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Posts posted by bocaburgler

  1. The only gripe with APC jeans is that they are catered towards people with NO ASS. no offense.

    I think it's just how people wear them. I wear them snug with no sagging at all, and it compliments my rear nicely

  2. I also just want to add, that I really hated the fit of my NS when I first got them. I mean, I thought the hype was a hoax, but really, now that they are mostly broke in, there is very few things i'd change. the fit is great, and totally comfortable. Glad I put in the time so far

  3. I don't know where the confusion lies with apc being an easy fade jean. Most pictures here show slightly above average fades at 6 months. I've had my NS for about 3 months everyday wear, and the fades are just now starting...

  4. I think the difference is whether you're going to save up and get 300 dollar quality raw denim , or you're gonna settle for 150 dollar quick fading, quick disposal jeans..

    Go look at the PBJ thread. Those fade noticeably in about a month. And those aren't quick disposal. Apc's don't start getting good fades till 6 months, and plenty of people keep their apc's for up to two years. 150 dollars for, let's say, 18 months wear...? seems like a smart buy to me

  5. Cut the kid some fucking slack. Quit being internet bullies and just answer the question. There is very little info on naked and famous here, so I think this thread is decent in finding out more about NF, like the OP is.

    Anyhow, I've tried on NF, and the denim feels like it could tear within a week of wearing. I personally felt like it was very cheapley made, and extremely light weight.

    I own a pair of APC's and the denim feels far more durable and better in overall quality.

    Actually Zubin, from all the threads i've read, I seem to notice PBJ and Samuri's fade much faster and more noticeably than APC's do, so you can't take price into account.

  6. In all honesty, I don't really think I like APC's fit, I've just grown to tollerate it. The nut hugging experience of this jeans are total bs

  7. This isn't my style at all, but actually, I am more impressed with this collection than anything i've seen from owens, julius or diet butcher. I think his aesthetic is similar to some of those guys, but I really doubt anyone would go through that much effort to duplicate another designers collection. I really doubt that's why he's in the business. Also, I don't think the fact that he's new to the designer world, Odyn should'nt compromise his prices if the fit, design, and fabrics are actually of superior quality, and exlusive. I mean, that's the only reason I fork over good dough, is to know that I'm buying something that's worth the price, not just that it's a "name" that indicates status. Whatever the case is, the models all look extremely well fitted. I think Odyn Vovk will make it

  8. more or less of a taper than the apc's? I think i'm gunna order a pair, the quality looks fantastic.

    would you say you're satisfied with the jean fit and quality overall?

  9. so how would people describe this fit? It looks good in pictures, but what can it be compared to? How high is the waist? comparable to a levi 514? I really want to buy a pair of these jeans

  10. agreed on whoever said this was like an expensive GAP. I love alot of APC pieces, but it is just getting super watered down and not worth the dough. I want the tennis court shoes though, they look really nice

  11. I understand that this is a denim junky webboard, but seriously I think people are too deliberate, and put too much thought into the whole fading process. I guess for me it's a suprise, and a bonus. I just wear them like hell and see what happens.

  12. I don't find most of Gellers clothing appealing, but I am strangley attracted to the way he presents himself. his name, how he looks, how he was a photographer first, how he seems genuine and friendly. I want to buy his stuff

  13. where can I buy the slim straight unwash online? I'm not even sure of the style name, but it's not the autobahn. It's just slim straight with a med rise

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