been best to have the jeans first, then ask for commitments, but I wasn't really thinking that far ahead when I brought up the idea of a contest. Once people said they were interested, it just snowballed from there...

    It sucks people are dropping out, but I agree that it would make for a bad contest if we had people that weren't into the jeans participating.

    What really bothers me about people dropping out is that I specifically asked in the PM's I sent out whether people were willing to commit without knowing the details. I'm not trying to call anyone out here, but everyone must've known there was a possibility that there'd be something about the jeans that wasn't quite to their tastes. If you had faith in Ande to create a badass, unique pair of jeans, then you were right to commit. If you had an exact idea of what you wanted from this, it was probably best to hold off.

    But it's cool because in the end, everyone will be happy. Those who just want a normal pair of Ande's with unique denim will be able to pick up a kick-ass "Special Roll" pair and be completely satisfied. And those who want something truly unique, experimental, and show off Ande's skill will get a kick-ass contest pair. It's a win-win situation.

    Unfortunately last night my computer was sent to live on a farm upstate where it can run around and play with other computers. Once I get fully operational again, I'll make note of who is dropping out and who is committed. We don't have to worry about not reaching 30, as I'm fairly sure we have a good backlog of people interested.

    Also, I HOPE no one is in this who plans to be rotating five pairs. Maybe that's unrealistic, but god I hope thats not the case. These jeans are going to be fucking amazing, and deserve to be worn hard.

  16. I can't believe we are on the third page right now. What happened to all the enthusiasm?

    There's still lots of enthusiasm, but now it's just kind of a waiting game. The denim is ordered, details are coming together, list of 30 is fairly solid. We've filled up over 30 pages just gabbing about the possibilities.

    Pretty soon the jeans will be in our hands, and the real fun will begin

  17. is this what people usually do in contest threads? everyone seems to be trying to design the jeans for the designer? i know everyone's anxious, i guess, but some of this stuff is just fugly. the list of people is barely even set. why not let the guy do his thing and chill? if there's anyone that knows how to tastefully incorporate older design techniques into modern jeans, it's him.


    The list is actually pretty much set. We had 30 confirmed, one person has dropped now though. I think I'm going to wait until more info is confirmed before filling that one spot though.

  18. It seems a lot of people liked that #2 denim, so maybe we should jump on it before it's too late.

    I'm probably going cougar. I'm worried my ass would be too big for grifters and I don't like the look of slackers (to me it looks like people are wearing a diaper).

    Slackers only look like that if you sag them. They are basically just Grifters with a higher rise. So you can either sag them or pull them up and have a slightly higher rise. If you have bigger/muscular legs and butt and still want a slim fit, the slacker fits perfect.

    My first pair of Ande's were Grifters, and while I loved them, I always felt like they were gonna fall down due to the low rise. Now I wear slackers, same fit, but they make it over my ass.

    I'm gonna give Cougars a try this time. The way I'm built, Grifters and Slacker look almost like Rakers on a skinnier person. I'm looking forward to a little more room in the top block.

    What I can't decide on is inseam....

    PS - We've hit 30 people! Don't get too bummed if you aren't on the list, as some people may still flake. I'll post the list on here in a bit. But FYI, if you were waiting for details before committing (only a few people) you don't have a spot at the moment. Sorry!

  19. I really dig the hair on hide, but I can understand why some people may not. I don't think anyone should leave the contest over it though. The patch is usually hidden under belt, shirt, etc...

    I think we'll all just have to agree to disagree, and see what Ande wants to do.

  20. ^I'm with chrisb to be honest, kind of wanted a more traditional, subtle pair of jeans, with some cool shit denim

    I REALLY hope I don't come off as a dick in saying this, but if that's the case, why don't you just buy a special roll pair when they are available? I think the point of the contest jeans is to be a little wild, untraditional.

    I def want you to be in the contest, but regular Andes with special denim are going to exist

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