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Posts posted by OMEGA JELLY JIGGLE

  1. NAH boi u don't even get it.

    what the fuck you know about the clipse?

    nah man, not even dissin on the clipse. he just dun overlooked the CYNE when he run over a sentence like that then jump to something else

    did you dl water for mars yet?

    whoop whoop u-god dopium

  2. 52612976_07243fbb28.jpg

    where to cop?

    fucking delicious shit. my auntie provies a couple loaves when she goes to frisco. there's like a couple of bakeries. diamonds you want to look for concentrations of Chinese people. places like San Fran and Irvine have bakeries for all of this shit because of the mass Chinese there

  3. My APC's waistband button is fading away to show the bronze under the nickel, it's pretty nice. The fade is complete, 3 years later.

    you seriously wore for 3 year? wtf superdenim need you

    ^^ whoa. looks like a ufo pick-up sight .. kinda reminds me of the movie SIGNS or somthin.

    I thought the same shit. also reminds me of movies with like huge secret communities and shit like children of the corn or wicker man

  4. "i stick my dick in the ground, and the turn the whole world around"

    haha. there's a track off Talib's Eternal Reflection where Hi-Tek is like

    "even if you pulled me down to the ground and stuck a dick in my ear, you couldn't fuck with my sound":confused::confused:

    something like that

    had me rewinding and shit

  5. yea thats what i was thinking since sac is usually hotter. either way enjoy the nice weather. its windy here

    ayo wtf been up with sac weather?? fucking lightning storms and shit kept me up all night with mega thunder

    today was hot as fuck

    not looking forward to summer as much as I thought I would:(


    that song with beans.

    damn son damn.

    this is hella fucked up

    most of my cd's as a kid were parental advisory since my sister basically bought them, ripped them, then gave them to me

    by the 2nd grade I knew all the words to almost every single song off "Word of Mouf" by Luda. This would later get me suspended from school since I told a girl to "move bitch get out the way" and then I told some guy to lick the royal penis or something

    I also knew all the words to the "E" album from em

  7. 我隻氣墊船裝滿晒鱔 .



    I'm watching the most screwed up kids show! Two twelve year olds had to go up in fighter jets and 'kill each other' and one got airsick and lost the $15,000 scholarship.

    The winner got the money and a bunch of vacations and the loser got a watch.

    what name of show

    this is some

    jmat/djrajio cruelness level shit

  8. New Cyne - Water for Mars is pretty good


    you 2 different people that each get 1 sentence in a post?

    this some ignoramus shit. if water for mars is pretty good, then the clipse album should be your drink coaster's coaster

    sup sayword, wasn't even up on that stay paid tip:rolleyes:

  9. green ranger was the shit.

    that gold armor he had was bad ass.

    the rest of the rangers looked like toys when he was around.

    aite so what the hell was up with him anyways? like he showed up a couple of times and he got his own bigass zord and shit. everyone else was fucking novice compared to him

    I only remember them

    red: white guy

    blue: black guy, white guy with black hair

    yellow: black girl or asian girl

    green: guy also = white??

    black: azn guy??mixed??

  10. you talking about those kswiss joints right? thought you had copped

    but yeah, I have a pair that I am looking to sell, size uk 10 though

    get at me if that's your size, because I have a friend coming in town this weekend that wants them

  11. fckin facebook quizs be cluttering my main page.

    yeah holy shit. that "how well do you know _____" thing just like blew up and getting like 3098057289437590824543 notifications and shit

    fuck compare people too. I don't need a notification every 2 minutes on "someone has just compared you"

  12. ^AARP requirement?
    because you're old as fuck..young people, today, are shaping our world more than you old bastards. you just think that because you wear dior and use the internet you're not as bitchy as all of the other old fuckers that think kids with their baggy jeans and rap music are going to bring the end to our world. shrivel up already. oh wait!! (snap!)

    2 minutes and 49 seconds after:

    im sorry, that im not sorry, that i read your post sonic and immediately had to reply. i mean, you'll die sooner than later at this point. i guess when that time comes you'll have long given up trying to combat the logic of our 20-30 somethings on the internet. so you might as well quit now while you're somewhat, not ahead, at all.


    everyone is cold as shit to svd

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