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Posts posted by roy6

  1. That looks absolutely fantastic. What's the retail?

    I would bet the Dry Clean warning is due to the shrinkage differential between the two main fabrics.

    $230 (£140).

    I am guessing that is the reason for no dry cleaning, but I'll have to hope a gentle hand wash gets it. Must be sanforized, no? Can't see them releasing it with raw denim/canvas without the tags mentioning it...

  2. Yeah, there's a whole size difference between my Eaton and Stow, which are essentially the same boot apart from the brogueing (Eaton being a different name for a semi-brogue Stow). If the boots are a 6 width, you could probably get away with dropping a further half size, unless you're planning on wearing them with chunky socks.

    For the attention of roy6:


    I thought I was special, but you're spreading your wares out for all of the boys.


    You mght as well put up that pic of the Veldtschoen construction boot collection, then.

  3. Absolutely perfect! If Levis had some marketing material with a model wearing a proper fitting pair like yours, they'd have sold a helluva lot more of those jeans. And the hunting vest works as a work garment in those photos with your Roys (which are looking dominant).


    The vest also has these in the lower pocket:


    What did you say these should be called? Bullet Holes? Slug Slots?

  4. Saw all of the new Filson x Levi's today- all of the pieces are excellent. The tin/shelter cloth western shirt is particularly nice, but the Upland Hunting Vest is a wet dream:





    Funny, the care tag says "Dry Clean Only". Workwear that needs to be dry-cleaned? Not going to happen.

  5. Just got my 'Loons back from the tailor. Thanks to setterman and airfrogUSMC for helping me out with these. I had the inseam shortened so as to wear them without a cuff (per setterman's suggestion) and indeed to me they look much better now. Also had the flimsy and already bent LVC buckle replaced with a River Junction one that airfrog was nice enough to send me. Thanks again afUSMC.

    You guys make a great team! If only we could get the Arabs and Israelis to start giving fashion advice I'm sure everything could be worked out.



    In honor of setterman's victory:


    The 'Loons with the new Filson x Levi's hunting vest, for an archaic denim shooting outfit. Too ridiculous to wear as a combo, even for me.

  6. ^Supposed to be a bargain? The LVC store & most places in the US have them for $250.

    BTW- didn't they try to bump the price for raw 501s up to over $300 at some point? Has LVC actually made an overall price reduction for their jeans?

  7. I've been looking at that eleven sale- can't figure out if those 'crinkle wash' models are washed 'rough rinse' models? The price seems to suggest so.

    What exactly is the deal with the rough rinses again? Not made in USA and non-cone denim? As if LVC needed to confuse anything further than with their erratic sizing and obscure wash names. Now every time I look at newish LVC 501s on ebay I'm wondering if they could be rough rinse models.

  8. does it have the cellastic toe? I wonder if they make one without cellastic toe, I guess if you put cap toe on, it should be stiff enough..

    It does have the cellastic toe.

    Hey Roy6, where did you get those shoestrings?

    Kinda reminds me of the ones on my Ironrangers.

    I dig it!

    You know, I don't remember where they came from. They were laying around the closet- quite possibly they did come from some Redwing or another.

    Cheers, what are you using to impregnate the leather?

    An organic, protein rich leather conditioner.

  9. Hey, can anyone here point me towards a good source for a replacement buckle for my 37's? Mine is falling apart and I've gotten really used to using the cinch to hold my jeans up!


    River Junction.

    airforgUSMC sent me a replacement buckle from them for a pair of jeans (tailor has them now) and they look great and seem a lot more durable than the crappy one that comes on most LVC.

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